
Peerless Hegemon (Xianxia/Cultivation)

Ye Feng lived two lives in one lifetime. First, he basked in the light of Righteousness, becoming an idol of peace and justice. Second, he trod the mired path of the Darkest Path, becoming an object of fear and death. One lifetime, Two Identities, countless experiences, still without purpose. A meaningless existence. An empty husk. In his selfishness of wanting to fill the void in him, he became the catalyst that destroyed Reality. He now controlled everything, ultimate power, uncontestable by none. But he cast it away, to be reborn anew. With a new name and a family, his goal was to understand, his place. To understand how to no longer feel empty. With his family consisting of a Reincarnated Twin Sister and Parents with inscrutable pasts, his desire was not that of grandeur. In this lifetime, he wishes not to hold power, not to gain eternal life, nor control of everything, he only wishes to live, and hopefully look at sunrise with a smile on his face. == Note: To full judge the story, I implore first time readers to wait until Chapter 11. I promise it will not disappoint. Disclaimer: The story focuses on the Main Character's emotional and personality growth. He is someone who is obviously OP in some perspectives but almost crippled in others. Warning: This is story might trigger some people and is not for everyone. It is also has a slow pace. Sometimes One Chapter is similar to a normal 2-5 chapters. The chapters are long, 1 chapter=2/5 Any kind of feedback would be nice as well. Then, that's it, have fun. Volume 1: Complete

Simple_Dynasty · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Chapter 19: Friends III

"Oh, Dear, the Jura Manor is burning? What happened?"

"I don't know, but I heard someone say they heard the sounds of fighting… maybe someone attacked the Jura Family? I don't know."

Kiel heard the people talking, and without him noticing, Kiel had already taken off. Running in a hurry to the manor. Moving, following his instincts. His mind was full of ideas he would rather suppress. He avoided the onlookers. He moved quickly so that normal men and women could barely see his shadows.

Jumping over the hedge, Kiel arrived at the garden at the back and immediately he froze just behind the bushes as his eyes widened in shock from what he saw.

A few paces ahead of him was the little tea table that was set for two children to use during their afternoon games, toppled over.

But there were also other unfamiliar designs filling his eyes. Namely the blood and body of those who served the Jura Family. Everything was unlike what he had left a few hours back.

The well-kept walls were now stained with blood. Pinned on them were the squelch of men and women he acquainted.

The glasses that were wiped every day smashed to a million pieces. The rooms he stayed in were swallowed by flames. The room where Irys stayed was destroyed to bits and pieces.

Many of the servants lay on the floor, either dead or dying.

Mr. Bracks, the coachman, had his head lopped off. His body by his head holding a machete.

The Gardener Ms. Lisa plopped on the ground with lifeless eyes, a pruner. Pinned on the wall by a spear was Old Hu, a fellow caretaker of the garden where Kiel and Irys frequented.

Rias the chef who provided the sweets and exquisite brew of tea had a hole on his chest,

The Head Maid Luca lost an arm and had little to no more breath in her. Barely clinging to life.

The entirety of the Jura Family Manor was devastated. Destroyed and tarnished and in the midst of it all was a group of masked invaders.

All eight masked men were wearing the same white demonic mask while the other two were wearing red and respectively.

Kiel's eyes were locked to the Blue Demon.

Not because of the odd floating ax with blue flames by his side, but because of what the Blue Demon held in his left hand.

Kiel looked ahead like he had dead eyes at the figure of a little girl wearing a blood tainted white robe crafted from the finest of materials.

She was bloodied all over. Her face was bleeding from cuts and scarred from burns.

However, on her chest… there was something… .No, rather… there was nothing.

'the gem… it had forcefully ripped apart from her body….' Kiel felt something within him twitch.

The gem's significance. He knew it better than anyone.

The only thing keeping Irys' ife had been forcibly taken from her.

Even without the cuts. Even with the bruise. The burns all over her body. Without that gem… Irys… was already about to die.

Rationality dictated Kiel to leave.

He wanted to live a life without cultivation.

Possibly a life of peace outside of violence from those seeking power. Turn around. Leave and never return.

