
(things betwixt) (majula)

(A/N: I'm doing this part from memory since I don't have my ps3 anymore and I don't have the SOTFS on ps4)

Percy laughed as Sif chased after the... things hiding in the grass.

sif dug them out of their burrows and tore the. apart.

Percy kicked open the door, and when he saw the old ladies he passed them and exited from the other door.

Percy lit the bonfire and made his way through the tutorial. Percy found two ogre-type creatures guarding a coffin just like the one to get to Nito and join his covenant.

however, when Percy exited the coffin he didn't notice anything different. maybe his longer hair but that was it.

however, Night's laugh unsettled Percy. but Percy didn't know what happened.

Percy and sif together made their way and finally arrived at the hub of dark souls 2.

Percy and sif had finally entered Majula.

Percy rested at the bonfire and looked off into the sea. Percy in this place felt ... 2... no 3 times more powerful than he's ever felt.

the salty sea breeze entered Percy's nostrils, and Percy laughed.

it's been a while since he's been blessed with such a good smell. I mean the best-smelling place in that other place was definitely with Priscilla, mainly because of the snow.

Percy twirled his blade and began exploring since that's what he does best... and he also did his favorite pastime.

shameless plundering.

Percy was able to collect the souls that just laid around and Percy and sif were able to meet many people.

an armor smith, a cat, the ... cute firekeeper, and the blacksmith.

sif and Shalquoir did not get along. shalquoir literally had to jump onto my shoulders as I restrained sif from attacking.

"behave sif," I said as I gripped her collar and stopped her from attacking.

and trust me restraining a wolf as strong as sif is not an easy matter. ever since I arrived at this place all my stats were lowered to 20 flat.

sif meanwhile we're also lowered to 20, but she had the muscle mass to go with it.

I finally managed to calm sif and looked at the cat.

"...I'll take everything," I said. I paid for all the rings, but since I had 99 of the consumables I couldn't buy others.

I immediately equipped the less fall damage ring, and let the others rest in my inventory.

"come on sif, ocean time," I said as we headed to where Emerald was.

I forced the ocean to my will and made solid steps and I and sif ran head-first into the ocean.

Percy for the first time in a long time had taken a bath... a bath.

such things he had taken for granted at his home, were now rays of sunlight here.

Percy and sif messed around in the water for a while. Percy still had clothes on, mainly because that emerald girl could see Percy in the water.

but his boots and helmet were off, and Percy was wearing his marvelous Chester drip, so it was fine.

Percy had finally just relaxed. the fire could wait, but Percy's mental state couldn't. I mean sure he had Priscilla's tail as theory, but he was in a new timeline, so it wasn't that way at all now.

now with a bath, Percy felt refreshed... like a new man, and boy did it work wonders on Percy's mental state.

Percy now stood almost 6 feet tall and was in his full armor. Percy pulled out a weapon he was most familiar with, a weapon he had grown attached to.


Nah I'm just messing with you, he pulled out his black knight Helberg. this had been a drop item by one of the black knights, and honestly, it served well.

"come on sif it's time to explore," I said as we headed to a new location.


drop a stone or two please 😀. Also, my Controller and dark souls 3 are coming tomorrow, so hurrah.