
chapter 2

I stared at the man in shock, however, I slapped a hand over my mouth to stifle the sharp, ragged breath that escaped me.

'Don't make a sound. Don't move.' However The man suddenly stopped, sniffing the air. Slowly, he turned his head, his movements jerky and unnatural, as though his neck were snapping into place His eyes-black as tar, with faint pinpricks of crimson light-locked onto the doorway

"There you are, Little demi god~" hissed the "man" his long, snake like tongue licking the blood and gore off of his sharp fangs.

stumbled back, but quickly caught myself, forcing my legs to stay steady as adrenaline surged through me.

'What the hell is this, dammit?! Some kind of vampire?!'

That was the only word that made sense to describe him—vampire. Though it felt like even that was too tame for the abomination standing before me.

I glanced around for anything I could use to defend myself. A broken chair leg, a shard of glass, something. But the man, or monster was already stepping forward, his movements smooth yet predatory

I decided to take a gamble, rushing towords him using all my might, my fist extended as I thrust it towords his midsection.


I half-expected nothing to happen. Maybe a weak thud or, at worst, for him to grab me mid-air and tear me apart.

However, unlike what I thought would happen. A sickening crack echoed through the room, and before I could fully process it, he was sent flying back. His body crashed into the far wall, a spray of blood splattering the ground as he crumpled slightly, clutching his stomach. I looked down towords my hand, which was covered in blood, then back to the Vampire looking man.

My fist had pierced his gut, and not only that, I launched him to the other side of the orphanage...

'Did I do that?'

The Vampire would begin standing up, it's wound healing at a slow face, although, if I left him alone for a few seconds. He'd definitely be fully healed.

I decided to take no chances however. This bastard killed my family...he killed Maria, and for that. I want payback.

I dashed towords him once more, jumping high in the air, spinning around a few times before swinging my leg into his neck.

The impact was deafening. My kick slammed into his throat like a sledgehammer, sending his entire body crashing to the ground. Dust and debris exploded around him as the floor splintered under the force of his fall. His neck bent at an unnatural angle, his head lolling grotesquely to the side.

But even this wasn't enough to completely kill him, he was still groaning. So i took the best course of action. Stomping on his head with a sickinening crunch

Even though I killed him, even though i had gotten revenge. My family was still dead. And nothing could change that.

But that raises the question. Where the hell do I go...

I couldn't just walk into another orphanage and pretend everything was fine. There'd be too many questions. Why was I the only survivor? Why was I unharmed while everyone else had been slaughtered? No one would believe me

And even if they did, I'd be putting more people in danger.

The monster had been after me.

For what reason, I didn't know. But what if there were more of them? What if someone else came looking? I couldn't risk innocent lives.

I was alone...


A year passed, Now being the year 2000. Currently, I was 11 years old. As of September 20th.

My new life was unusual, I had left the orphanage obviously, but that only started to cause more problems around me.

I kept running into creatures that defied logic, monsters that shouldn't exist outside of myths and stories. The first time it happened, I thought it was some kind of horrible coincidence. By the tenth encounter, I knew better.

The main monsters I ran into were Empousai, The Vrykokolas, and even hell hounds.

I of course, Dispatched of them quite easily. My strength only ever grew as I got older, And I didn't even need to train either! Any time I picked up a weapon, I just seemed to know how to use it, no matter what.

Although my favorites were a bo staff and sword, the staff just seemed right, and the sword. Well ya can't go wrong with the classics now can you?

Eventually, As more monsters kept coming, I started to enjoy it. Always waiting for the next moment a monster would come. Hell, (Or Hades, Not sure if greeks use that like how most people use hell.) It was fun. At times though, I did get a bit out of control, like the time I wandered into a forest whilst chasing a boar. I had to eat afterall, and here's a neat fact about my body. I don't need to cook it! I can just eat it raw!

I got closer to the boar, ready to bash it's skull in with my fist. However my plans were thwarted as a shining, silver arrow whizzed by, hitting the boar in its head.

The beast toppled to the

ground, lifeless

My prey had been stolen

I froze, instinctively scanning my surroundings. The forest was still, save for the rustling leaves and the faint echo of the arrow's flight. Whoever had fired it was out there, watching.

And as I expected, a couple more arrows where shot at me, moving faster than any gun I'd seen fire. Unfortunately, or fortunately. They were shooting at me.

I quickly began running around, I zigzagged through the forest, vaulting over fallen logs, flipping off branches, and rebounding from tree trunks. A few arrows got close, but none actually hit me.

Then I saw it—a clearing up ahead. I burst through the underbrush and stumbled into what could only be described as a hunter's camp.

Women. Everywhere. All beautiful mind you.

They were dressed in hunting leathers, their outfits blending seamlessly with the forest around them. Some were busy sharpening knives or fletching arrows; others chatted casually around a crackling fire. That is, until they saw me.

The atmosphere drastically changed in less time than it took for me to blink, the chatter silencing as they immediately drew their weapons, bows, knives, all honned in on me. Little old me!

There were at least sixteen of them in the camp alone. I counted four more stepping out from the shadows of the trees behind me.

This was so much overkill, I mean, I'm not some hulking beast rampaging. Even though I could, but they didn't know that!

The way they looked at me though, it was as if I was one of the worst things in the world!

I rasied my hands slowly, A nervous smile on my lips. "Well, Now this is quite a predicament aye?" I was strong, but against 20 of these women? I was doubtful I could take them all on. If they were normal women sure! But my eyes told me they were much stronger than even bodybuilders. And faster than track stars.

From the largest tent, a small woman in comparison stepped out, only seeming to be a few years older than me. Maybe 16 or so?

Her long brown hair, braided neatly flowed behind her as she walked towords me. Like the rest of the hunters— or huntresses, she was dressed in hunting clothes, though her looked more elegant, or beautiful than the rest

'Who says you can't have practicality AND style, cause she obviously can.'

Two of the huntresses stepped infront of me, the one on the left being tall, well, in my perspective. She stood a few inches taller than me, being about 5'7, her ginger hair, shaved at the sides. Not to mention she was quite fit, her muscle clear, but she didn't have too much to the point where it was ugly.

It was quite hot in my opinion-


"Keep your eyes up, Male!" The other huntress said, this one being much taller, standing nearly six feet. She had brown eyes, and copper colored skin. They paired nicely with her hair.

Even if she had just shot an arrow at me. She was quite beautiful.

"What are you doing in this forest?" The woman. Who i assumed to be the leader spoke. Her gaze on me like I wasn't shit.

"Well, This ain't your forest now is it. So I don't think I need to answer you-"

"Actually, it is."

"..." Well shit.