Irys was but a patient to him after all. She was a person he took an interest in after seeing how she lived. A subject to be studied. Someone who was worth no more than another curious individual.

There were more of her out in the world.

She was already about to die and she already gave him the materials to heal his body.

She was just a convenient person.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

Her death… to him should mean nothing.

She's not even someone to be avenged. She was not his family. She was his blood.

Yes… she meant nothing more than…a passing entertainment. Another well of knowledge to be picked apart and abandoned once all of it is said and done.

Yet, Kiel's eyes were red.

Blood flowed from his eyes, mouth, and nose. He gritted his teeth so hard that his gums were bleeding.

'Is everything has to be rationalized?' Such a thought circled in his head.

Does everything have to be calculated?

Risks were part of living.

His fingers buried on his palms as he stopped himself from doing something that could endanger his life. His body was wrecked to the point it could not muster any spirit energy even if he wanted to.

In his current state. He could not cultivate. He had no power to help.

Even if he wanted to help, he would die in the process.

'I need to wait for my family. I need to live….'




His body shouted at him, reminding him it was impossible to do anything for them!


—suddenly, Irys turned in his direction.

She had heard his familiar breathing, his familiar heartbeat, and his footsteps were nearby.

She turned to him and formed a smile. She aimed for nothing more than to say her farewell. To say how much he meant to her, she forced her lips to move with what little strength she had and mouthed two words — thank you.


"I didn't want to return to this world…" the Blue Demon suddenly said, "…but I'm sorry, I need this to save my son. Miss Jura… I'm sorry it had to be this way."

The Blue Demon apologized to the silent Irys.

The Blue Demon meant the words he said. He was not gloating. He wasn't even enjoying what he was doing. But, he had to do it, for his family's sake.


A clear echo then suddenly roused the Blue Demon's attention.

The masked men turned their attention to the falling body of their comrade whose head had been twisted beyond saving. His body turned limp as he fell to the ground. Lifeless.

"What happened!?" shouted the Blue Demon holding the little girl.

"Brother-in-law! Lookout above you!" shouted the Red Demon.

It was at that moment that the Blue Demon felt a dense killing intent aimed at him coming for him from above. He raised his head to see what it was, he saw Spectre. Someone who was garbed in black robes. A being who had a pair of fierce eyes, peeking from the small gap created from a hastily put together mask made from ripped cloth.

"Who are y—-a child!?!"



The ground was curhsed as the Red Demon tackled the Blue Demon out of the way, "Focus!"

Shouted the Red Demon.


But like an unrelenting tide of darkness, the Spectre had already planted his feet on the ground and shot towards the two, appearing right above them.

Even though he was hesitant. Even though he didn't want to. The Blue Demon knew he had to retaliate or else everything they worked for would be for naught. So, he chose to raise his ax and intercept the Spectre. Swinging the ax with one arm and from an unfavorable position the Blue Demon still managed to generate an enormous amount of strength. And with it, he was confident in ending the battle.

The Spectre had no way of evading. The Blue demon could see that the Spectre was just a boy. Someone who reminded him of someone he held close to his heart.

The body was about to be split in twain. And yet in that split second, the unthinkable happened.

The Spectre dug his hand to the ground and forcefully twisted his body and changed its aim from the Blue Demon's Head to the left arm holding the girl.

The Spectre opened his right hand and summoned the Third Step of Palm Intent. "Crush."


The Blue Demon winced and groaned in pain as his left wrist was broken. He lost his hold of the little girl's body, and without missing a beat the Spectre took her from him.

And then, from the side a sword was for the Spectre's neck.

"GOT YOU!" announced the Red Demon. But his celebration was cut short.


With the back of his wrist, the Spectre tapped the broad of the oncoming sword from below. The sword's trajectory changed and missed the Spectre's head by an inch.

The other Demons rushed the Spectre, but he had already retreated a few steps back.

"Get ready to fight!" shouted the Red Demon as he prepared himself. Summoning Blood Red Flames on his sword and legs. Readying to fight against this mysterious Spectre.

"No, stop!" the Blue Demon suddenly shouted, "Nobody, approach them!"

