

"Persona!" I bellowed as my blade impaled my body, compelling Hayato to scream out to me. "Miles!" he called out, taking a step forward before hesitating and coming to a complete stop.

As blood dripped from my body and blade, I stumbled backward a few steps, continuing to screech in agony as I felt the hot metal of my katana piercing my insides. The pain was so excruciating, I could barely stand on my own two feet. However, once I gained my footing, I could feel a deranged smile on my face as I looked down at my own pool of blood, seeing the reflection of myself with glowing yellow eyes.

"RAAAH!" I let out one final roar as I pulled the blade from inside me, spewing blood in all directions as an intense wind pressure was cast from my body. The pressure was so potent, Haya could barely stand up straight, covering his face and sliding backward as if he were caught in a hurricane.

Meanwhile, my own blood started to take the form of a samurai with armor made completely of light. Instead of katanas, he held two laser swords and the design of his armor seemed futuristic rather than historically accurate. The armor almost looked mechanical, as if the samurai were a machine made of light.

As the samurai took form, he once again spoke.

"I am thou, thou art I.

Thou hast release me from the confines of thy mind.

I am the Blade of Light...


Just as Yoshimitsu spoke his name to me, that spider-like creature with an old-fashioned computer monitor for a head started sprinting at me at full speed. At this point in time, I was completely frozen. Though I held a weapon in my hand, my body did not move an inch.

However, as if Yoshimitsu and I were linked via our minds, the samurai of light lept in front of me and blocked the spider from attacking me before raising his sword high in the air. The spider barely touched my face, leaving a small cut as Yoshimitsu held it down. With one slash of his sword, Yoshimitsu sent a slash of light through the monster. The light moved so fast, I couldn't even see it moving, there was just a bright flash, and it was gone.

The spider-like creature then stopped in its tracks, trembling in place before it began splitting in two, its left side slowly sliding onto the ground. Instead of a corpse being left behind, the body evaporated into ones and zeroes, leaving behind nothing but a small disk-looking object on the ground in front of me.

Once the big one died, it seemed that all of the smaller ones had finally made their way to the top of the roof. The ones that chased us to the roof blasted through the door behind us, and suddenly we were surrounded.

At this moment, I could see Yoshimitsu in front of me, holding his sword high in the air whilst generating light energy at the blade's tip. As he did so, I fell to my knees and began to scream. My head felt like it was about to explode and implode at the same time.

I could then hear voices, ones that I could not recognize, echoing through my skull. As the voices echoed, I could see Yoshimitsu's light growing brighter by the second until there was a massive ball of energy high above him.

The zombie-like creatures wearing VR headsets then ignored me and my roommate and started heading straight for Yoshimitsu. They began to dogpile him, spilling over each other as they climbed his body, covering his legs completely before his chest was then covered as well.

Like ants covering their food, the creatures continued to climb him until the only thing seen was his sword emitting light. Suddenly, the light flashed, completely blinding me and anyone else in the area.

I could feel his light's warmth before suddenly, I found myself back in my room, waking up in a cold sweat.

I glanced over at the clock, which said it was Monday, March 1st.

'What the hell?' I thought to myself, I then exhaled, realizing that yet again I was having an intense dream. "Haya, you here?" I called out to my roommate but got no response. I then crawled out of bed and looked over at the top bunk to see he was gone. 'I guess he has an early class.' I thought, backing up a couple of steps until I could feel my back hit something... or rather someone.

I turned around to see the two twin nurses, wearing their blue, sexy nurse gowns with smiles on their faces. I jumped, which prompted the two of them to giggle, though Shelley seemed to find it funnier than Mary. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Shelley teased, which then led her sister to cover her mouth and laugh in her own hand.

"Is this real life or... Is this a dream?" I asked them, wondering if it was one of those femdom types of dreams. If so, I was ready to submit.

"This is reality. Our master has sent us to fetch you. He would like a word." Mary told me before waving her hand, creating a blue door behind her. "After you, Miles." she said, flourishing her hand toward the door, as did her sister.

With my hands in my pockets, I walked through the door and found myself lying on the hospital bed inside the Velvet Room once more. "Huh? I'm still attached?" I said, trying to get up from the bed, but I was not only attached to IVs but my arms and wrists were pinned to the bed as well.

Igor, the man with the big nose, laughed. "That is because you have yet to be mended. Until then, you will remain bound."

"What does that even mean?" I asked, though he and the two girls did nothing but laugh at my question. "In good time you will understand... I see you have finally awakened to your Persona."

"Persona?" I asked him. The name seemed familiar, but I had no recollection of what this Persona thing was at the time. Of course, Persona was a major part of my past, but I still had fragmented memories at this point.

"Yes... One's Persona is their other self, or even their true self. It seems you've awakened to the Persona named Yoshimitsu. Your Persona is a great power, however, this power can only grow with bonds." Igor informed me, which sounded like nothing more than a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me.

"Bonds? Like making friends?" I asked him.

"Not all friendships can be considered as such. As time goes on, many friends come and go, as do their memories. However, those who stick with you for all eternity are the bonds I am speaking of. These bonds, bonds forged with those who are unwilling to conform to man or machine, will help you grow more powerful over time."

"He means that Personas are strengthened by the heart." Mary simplified. "The more bonds in your heart, the more powerful your Persona."

"Make close relationships. Get more power." Shelley dumbed it down even further.

"Yes." Mary added. "These relationships are called Confidants, each one corresponding to an arcana. It would appear that you have already formed a bond with someone of the Magician arcana, correct?"

"I- I think so?" I told her, remembering when my vision darkened and I saw those numbers and nonsensical words.

"Good." Mary said with a nod. I could hear Igor laughing in the background before he too spoke.

"Well then, continue connecting with others. Only then will you find yourself strong enough to fight against autarchy." After he spoke, my vision darkened, and I could hear the twins speaking despite time being frozen around me.

[Thou art I...

And I am thou...

Thou hast acquired a new vow.

It shall lead the path to volition;

away from conformity.

The Fool arcana shall guide thee as a new bond hast been forged.

Confidant: Chief Physician

Arcana: Fool

Rank: 1/10]

[NEW Ability: Allows you to negotiate with Shadows.]

[You have unlocked the Fool confidant!]

Time then resumed and Shelley started to explain to me once more. "People you have formed bonds with will give you special Confidant Abilities, perfect for killing Shadows! The more you guys trust each other, the higher the rank. The higher the rank, the more abilities you unlock."

"What?" There was so much information being thrown at me, I was starting to get lost. It may seem simple now, but when your brain is pulsating and you can't remember anything about your life, it's pretty easy to get confused.

"You will understand with time. Goodbye, Miles."

"Goodbye." Mary added, waving at me gently.

"See ya." Shelley muttered, crossing her arms.

My vision then flashed and I found myself inside my dorm room once again. "Am I losing my mind?" I thought to myself as I walked toward the bathroom to wash my face thinking maybe some cold water could wake me up.

However, as I approached the mirror, I saw something on my face that confirmed that everything that happened was real. On my face, there was a cut on my cheek, the same cut I got from the battle during Heimday.

With wide eyes, I stared at myself, wondering what the hell was I going to do next.