
Back to present

"He did it, it's about time… You said I should know to make sure he's strong, well I do, he may not be the strongest, but look how strong his first Omega form is… Now just imagine if he has more than one like your little Fox here… Thanks for the advice, but I'll continue with my plan…" Scathath said as Argen rushed The gods, his face completely dull.

Unlike before though, he was totally aware, it was like his field of vision was wider, and everything seemed slower.

"Stop, that's about enough," Buddha suddenly said, appearing in front of Argen and catching him mid air.

"I understand Scathath, you must understand as well, if rather have Argen on my side, I'd hate to have to fight him and then die later… I have a family too, these here in this room, they're my family, and I want to continue living with them… Forever…"

Buddha looked at Argen before slamming him into the ground and knocking him out. "3 years, we only have 3 years until the devils will surge earth, they're distracting all the other factions at the moment, Greeks are distracted with that titan rising again, fate is hard to beat, yet… I guess not impossible, good luck on your conquest… I will not interfere anymore so long as he continues to gain strength… Here, a gift from a friend."

With these words Buddha touched the back of Argen's head and grabbed something.

Argen's body pulsed as he woke up.

"There, too much anger is a terrible thing to live with for anyone, even someone born into it…"

With these words the gods disappeared, leaving Argen and the others on top of a hill with nothing on it.

There was no building in sight, as if the temple had suddenly floated off to a different location.

"Ah damn… I lost again… I'm always losing, I don't want to lose…" Argen muttered as he covered his face, laying on his back as Scathath and Nia watched him.

"Damn it… Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Argen yelled as he slammed his fist against the ground.

Tears were flowing from his eyes as he remembered the battle. 'All that training for what? Just to be taught how weak I really am by some crazy powerful god! What's the point then!'

Argen sat up as the tears continued. "My body feels hot, I feel light, What's the reason I'm doing all this again? I can't recall, the voices are gone, I'm just back to the same, what's the point-"


"Oh shut up Nia, Sir this Sir that, I'm sick of that shit, until I'm worthy of being a leader… Don't call me sir anymore, just say my name…"

Argen stood up and sighed, wiping the tears away. "Ahh… Why so quiet Scathath?" Argen said sighing as he looked up into the sky, searching inside of him.

"I am simply analyzing you, and I see that Buddha was right…" Scathath turned away as she saw exactly what Buddha had done.

"Scathath, every day, every hour, every minute since I was 4 years old I heard voices in my head, some louder, some completely incomprehensible, but they were always there… Why are they gone now?"

"Sir- I meant Argen, if I may interject, You seem to have gone through a hypnosis. Perhaps there was something that was holding you back that the bald man took care of?"

'Is that it? Can I just not hear the voices anymore because of that? It feels so quiet… Was the world always this calm?'

"I see… Scathath… I can recall how do it, the Omega thing, I can do it again, I need to know more about this stuff though, I'm so tired of losing these fights that I might die… It makes my skin crawl, it hurts inside, I miss-"

Argen stopped as Scathath pulled him into a hug. He had no reaction, as he knew Scathath was simply doing this to comfort him.

'Now that I think about it, When law was with me the voices weren't around either…'


(Back to Present times)

Argen sat on top of the highest tower in Camelot, watching the animals run around.

Kratos, someone Mordred had found rotting away in self hatred down in a cave in Ireland, was walking along the fields, seeming to enjoy the fresh air.

"He's a weird one that Kratos, he seems more like a drone in an ant hill than a demigod, it's quite funny considering someone like him had the ability to kill gods…" Mordred said sitting down next to Argen and handing him a cup of Sludge.

It was basically coffee without the coffee beans, using nutrients from soil. It tasted like crap, but it made your energy soar through the roof, so they endured it.

"I mean, it makes sense, there's not much about him in the myths, all I know is that he was one of the few sons of Zeus that didn't have a terrible relationship with his dad… Surprising to be honest."

Mordred nodded, even though he had no idea who Argen was talking about. Mordred never studied any type of mythology, only some of the early Christianity.

"Well, I know one thing for sure, he's the strongest out of all of us," Mordred said sighing as he got up, leaving Argen to his thoughts.

'Hey law, it's… Me again…'


"Ahh, who knew being a god was so luxurious, did you used to go through this Kronos?" Luke asked as he lied on top of the sun chariot, which was a Ferrari at the moment.

"Kronos? Hah, look how cheeky you are ever since you got this power, do not forget where you stand boy…" Kronos said before he was cut off.

"Ah, I guess they came Lord* Kronos, then, I'll be leaving for now, talk to you later…" Luke said essentially "Hanging up" on Kronos as he sat up and looked at the groups of people standing in front of him.

"My My… Argen what's with the army?" Luke said smiling cruelly as he raised his hand, heating up the area.

"Luke, shut up already."

Hope you enjoyed

TheGodSagecreators' thoughts