
(Percy had a red moon)

Percy was currently leaning over a railing hurling his guts out. His little slaughter in old yharnam came with both hope and regret.

The blood gives you the memories of those you killed, and you also lose some memories when you die. (Of course, percys important memories were sealed by Nyx.)

So suddenly taking in an influx of thousands upon thousands of memories in one night was making Percy extremely nauseous. Almost as bad as the frenzy the other day

Percy had wiped off the puke from his mouth and regained his footing. He wouldn't lose himself to the blood. He was above that.

Percy went back to the ward where he checked up on everyone. Nyx and Sophie (idk the girl's name, I don't recall it showing up) had redirected the chapel.

"Big brother," Percy heard Sophie's cute little giggle as she ran up and hugged the hunter.

Percy's weapons were gone before she made contact though. He didn't want to hurt her by accident.

"How are you doing Sophie," I asked telepathically as I knelt and gently hugged her.

"Brother, there was this crow lady who stopped by. She was nice," Sophie said with affection. Huh must be Eileen.

I smiled softly and gently put her hair in a ponytail and tied a ribbon to keep her hair up.

"Good. She's a good woman Sophie... You can trust her. At least with as much trust as you can in yharnam," I said before gently rubbing her head.

It wasn't hard to find her though, she was right outside the ward to the left. Had to say, she could have been a very good mother... She won't be dying anytime soon on me.

I listened to her talk for a while before heading back to where I fought Sophie's father.

My saw blade had fire paper already on it and that hunter there met the damn parry demon.

Eileen joined in only to get a couple of hits, and I also made sure to protect her, because holy great ones do people in this place DODGE.

I smiled at Eileen before popping a hunter mark, I noticed people had moved into the new settlement in Old Yharnam, or actually as the people are calling it "new yharnam".

Guess people like simple huh? Well, that's nice. I was walking around helping where I could.

There was also whatever those candles were in the cathedral ward everywhere with others ready to be lit.

A small smile graced my face before leaving this place.

"Who would have ever thought it possible? An outsider, helping yharnam huh?" I heard the voice of a friend.

I turned my head to where the voice originated from. There was Eileen leaning against the wall, right outside of the gate to New Yharnam.

I smiled and took a hunter's bow. When I stood up again, my eyes narrowed and went pitch black. I walked forward and inspected what seemed to be a knife wound on her stomach.

"Ah... Yes, a bit of a skirmish had occurred. It resulted in this, do not worry good hunter. Now go, a hunter mud hoont -" Eileen was cut off.

Percy cut his hand, removed her mask, and then put his hand to her mouth. The effect was immediate. Her wound closed and her body got stronger.

Percy just smiled at the old hunter with keen eyes, clearly letting her know that won't be dying on him.

"May you have a good hunt now Eileen" the voice carried telepathically before Percy dissolved into mist.

Percy had appeared back at the lamp in the forbidden forest, this time with hundreds of antidotes to spare.

He had killed his way through the forest, through everything. Killed the shadows of yharnam (who are weak ASF) and made it to rom.

Percys first... "Challenging" boss. Those spooders were busted ASF. There was even a man swinging from webs in the boss fight 😏.

Percy had to go around the spooders and hit them since they had a protective helmet in the front.

Percy ripped off one of the spooders legs and at it raw. He wouldn't admit it at the time, but... Spooders taste good. Sorry quelaag.

ROM had a couple of attack patterns. Either she calls up some pillars, or she calls down the pillars. Or thrashes around.

Of course, they teleport away too, but that is all really since Percy was able to tell when and where she was going to teleport too.

As Percy finally put the beast to rest he looked up at such a horrifying sight. The moon was .. red? No blood red to be precise.

Like one big illusion was ripped away, and it did not go well, percys surroundings shifted as he was teleported to Yahar'gul's unseen village.

This place was trippy, like that one Christmas when Aether put every drug known to mankind in the punch bowl. Let's just saw Percy took a trip.

But for now, it's time for mercy to begin his proper hunt now... With many great ones ripe for the picking.

(end of chapter)

Mmmm... I want to start watching RWBY make a Jaune as a Hunter fix. And to that one guy who made the Dark Souls 1, bloodborne, and RWBY crossover...

The hunter was nerfed ASF. Why does he have 60 ARC? He only needs at most 40. And since you gave him the burial blade, he's clearly in NG+. So which ending is he in? The great one, or the immortal doll one?

Sorry for that little rant. Man, the fic had me upset for a while.