
Peerless Hegemon (Xianxia/Cultivation)

Ye Feng lived two lives in one lifetime. First, he basked in the light of Righteousness, becoming an idol of peace and justice. Second, he trod the mired path of the Darkest Path, becoming an object of fear and death. One lifetime, Two Identities, countless experiences, still without purpose. A meaningless existence. An empty husk. In his selfishness of wanting to fill the void in him, he became the catalyst that destroyed Reality. He now controlled everything, ultimate power, uncontestable by none. But he cast it away, to be reborn anew. With a new name and a family, his goal was to understand, his place. To understand how to no longer feel empty. With his family consisting of a Reincarnated Twin Sister and Parents with inscrutable pasts, his desire was not that of grandeur. In this lifetime, he wishes not to hold power, not to gain eternal life, nor control of everything, he only wishes to live, and hopefully look at sunrise with a smile on his face. == Note: To full judge the story, I implore first time readers to wait until Chapter 11. I promise it will not disappoint. Disclaimer: The story focuses on the Main Character's emotional and personality growth. He is someone who is obviously OP in some perspectives but almost crippled in others. Warning: This is story might trigger some people and is not for everyone. It is also has a slow pace. Sometimes One Chapter is similar to a normal 2-5 chapters. The chapters are long, 1 chapter=2/5 Any kind of feedback would be nice as well. Then, that's it, have fun. Volume 1: Complete

Simple_Dynasty · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Chapter 15: Stranger

He could only sleep for three hours when Kiel woke up at five in the morning as per usual. He watched the thatch ceiling, his thoughts now clearer after sleeping, "They really are gone."

He confirmed hearing not the sound of Ame sneaking out to start her early training in the woods, not his Father's snoring or his mother tapping his Father's thigh so she could catch some more shut-eye.

It was the same house, but it felt foreign.

Ten minutes later, Kiel finally decided to stand up despite his creaking bones.

His veins cried with every move; his ruptured meridians weep with every breath.

It was painful.

His muscles were beyond battered and bruised, and it should have been impossible for him to even move, yet he reveled in it instead of cursing. He accepted every bit of suffering, not sounding out a groan or anything else.

The pain did not cripple him and nailed him to the bed; instead, it was what allowed him to move. It took his mind off things.

"Don't overdo the torture; it is not just your body. The Flow of Life refines, it does not heal."

"I know." Kiel answered, "I will not die, do not worry."

"You won't die or won't allow yourself to die?"


"Is it because you have to wait?"


"One step forward, two steps back, I suppose."

Kiel did not say anything to the serpent's snide remarks.

Stepping out of the house, the skies has yet to shine with the sun's luster. He sat on the grass until the wailing of their family ox snapped him awake out of his stupor.

The sun had long reached him, touching his face, blinding him. He just failed to notice. It was far too quiet to even take note. The usual marks of time was no longer there to remind him. It threw him for a loop. Nevertheless, he had to keep moving forward.

It was already the sixth hour of the day, and the first thing he did was not cook food but tend to the Ox. Heading to the barn, Kiel went and brought it out to feed.

The vast fields surrounding their home were perfect for the Ox to feed on. Going down the hill with a battered body made Kiel act as closest to a Mortal as he could. The Ox could overpower him with ease, and he could not command the situation.

"A task like this is already so tiring... I need to find a way to hasten my recovery."

By the ninth hour, Kiel brought back the Ox to the barn where he carried a bucket of water to fill its wooden water bowl and then placed hay on the side, "I will return for your afternoon walks and to clean your pen tonight, for now, stay."

The ox seemingly nodded at its owner's words… Kiel tilted his head in response but said nothing in the end. Kiel left the barn's door open, letting the air circulate.

'…I wonder, can I turn it to a Spirit Beast?' Kiel was curious, but that thought could only remain in his mind for the time being. He had plenty of time to get an answer.

After eating a late breakfast at the tenth hour, Kiel set out to Town. He left on foot, and with his slow pace and small strides, took him over an hour before he could reach its gates and then another fifteen minutes to reach the Town Lord Manor.

"Excuse me."

"Oh, it's you, boy! You're all right; that's good to know." The guard heaved a sigh of relief, "I thought you were a goner, kid. Your state wasn't normal… are you really supposed to be walking around?"

