
Percy Jackson: The God of Magic

One moment I was dying on a really uncomfortable hospital bed and the next... well, I’m alive... though this time, I'm not even human anymore... but who cares. If you want to read ahead! https://w w w.patreón.com/cornbringer

CORNBRINGER · Derivados de obras
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176 Chs

Chapter 60

If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Currently on chapter: 79 on Patreön...

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Here it is, the first chapter of the double release of the day.


Weeks passed and the monsters that had infiltrated the school had done nothing, way to waste three fucking months by keeping an eye on them, well… I suppose they had been doing something, bullying kids and shit… but nothing worth of me interfering, Tyson was their primary target, they would bully the kid mostly because he would never fight back.

But, I suppose in a way I did learn what they wanted from the school not that they had many things here to look for… anywho… they wanted to kill Percy, but so far they hadn't had the chance to act but I knew they wanted him, every time Percy moved, the monsters would follow him with their eyes, hunger and anticipation creeping on their magical signature.

Now, many might think… why haven't I killed them yet, well frankly Percy has to learn how to fight his own battles, and that chance would come today it seemed… allow me to explain, after three months of teaching Percy things out of Wikipedia, I had caught… or rather started to feel the barrier around camp half-blood was weakening, but unlike in canon, Luke was still on the camp, meaning my presence had derailed the original plot, more than I had previously anticipated, because of that, Pennybeth was on her way to the school, to retrieve Percy. And I was here, waiting to troll her.

"Hello young lady," I greeted Annabeth, who was wearing a magical item to hide her presence from normal humans, "What can I do for you,"

Annabeth froze, not knowing what to do and I smiled…. Behind her I had created an illusion of a random girl, to throw her out of the loop, "Hi Mr F,"

Annabeth turned around to see the illusion of the girl I had created and sighed with relief as she walked past me, this was going to be fun, "Where do you think you are going, sneaking up to the school…" I scolded, and once again Annabeth froze, seeing a realistic illusion dog behind her this time, "Ms Pennybeth, you know you can't go inside the school without your cute little shoes," I smiled seeing how Annabeth's eyebrows twitched at the mention of her famous moniker, in the meantime, I played the innocent part as if nothing had happen, all while I put the small fake shoes on the small fake dog.

"I… can't fucking believe it…." Annabeth breathed out in relief and exasperation as she was again started to sneak inside the school, oh she was making this too easy for me, with a smile I created another illusionary teenager.

"You can't fucking believe what young lady?" I asked, making my best impression of a serious teacher, trying to teach his young padawans a lesson.

Annabeth once again froze turning to see me while in the process biting her lower lip so hard in frustration I was afraid she was going to rip it out, behind her stood a girl, an illusion that said, "I am sorry Mr F, I just saw… -GENERIC TEENAGER THING-, and well I couldn't believe it,"

"Well… as long as you don't do it again, I will keep it between us," I chuckled.

"This school is… too bizarre," Annabeth muttered, and needless to say it took her three hours to reach Percy, I had a lot of fun along the way.


[Annabeth POV]

It took me three hours to reach Percy, that teacher… was full of coincidences, literally… every word, or path I took I had to double-check if he was actually seeing me, for every scenario I thought he had seen me… there was someone conveniently standing behind me to play the part of whatever I had done that for the odds of the universe was the same they had done, I did the math and the chance was one on three million, but apparently, this school was cursed with odd odds.

I was close several times to simply knock the teacher out… that for some reason I wanted to punch real bad… I wonder why?

"Percy we have to go… the camp needs you, it seems Adam weakened the tree before Luke defeated him," I still couldn't believe Adam decided to betray us.

"I refuse to believe he betrayed us," Percy shot back.

"And what?!" I hissed, "You think Luke or someone set him up or something?" I was almost growling at this point, "Luke has been with us for years, I know he would never betray us! So that means Adam did!"

"You are free to believe whatever you want," Percy barked at me, "He was a prankster, a joker, and sometimes a bully… but he was good, I know that, and I will not believe any of it until he himself tells me otherwise!" he glared at me, and I sighed, I actually felt sorry for him, Adam pretended to be his friend… and now he is in denial.

"It seems we have reach an impasse," I sighed, "Still we need you, the camp needs us,"

"I will go… but have in mind, I will do everything in my power to clear his name… and I am not saying it was Luke, just that I know it wasn't Adam," Percy said with a tone of finality that said, I will not argue about this.


[Adam POV]

"I will go… but have in mind, I will do everything in my power to clear his name… and I am not saying it was Luke, just that I know it wasn't Adam," Percy basically shot at Annabeth with determination, and now I felt bad for messing with him for months, and…. I'm over my conflicted feelings.... anyway to think Percy would be the one kid to believe in me, will give him an A on history… no… nobody would believe that, even if I used magic to make them believe they would not believe, no amount of godly power could make that A believable… so I suppose a B- will do, people will believe it, but most likely I will get investigated in secret for possibly sleeping with a student, oh well…

"Alright kids, I will be you P.E teacher today… Mr… whatever his name is… got sick… like right now," I chuckled, poor guy… such an odd thing to catch Greek Dengue for a day, I wonder how that happened, "Now let's start the class with a good round of dodgeball, Percy you will be captain, and as for the other captain, let's go with Pennybeth? Haha, no that would be silly, she's a dog," I smirked, "As for a second captain... let's go with Matt Sloan,"