The masked men were just about to make a move when the Blue Demon stepped forward between them. The Blue Demon… he could see it, the aura of death, looming over them all.

The Spectre was looking after the little girl. But, he knew, the moment they made an attempt, he would pounce at them like he was death incarnate.

"Don't get near him… he'll rip your throats out."

However, that was not the only reason why he called them all off.

He could see it. When he met his eyes, the Blue Demon felt that there was a deep sadness in the Spectre's eyes amidst the killing intent.

'He's a child. Then… that kid… is he her friend?' The Blue Demon could not bring himself to attack them, seeing the Spectre holding the girl.

Not just because of the sentiment he held. Or the guilt he held in his heart.

But because of the danger he posed.

'What am I going to do?'


Surrounded by enemies… Kiel could hardly care for the danger anymore. In his arms was Irys, slowly withering away. Her vigor quickly left her. The color of her face lifting.

Only because of the Flow of Life that he taught her did she remain alive. But without the gem, her end was clear.

Irys would die.

"Kiel… I…." Irys' voice cracked as tears began to fall, "Everyone… they… they were all killed. They tried to protect me… I… because of me… they… I… Luca… again… because of me everyone…."

It was weak, but Kiel could hear her clearly.

Kiel held her tightly in his embrace. Giving her what support he could give, "Don't worry, they won't get away with it. I will get your gem soon as well."

"...are you… no… you can't…. you 're not a cultivator." Irys held Kiel's hand in an attempt to stop him after realizing what he meant, "Please run… go… live."

She couldn't bear to see another person she held so dearly dying because of her.

With his eyes, he showed her calmness, "Don't worry… I'll be fine. I'm strong… so, don't worry and just cling to life. Remember what I said when I healed you in the past. Don't lost your desire to live…., we'll get to play… I can heal you… I'll definitely heal you. Wait for me… please… Irys… wait for me…."

Irys kept clinging to Kiel. Trying to stop him in his foolish plans. But… she could not even make him rethink.

He laid her on the ground and he got up and then he turned to them. His eyes lost every semblance of kindness they held towards his friend. Kiel looked at the masked men and directly at the Blue Demon holding the gem.

"Give the gem back to me… and I will not kill anymore of you."

Kiel made a simple demand.


They refused.

So he decided to take it by force.


Kiel disappeared and pounced towards the Blue Demon with stifling killing intent.

Kiel was no cultivator. He had no spirit energy. He was no cultivator. But, he moved quickly because he had long grasped the essence of movement techniques. His body was strong because he had refined his body with the Flow of Life. And he was strong because he was Kiel.

Like a beast out of his leash, Kiel was unleashed upon the world. His killing intent froze where they stood. The question of how a boy could possess such an intense intent never did enter their minds. Fear was the only thing that was in their minds.

The lackey's legs shook and felt like butter, and Kiel was like an arrow exploding his bostring heading directly towards the Blue Demon. His veins threatened to explode, and so did his recuperating meridians; however, none of them went over the limit. He was mindful of his actions. Of what he could push so that he would be able to win.

Kiel did not use anything sharp to not cause their demise.

The overbearing palm intent was unlike the sharp and destructive spear intent, and though it was not as strong as what he would prefer, Kiel used it without hesitation against his better judgment. But, he knew after this, his body would most likely remain destroyed for years.

But it did not matter.

Kiel moved his body thinking of one thing. Retrieve the gem.

'Huh? How is he already in front of me?'

With feet covered in blood, he appeared right in front of the Blue Demon. He moved slow and fast at the same time.

The flow of his movements had no errors. It was the very image of perfection. As he slowly completed his form, the power in his body welled up.

The nature of the palm intent manifested at the center of his palm to his fingertips, "Heaven and Hell Palms — Devastation."

When the Blue Demon recognized Kiel's action, it was far too late to swing his ax and could only lift his left hand in urgency to block the attack.

His broken hand met with Kiel's left palm—


The ground underneath the Blue Demon cracked, and the entirety of his left arm up to his shoulder shattered.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH~" the Blue Demon could not keep his voice down. The pain was too much even for him to handle. Destructive energy ran amok his body, 'What is this? He did not use Spirit Energy… but, it feels like my body is collapsing.'

