
chapter 1

*This is a rewrite of the show, script doesn't belong to me but all explanation and writing does. Basically a place to read the show*

"Look, I didn't want to be a Half-Blood."

"Being a Half-Blood is dangerous. It's scary."

"Most of the time it gets you killed, in painful, nasty ways."

"If you think you might be one of us, my advice is...turn away while you still can, because once you know what you are... they'll sense it too, and they'll come for you."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."




'My name is Percy Jackson, am I a troubled kid?'

'Yeah, you could say that.'

'Bad grade, bullies, all the normal stuff.'

'And then there's some other stuff. Some stuff that's...maybe not so normal.'

'That's me, back in second grade. Why was I up there? I saw something.'

'At least...I could have sworn I saw something.'

'When you say you saw something like that, you wind up in this guy's office. Good news, he's saying there's nothing to worry about.'

'It's all in my imagination. But if it happens again, make sure to tell someone.'

'It happened again.'

'These impossible things that felt like they walked right out of the stories my mom always told me. So real one minute, and then the next...'

'Hey, fellas, wanna come hear about the imaginary stuff I see? It's not a thing you wanna be saying, to anyone, so I didn't.'

'Then...something changed.'

'I met Grover.'

'we had a lot in common. And not just because we were both at the bottom of the food chain. And you know what? It felt good to talk about these things with Grover. I could almost believe they were imaginary. Weird, but harmless.'

'until the day that changed, too.'

'until the day one of them decided to come for me.'


So, after all the bullying and the getting pushed around by their classmates, Percy and Grover ended up at The Met, for once Percy could almost forget about the expulsions from his previous schools, the way he had to speak to professionals who told him that the things he saw were all in his imagination, even after seeing the Pegasus and the Colchis Bull with his own eyes, the way that he had no friends beside Grover who was bullied seemingly more than him, and surprisingly too, after all the trouble and hard work he could almost forget.


Why there were on a school field trip, he couldn't understand, it just seemed like more chance for something to happen, an easier target for the bullies to well...bully. especially with less teachers and no help from the school counsellors, not that they had any clue about that sort of thing anyway. But Percy was glad to he here in a way, he felt close to his mom, see this wasn't the first time he'd visited a museum like this.

They stood in The Met, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, more specifically the class had been lead into the museum's Greek and Roman galleries. It was a busy day in New York, at least outside the museum, people filing in and out, no one getting drunk from the food truck outside which sold coke drinks and a New York style hot dog, all for $1, he guessed that people were more interested in the stories inside.

Percy was staring at a statue, it loomed over him, it was a fine piece of art indeed, though he knew nothing like that existed, not in the real world, nevermind how much the statue seemed to resemble a real guy, well God. The curly hair, the detail added to the beard which looked like depicted art of waves rolling through the sea, even the sharp collarbone on the statue and the veins carved finely into the statues muscles, someone back in the day must have had a very wild imagination, more so than his own.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by his teacher. "What you see here, they are not fictions. They are not fantasies." Mr Brunner apparently believed in this kind of stuff, or he certainly seemed to with how he spoke about them. "What you see here are the truest and deepest parts of yourselves. Friends...the gods...the monsters, the heroes you see here in this room...are reminders of what we are capable of." Percy smiled a little on the word heroes, but there weren't any heroes, not anymore, just real people with real lives, same old boring New York. He stood with his clipboard in his hand, his blonde curly hair set around his face, he was dressed in the school uniform everyone else was, light blue shirt with a dark blue jumper, though even in his outfit he still looked like a nerd. He admired the way Mr Brunner spoke, he was really good at story telling, but that's all they were, stories, Percy's eyes landed on his teacher, despite his physical challenges of being in a wheelchair, Mr Brunner still delivered.

"Now, on your worksheets, I want you to choose one of the subjects you see here and describe it." Mr Brunner told them all, with that, pencil in hand, Percy looked down at the said worksheet and blinked a few times. His vision became fuzzy in a way. He'd already filled his name in at the top of the sheet, hell though, he certainly wasn't going to fill in the teachers name, today's date and the submission date, it was almost as if the teachers forgot he had ADHD and dyslexia. His eyes scanned over the page, his lips pressing together in a thin line as he tried to read the words on the page, which should have been rather simple,

'Today's assignment is to study each of the statues in the greek collection. You are to answer the questions listed below and complete a sketch of the statue in the box provided. This is to help you study the statue in greater detail. This assignment is worth 20% of your final History grade.'

