
Perfect Villain husband

Waking up in an unknown room and knowing that you are in a novel Alan was shocked. He also was threatened by one of the heroine in novel to act as her boyfriend. Knowing that you are going to hunted by the protagonist in novel if he agrees to heroine's request Alan was tangled in a life and death situation, but all worries was pulled out by arrival of system and many SSS-Level talents. [Congratulations on getting SSS-Level talent Space controller, Legendary thief and SS-Level talents.......]

Febin_Binu · Otras
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33 Chs

Rule level ability

[Ding : The star levels are being extracted....] are being extracted....]

Suddenly Alan's body became more firm and perfect also his face began to adjust evolving into perfect shape his body began exclude a special charm and he felt as if he is filled with limitless energy that can never be finished.

[Ding : Congratulations Host for reaching platinum initial star level]

Is this platinum level I can now understand the difference between each in this realm I can fully play my talent to an extraordinary level. System why does I exclude such a charm does it has anything to do with my talent.

[Ding : Yes host Talent awaken fully at platinum level and humans reach there perfect evolution at this level so it is impossible for anyone to reach this level without at least S-Level talent that's why there are few platinum level in each kingdom, those who reach platinum level is genius among genius and the reason for host's charm is due to S-Level talent Noble waste]

Is that so, also system you don't have to say Noble waste everytime just say S-Level talent from now on.

[Ding : Yes host]

Alan also felt the extraordinary platinum level, at first he couldn't control his powers because of his sudden increase in strength but after reaching platinum level he can control every cell in his body. He also felt as if the space around him could be teared open by just waving his hands.

[Ding : Host SSS-Level talents when awakened fully at platinum level they will evolve towards rule level abilities ]

Hearing what said by the system he was really shocked that us rule level ability. If a person really masters a rule level ability he is said to be god and what Alan mastered is one of the top space ability, if he fully masters space he can said to top powerhouse in this world. So he asked system about his current combat power system's answer made him shocked.

[Ding : Host's current combat power is platinum peak]