"Brother!" the Red Demon shouted in urgency as he prepared to help the Blue Demon.

"No, stay back! It's too late for me!" the Blue Demon shouted and threw the gem over to the Red Demon, "Go and take that back! This guy is going to—"

As he was explaining, Kiel already made his move as the Blue Demon spoke. He passed everyone and was already right in front of the Red Demon; he growled as he prepared his palms, "Heaven and Hell Pal—"

Kiel was already about to kill the Red Demon when he felt someone pull him back. The Blue Demon grabbed him by the ankles and violently pulled him back with his broken arm.









The Blue Demon then raised his ax with his remaining hand. Gathering his strength to kill the boy, "Brutal Fang!"

Ten fire snakes came out of the ax and flew towards his neck, Kiel wanted to get away, but the Blue Demon pinned him to the ground by stomping on his leg, "DIE!" The Blue Demon roared.

Kiel crossed his arm, gathered his energy, and slapped the ground, "Heaven and Hell Palms — Explode."

The ground bursts, and from the billowing smoke comes rushing out was Kiel.

On the corner of his mouth there was blood.

His already broken body was quickly becoming unmanageable. His ankle was also cracked and severely damaged. If not for the Blue Demon's damaged arm, it would have been crushed.

But with a forceful stomp, he managed to bury the pain he was experiencing and resumed his pursuit of the gem. Once again gunning for the head of the Red Demon. His eyes set on the gem in his hand. With blood gushing from his legs and mouth, Kiel abandoned rationality and was ready to risk it all.

Only Irys' well-being was in his mind. No matter the sacrifice he was ready to give,."Return it to me." Kiel demanded, his eyes now bloodshot from the pain and the anger.

"Persistent bastard." The Red Demon prepared himself to meet him, but stopped halfway through.

"Don't stop!" The Blue Demon's voice stopped the Red Demon from slowing down.

It was not just Kiel who was desperate.

The Blue Demon once appeared right in front of the boy. His legs now bleeding from the bones sticking out, "You're not getting past me!"

The Blue Demon raised his ax, ready to face the Devil's Incarnate before him to buy the others time "Don't worry and go!"

The Red Demon and the others hesitated, but they followed their leader's orders and continued running. Going up the roof so that they would be able to travel using the fastest route.

The Blue Demon intercepted Kiel with a kick and sent him flying into the manor. The Blue Demon followed inside and when he did so, he found himself in a room full of glowing runes.


In the room, there were 400 Runes. These Runes were carved using the spirit energy of spirit stones. And they were created by Kiel, and with a drop of his blood, they were all activated.

"8 Runes: Chains."

8 Runes lost its usefulness but the Blue Demon was tied down. It was temporary but that was enough for Kiel.

Using the remainder of the Spirit Energy of the room, he gathered his strength to use the true strength of his techniques.

Kiel locked onto the Red Demon escaping to the rooftop, "You're not getting away, Heaven and Hell Palms — Grasp!"

A giant hand started its formation out of thin air.

Kiel's left hand reached its limits and finally exploded into a fountain of blood, but his eyes never wavered. It looked at the Red Demon and could feel the sensation of the gem.

He wanted that gem!

He needed that gem!

He powered through the pain and successfully manifested the giant hand.

But for the third time, the Blue Demon found the strength to get in his way. Breaking free from his bindings and gripping the ax.


The ground of the manor sunk as he appeared next to Kiel with his axe. The boy raised his hand to defend and was sent flying as a chunk of his right arm was cut through.

'It's too sharp.'

A realization that he would die if he was to block. So he made his bones stronger with the spirit energy from the runes and then his body went limp to allow himself to be carried by the force of the strike.

He flew through the walls and as the Blue Demon stood there trying to catch his breathing, the sound of the wind cutting through sounded all around him as the runes were towards Kiel.

Clapping his hands together upon landing the runes he called upon the power of the runes.

"Step Rune Formation: Cradle."

Half of the runes flew off into the distance surrounding the Jura Manor as Kiel erected a golden barrier.

