
Perfect Villain husband

Waking up in an unknown room and knowing that you are in a novel Alan was shocked. He also was threatened by one of the heroine in novel to act as her boyfriend. Knowing that you are going to hunted by the protagonist in novel if he agrees to heroine's request Alan was tangled in a life and death situation, but all worries was pulled out by arrival of system and many SSS-Level talents. [Congratulations on getting SSS-Level talent Space controller, Legendary thief and SS-Level talents.......]

Febin_Binu · Otras
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33 Chs

Legendary Thief

After hearing queen statement both of them went downstairs everyone went behind them. Bruce and Kevin stand opposite in a stance to fight.

At this time Alan asked system about their data it is as shown

[Name : Kevin

Star level : Silver mid

Talent : Kendo Genius(S) : You are a kendo genius all martial art related to kendo will be easy for you to comprehend and the power of your kendo is increased by 50%

Note : Go boy go and swing your sword]

[Name : Bruce

Star level : Silver mid

Talent : Infinite extraction(SSS) : All talents can be extracted after its owners death permanently stored.

Note : Is this really SSS-Level talent isn't this outrageous.

Tech genius (S), Flame king (S), Fighting genius(S),Shadow walk (A), Beast body (A),

Sweet talk(B), Mechanical modifier(B)]

After seeing Bruce panel he felt as if his talent was not fragrant because he knew that everyone can only awaken only one talent but protagonist has many talents because of his talent and there are actually 3 S-Level ability.

But although he is jealous of protagonist talent but he also have a bug level talent that is legendary thief which can steal anything this includes talent although he couldn't directly steal Bruce's SSS-Level ability because of protection of luck but he can steal other talents thinking about this he couldn't help but but giggle seeing him giggling Alice said in her heart although he is handsome he really have some problems in his head. Alan was not observing surroundings and said in his heart system steal Bruce talent.

[Ding : Congratulations host for acquiring talents Tech genius(S), Flame king(S), Fighting genius(S), Shadow walk(A), Beast body(A), Sweet talk(B), Mechanical modifier(B)]

Alan felt his body has got a little stronger and extra flame ability in his body. Don't laugh at the body got because after reaching platinum star level every improvement need great energy.