
{more lore}

In Bloodborne nyx cannot speak to Percy via telepathy due to Percy gaining insight.

Percy is able to vaguely sense the power inside the beast/human blood. Aka the old blood.

Percy spent some of his blood echos for the drip from the expensive bath messengers.

Percy still has the first flame (from ds1-3) roaring inside him.

Percy will be taking the doll with him to elden ring. (Because the doll needs some love 🥲).

The kronorium does not work in Bloodborne. Mainly due to flora and her out scaling it.

Percy will be meeting with Primus soon, at excavation site 64 😏 (after universal reset).

Percy cannot get drunk, mainly due his immunity to poison/water type beverages.

Quelaag took claim of Percy... Spider lady making moves.

After elden ring, Percy will wake up in the hospital. Life goes on until the summoning key malfunction.

The curse of Achilles is nullified in Bloodborne.

Flora is obsessed with percys soul. (She's the reason {besides me being the author} he's able to go to different dark souls verse.)

Flora thinks Percy is the perfect candidate to procreate with her. And since she can be "killed" but still technically live.

Nyx is here for the ride (she also gets out scaled by Flora, at least in my fic. Since lore be going crazy).

Percy (as stated in chapter 67) is erebus. He's know by many mythogies and by different names.

Artemis will be having a major headache with Flora hitching a ride. Teehee.

Percys main weapons (when he gets them of course) are the blades of mercy.

(A/n: ^ my personal favorite weapons. Saw cleaver go burr though)

Percy blood is a conduit of power now. Capable of healing/undoing curses. (Besides the beast curse. Since the Eldritch God's out scale him for now)

iosefka isn't leaving percys side during the hunt 🤣. Percy kidnapped her.

Sanctuary can stop any attacks until amygdala. (Chalice amygdala can kiss my a**)

Percy needs major therapy.

Percy will be a hoonter of hoonter.

Tonight NYX has officially been forgotten. Nah I just didn't feel like including her.

She has mortal affairs to attend to mostly. And because she's lazy.

Percy be getting females. (He got that quite and unpredictable rizz 🤣).

Artemis will try and kill Percy after Flora joins the fray 🤣. Mainly due to flora saying she can procreate with this body.

Artemis and Flora will share a body, not equal, but share. (With Artemis needing some heavy metal health)

Sally has mom hax. (She outscales everyone). She threw a candle across the galaxy (issa joke... Or is it.)

Percy and the moon wont mix well... But they will.

Percy will hate ranni.

Melina will be an actual guide and not just a person metting you at the site of grace.

Percy is the best uncle ever, always spoiling his nephews and nieces.

The stools brothers and Percy get into massive prank wars daily.

Percy had found the CUMMFPK chalice. (Oh no).


(Now you guys can create the lore to Percy 🤣🤣. Hopes this satisfied you guys, gotta let my hand heal for a couple of days)

Also, where do you guys scale the hunter to? Because I know he's like really op, but I don't know how op.