'It's incomplete but it will do. This way I can catch up to th—'

However, like many other times, one man stands between him and retrieving the gem.

The Blue Demon stood at the edge of the crumbling Jura Manor looking up with an ax in one hand.

His chest puffed as his spirit energy ran through the ax. The ax glowed blue and it exploded with azure flames.

"Don't stop!." the flames became bigger and bigger as it slowly engulfed his entire body.

Kiel saw this and immediately drew out the last bit of spirit energy from the runes to reconstruct the hand he manifested earlier.

He did it quickly. Without a single flaw. But, he was far too slow.

After their exchange, the Blue Demon already managed to grasp Kiel's strengths.

Yes, the boy was strong. He was fast beyond normal convention. He was skilled beyond his years.

But, he was strict in following his methods and perfectly demonstrating his techniques allowed him to bridge the gap between cultivation and his lack thereof.

The power and speed he demonstrated was because of his skill alone. Where every movement had precise calculation of outburst of intent culminating in a monster of a child. And now he somehow found a way to bridge that gap even further. He had become unstoppable without comparison.

And the window to kill him had just been lost.

And now, the boy was about to get what the Blue Demon sacrificed so many to get. His morals, his beliefs, his friends. All of it was about it to go down the drain against an incomprehensible force of nature.

Thus, he finally willed himself

"Ahhh…. Be well in life, my son."

The Blue Demon whispered underneath his breath and the fires took the wind in his body and engulfed him in his entirety. The blue flames devoured his body and soul and became a serpent that rushed to the skies and shattered the barrier that Kiel erected.

It tore through like it was a hot knife through butter. The Jura Manor started to melt in the Serpent's intensity. And as the Serpent looked down on Kiel with a pair of leering eyes. It exuded pressure that set everything ablaze.

The pair became dry and the surrounding trees and houses became campfires. The guards and the Town Lord who came to "rescue" could not even approach.

The Blue Demon had become a beast. An incarnation of Hellfire that would incinerate anyone to step before it.

A creature that boasted nothing before a child.

"Heaven and Hell Palms — Grasp"

The manifestation of the hand was completed and this time, it was perfect. It was supplemented by Spirit Energy and part of his life. It was strong, so strong that it was inconceivable how a "mortal" could survive manifesting such an attack.

The pressure it carried was a beast that had opened its maw.

The manifestation was struck by the azure flame serpent. The two ethereal beings collided and Kiel's manifestation brought the serpent down. But not before the Serpent incinerated the manifestation.

The body of the Blue Demon fell on the ground. His body burned to a char by his own weapon.

But it was not just him who was weakened. Kiel fell on the ground. He started vomiting blood. Unable to hold it in. His body was shaking, but he could see the Red Demon and his companions stopping for a second just a house away.

He could still catch them.

He got up.

'I… can catch them.'

The boy drenched in blood forced his body to stand against the pain. And when he did, the Blue Demon got up as well.

"Get… out of my way." Kiel demanded.

"You… have to…. kill me… first." the Blue Demon said. His body already destroyed far more than Kiel's. But, something far more important than his life fueled his body.

For the last time, Kiel went in for the kill and began the exchange to take his enemy's life.

The Blue Demon had only but a bit of his spirit energy and was armed with a weapon. One of his arms broken, his body burnt almost to a crisp.

The boy stood at the edge of death. His arm was hanging by his side, his feet shaking, and his life blood and vigor flowing out like a fountain.

It was now a fair fight.

The two exchanged. But, Kiel wanted to finish it as fast as possible. He sought out as much information as he could and in his hurry, an opening presented itself for the Blue Demon to take.

The ax descended and took Kiel's right arm in its entirety. What followed was an opportunity to take Kiel's head.

"I win!"

The Blue Demon spared no effort to move quickly, but Kiel was faster.

Chrono Rewind returned him a couple of seconds back.

Armed with the knowledge of the future, Kiel subtly shifted his body and avoided the ax and plunged his right hand into the Blue Demon's chest, crushing his heart.

