
Our Love

I turned around to face Nick and kissed him on the lips. He felt warm and safe. He also tasted honey and something that I couldn't put my finger on. Backing away from the kiss, Nick lifted me off the ground and carried me to the room. That night was the longest, most beautiful time of my life, but I'm not going to tell you what happened.

I felt sore and exhausted that following day, slipping out of the sheets. My bare body shone in the faint light coming from cracks in the curtains. Stumbling into the bathroom, I touched one of the hickeys I had gotten last night, making me blush in a pink hue. Patting my cheeks, I stepped into the shower rinsing off the smell of us from just a few hours ago. Smelling fresh once more, I slipped on a robe and stepped out of the bathroom. My hair clung to my shoulders and dripped over the robe. Looking at the bed, Nick was sound asleep and slightly snoring, making me giggle at how adorable he seemed with his hair a ruffled mess. At the same time, a blanket covered his nakedness. Walking around the room, I grabbed all the clothes tossed around while we made love. With them picked up and put into the hamper, I reached into the closet and grabbed a pair of fuzzy pink pants and a pair of socks, and a black long sleeve v neck shirt. Slipping those on, I felt comfortable and warm. Feeling the need to cook Nick breakfast, I headed to the kitchen. I made pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon in the kitchen. It didn't take long for Nick to wake up and smell breakfast. Brewing the coffee, I felt as if this was one of the best mornings ever. Waking up to Nick lying next to me in the morning, not having him get ready for work and leave as soon as he gets up this was the best. Turning around, I saw nick still naked, standing before me horny and with a growling stomach. When his stomach released a ferocious rumble, I laughed and said, "Get some pants on." Not caring that I told him to put on clothes, Nick wrapped his arms around me, pressing his erection to my back. Turning bright red, Nick started to trail kisses down the back of my neck. Lifting me, Nick carried me back into the bedroom for another round.

I stared up at the ceiling feeling Nick's head resting against my bare chest. I felt exposed, imperfect but loved. I don't care what others say about us; I love him, and he loves me. Kissing his forehead, I slid out from underneath him. Arriving in the kitchen, I saw the mess that was inevitably never eaten. Grabbing some bacon sausage and multiple pancakes, I grabbed a single plate and heated them in the microwave. What can I say I was hungry. Watching the food turn in circles made me even hungrier so I started to eat slices of cold bacon not caring about the texture when bacon is cold.

Honestly though I don't suggest eating cold bacon that didn't get most of the greese patted out it tastes like cold greese and rubber. It's not a good combination. With a ding I knew that the microwave was done heating the food. Feeling starved I grabbed the hot plate from the microwave and started to eat not bothering to add any toppings for the pancakes. While eating my stomach relased a low growl making me aware of the fact that I am still hungry. In the end I wound up eating all the food which I made in tens so I had eaten ten pancakes, ten sausages, and ten slices of bacon. Though I could do with more bacon bacon is an all day thing I believe. Though I do have to loose more weight and keep my weight the same for the wedding. God, I want more food I'm practically crying over the fact that I am still hungry. I want more food with a rumble in my stomach I walked away after slipping all the dishes in the sink. With that, I turned on the TV and began to watch supernatural even though it gives me so many jump scares it is still a show with depth.

Thinking of all that food made me hungry now I want to eat. Anyways thank your for reading this far time for shout outs.


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