'1. Choose a statue that speaks to you...'

'2. How do you relate....'

But hey, who could be bothered even trying to make sense of the marks on the page. As easy as it should have been to read, Percy just couldn't, no matter how hard he tried, the letters were constantly changing order, never stopping, as though the page was alive. He sighed a little and looked back up to Mr Brunner as he kept speaking. "Not just how it looks...but how it makes you feel." The dark skinned man said, never mind how the statues made him feel, Mr Brunner's voice alone seemed to be boring the whole class, though Mr Brunner had each and every one of their attention, his students knew better than that. "Hmm? Okay, come on." He clapped his hands and the others washed no time in dispersing, clipboards held to their chests as they found somewhere else to go.

Percy wasn't that interested, not really, he turned to his right a little seeing Grover and felt a quick tap to his elbow before his best friend walked off. He himself turned around, he looked at the tall statue in front of him, pencil still posed against the paper as if he was going to attempt writing. The statue was pale, almost white, not like some of the others that seemed to be finished off with a bronze glaze that seemed to make them shimmer and shine. The statue wore a hat of sorts, covering the curly hair, on the stone hat on either side of it were a pair of wings, the most disturbing thing though seemed to be that the state held another statue's decapitated head in it's fist. Percy admired the statue for a minute before he turned his attention to the worksheet, he had to try, he couldn't afford not to do the work. He blinked at the page, clipboard supported by his arm and pressed the tip of the pencil to the paper, though he just blinked, he couldn't make sense of the black smudges on the paper. It got him thinking to the time he'd visited with his mother. He looked back up at the statue to stare at it.

"What do you see?" Sally had asked him all those years ago.

"Perseus..." Young Percy had responded.

Percy has stood in front of the statue, the very same one, he was younger then, holding his mother's hand, a small smile on his face and his hair still a mess. "That's me." He said, his lips pressing together as he stared up at the statue with his bright blue eyes. "Mm-hmm." His mother responded softly. "that's who you're named after." She told him. Percy took a moment to process the information, his head tilted a little. "Is that why you named me after him?" He inquired, he turned his head to the side, a big smile there and looked up at his mother. "Because he was a hero?" He asked, he couldn't help but contain the excitement he had in his voice, especially on the word hero.

Sally's voice was almost amused, she turned to look down at him "What makes you think he was a hero?" She asked him. Percy pulled his head back a little, he tilted his head to the side slightly before he turned to look up at the statue, what sort of question was that. "Because he kills monsters." He responded. "And what makes you think that she was a monster?" She asked him softly, turning to look at the statue, the same one, the man holding the head, a sword held proudly by his side, his toned body and winged hat, a cape draped over the arm he held up with the head, it really was a magnificent piece. "Mom..." Percy said in a matter of fact statement, he looked up at her. Sally's mouth opened a little and her eyes closed, she then turned to face her son who was gazing up at her.

"Not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero, and not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster."

Percy turned to look back at the statue, he was slightly confused, he heard his mother inhale deeply beside him as she continued to explain what she meant. "I named you after him because when he was a very little boy, he and his mother were placed in a wooden chest and cast out into the sea by a very angry king." She told him, Percy had missed the way that his mother had looked at him briefly, though his attention soon snapped back to her hearing the beginning of a great story, especially when she talked about him and his mother being cast out. His mother's eyes widened a little as they both turned to look at one another, the young boys lips had parted slightly, he was already gripped into the story. "Alone, afraid. And at night, his mother would whisper in his ear..." She paused a moment, leaning down to get closer to Percy and whispered.

"Hold fast, Perseus." She took a quick glance around and smiled at him, exaggerating her facial expressions seeing how he payed attention to every single detail. "Brave the storm that was made to break us for we are unbreakable." On the last word she squeezed his hand a little, tugging it gently in hers. "as long as we have each other." She whispered, to which Percy smiled and gave a single nod to his mother, a small smil playing in the corner of his lips. "And against all odds." She sighed standing back up and speaking softly once again. "He managed to find his way to a happy ending." Sally had a distant look as she talked, her eyes slightly glazed over with the beginning of tears, she looked up at the statue and nodded, seeing her son shift beside him she turned to look at him, she glanced around and looked down. "Percy?"