
Perfect Villain husband

Waking up in an unknown room and knowing that you are in a novel Alan was shocked. He also was threatened by one of the heroine in novel to act as her boyfriend. Knowing that you are going to hunted by the protagonist in novel if he agrees to heroine's request Alan was tangled in a life and death situation, but all worries was pulled out by arrival of system and many SSS-Level talents. [Congratulations on getting SSS-Level talent Space controller, Legendary thief and SS-Level talents.......]

Febin_Binu · Otras
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33 Chs

The first encounter

Where am I? What am I doing here? This is the first thought came to my mind when I opened my eyes.

My name is Alan I am 25 year old and I was currently looking for job. When I slept and woke up I came into an unfamiliar room.Looking around at the room which is decorated with ancient designs and painting I know that I am not kidnapped or it some TV program.

As I was thinking suddenly door was opened I saw a beautiful women dressed in an ancient costume. Suddenly I felt a faint pain on my neck."Who are you how did you get in my room?" The women asked. I was stunned and sweat ran through my forehead.

Alan adjusted his voice and asked "are you an actress does filming use real swords nowadays and I tell you imprisonment of a person for shows is illegal if I make a complaint you and your team will go to to jail".

Hearing this the women showed a puzzled expression as if she doesn't understood and looked up and down alan and asked "are you a thief"?

This question made Alan talk more madly and said "now are you going to accuse me now alright enough of this nonsense I am going pull back this knife from my neck"

The women said" your body doesn't look like a person who trains and you are too weak so I assume that you are a thief you are so daring to steal from palace "saying this she placed the knife closer to Alan's neck.

Alan thought that the other party is in his role mood will she really chop my head. After a thought Alan said "okay I will play role as a thief if you give me enough money"

The women had an expression of thinking and after a while she said "can you do anything for money"

Alan had a dazed expression and said that" I a can act anything that doesn't involve any illegal works."

The women pulled away the knife and said"my name is Alice from today onwards you will act as my husband."

Alan was startled by Alice words and thought isn't she the heroine of the show doesn't that make me the hero I haven't even acted in my school then why do they take me as an actor, maybe this is a male abusing show although it is embarrassing as long as enough money is made from this show maybe I can live a nice life.

Suddenly intercepting Alan's thought's a sound rang in his head [Ding:It is detected that host is going to marry the heroine and is binded by "Perfect Image husband system"]