The Blue Demon staggered and laughed before falling to his knees. He looked at Kiel one last time and said, "...I'm sorry... I... had no other choice… I needed… the gem to save the one important to me."

"You…didn't have to kill everyone. They were innocent. They didn't know how to fight."

The Blue Demon laughed, "...I needed to uproot… any problem for the future….I'm… sorry….."

In the world of cultivation, leaving behind survivors was how one gets enemies. A maid could be a secret lover. A child could be a spawn. An old man could be a master.

To avoid future problems, one must kill everything. Kiel knew this.

He had done it before.

But… this was the first time he was experiencing it.

The Blue Demon summoned a flame serpent and wrapped it around his body. As he fell, there was nothing in him that could be recognized.

Kiel won... but he failed to retrieve the gem. Before the final exchange, the Red Demon had already left. And he was in no state to catch up to them.

Kiel turned around from the burnt corpse and walked back to Irys's side empty handed.

His steps were heavy. He didn't want to face her. To tell her that she was going to die. But he also didn't want to not be there at her end.

So, his feet carried him by her side.

As he knelt down next to her, ".....I failed." He said with a steely tone.

"It's… fine…." Irys looked up at the night sky; no light could still reflect on her eyes.

Still, she clung to life… Her vitality was strong thanks to the Flow of Life; if only Kiel retrieved the gem there was a strong chance that she would survive. But he failed her.

"I'm sorry."

He apologized.

Irys was nearing her end, she was about to die, but again, a smile formed on her face, "Don't mind… it… I was lucky… enough to experience… the end… of another year."

She let out a bitter laugh, "Kiel… I… I feel cold…."

Irys raised both her hands, and Kiel moved to rest her in his arms. She snuggled to his chest, feeling his warmth… It was a first for her.

"Do not be sad, Kiel…."

Weak, her voice had become too weak to even be considered speech.

Like but a passing whisper, it could barely be heard. Irys tried to raise her trembling hands,

Kiel took hers and held it tightly.

"I wanted… to play… some more… so I can win… and touch your face… and know what you look like." Irys smiled sadly.

"Here." he said.

He guided her fingers to feel his face allowing her to finally commit him to memory.

And as her fingers touched his face, tears went down her face, as she smiled in delight, "…so… that's… how you look like… Kiel… I... want to… apologize…."

"What for?"

"All… those times… that I called for you… during the night… screaming that it hurts… most of them… were lies so you can visit me and sleep in the manor… because sometimes… I cannot sleep… without your presence… Do you hate me now… Kiel?"

"No," he answered sternly as before.

"…then… Can I tell you more? I... want to leave... with a clear... conscience...."


"I… like to speak your… name… when I'm alone… as I fear the darkness when I close my eyes to sleep… I speak your name to find solace…."


"When I feel scared… I imagine you… by my side… holding me… protecting me."

"…I see."

"Your voice… calms me… your honesty fills me…." Irys smiled and slowly pulled Theo to her face; their foreheads touched as she whispered, "I'm scared… Kiel… so…can you call me… by my name?"


"And in my end…. you are… still.... with me.... thank….. you......…."

Her voice finally came to an end, and he sensed Irys' soul leaving her body for the Astral Path of Souls. Without any more pain and suffering, she would be able to prance in the path as she heads to her next life.

Kiel retreated when footsteps and clamors sounded out from outside, but not before giving Luca first aid and taking the ax with him.

He left and went back home. He touched the door, but he paused in the next second, noticing the board he set earlier.

It remained untouched.



Kiel could still feel it... the sensation of Irys' dying body in his arms, her weak voice still echoing in his deepest psyche.

It remained with him.

It will remain with him.

So, he felt the board game with his hand and lifted a piece.


He made a move, leaving blood on the piece and the board.


He then moved the opponent's piece himself.


The echo of the wooden pieces hitting the board echoed until dawn.

When the sun finally rose, and the game against himself finally ended. Kiel stopped.


"I… I want to play another game."


Kiel began rearranging the pieces for another game.

He didn't want to stop.

He didn't want to forget.

Thanks for reading

Irys is dead, I hope her short time was welcomed and appreciated

Simple_Dynastycreators' thoughts