"I appreciate the concern, but that is the reason why I am here—" as he cupped his hand, Theo explained how the Old Physician asked him to come back if he ever feels anything out of place, and so, he did.

However, the guard shook his head, "Aiya, I hate to say this, but Physician Jiang is not in right now. He only comes in during the afternoon and night. You can return later if you wish. If you want to, you can even wait."

But Kiel shook his head, "I cannot return during the night, so would you be so kind as to tell me where he is?"

The guard assumed that Kiel was desperate, and thus, he hurriedly gave him the address he needed. Watching the boy walk away with so little strength almost had the guard breaking his oath just to help him find the place he wanted. But the current situation wasn't good, so he had to kill the desire to be a decent person.

"Did you hear? The Family Head of the Vollund was brutally murdered yesterday. I can't believe he died just like that; I wonder who's going to take over his position. I wonder, will his son be the one to take over?"

"Wait, you didn't hear? His son's also dead, died the same way as he did in some alley."

"What? When did this happen?"

"They were found at the crack of dawn. The Butcher's son found him while trying to sneak his mistress. Apparently, the son was already dead yesterday, with the fatty and that asshole of a guard so the fatty's family is also seething to find the killer."

Nosy mothers and drunkard fathers talked in "secrecy" as they found their own theories of what happened.

"Someone jumped him to make the brat pay for his wrongdoing over the years, obviously. I couldn't stomach that sick brat, looking at my daughter like she's for the taking—ptoo—good riddance."

Some took the news with open arms.

"Who would do such a psychotic thing? Killing someone like that, slaughtering them like the law is in their hands. Tsk and others think he's doing the right thing? What if he comes after us next after this!?"

Others didn't appreciate a murderer walking with them.

Either way, Kiel could hardly give any care. He did what had to be done; there was no hint of guilt within him.

'Their souls were sent to the Astral Path; I have no need to feel guilt.' A new life would be given to them either way… though he wouldn't feel anything for them even if he had to eradicate their souls for his family's sake.

Horse-drawn carriages bearing the Vollund Family crest hurried past Kiel. They were headed for the Town Lord Manor, their intents as clear as day.

'They will demand justice, blame each other, and then, the fight should begin in the coming week. Whoever wins gains control of the Town.' Kiel had watched so many such events that he could already tell what was about to happen.

Never did once Kiel feel the need to join in such useless arguments.

'Either way, it was a good decision to have Ame leave town.' He commented, sensing so many others dwelling in the shadows, 'I wonder, how many will die in this little skirmish?'

Death accompanies everyone — Cultivators aren't any different.

His little walk led Kiel to a small Pharmacy and found a sign on the door that said – Closed.

'… that's unfortunate.' He didn't want to return to the Town until the fighting ended, 'Enduring the pain and the minor inconvenience is better than risking being embroiled in their fight, I suppose.'

Kiel decided that pain was better than being a fool.

"Boy, it's you!" Kiel was prepared to leave when the wooden door slid open and the old physician with the long white beard and round rim glasses, "I didn't think your pretentiousness would actually come to find me."

The Old Physician laughed; Kiel did not.

"I am here for your offer. My body is hindering my task and needs medication. Would it be possible to get a list of medicine from you?" Kiel rummaged around his clothing and handed the Old Physician a piece of paper, "I need them to stop the inconvenience."

The old physician looked at Kiel with raised brows, "…what, you need a Tiger Crane's Heart as well?"

"Oh, I thought that would be asking for too much, but if you can, then I would be—"

"I was being sarcastic, kid." Physician Jiang sighed, "From the list you gave me, I think you're smart, but I'm starting to doubt myself."

Kiel received the paper back and asked the old physician, "Does that mean you are not going to give them to me? Are you perhaps reneging in your promise?"

The old man stopped his hands from locking his doors and looked at Kiel as he raised his brows, "…I can give you physical therapy, but that's it, I can't give you anything. Why not ask your sister? I heard she's a cultivator at the Celestial Phoenix Mountain?"

Kiel looked at the old man and just lowered his head, "if you have any ointment for the joins, then that would be enough for me."

"…fine, but it has to wait for later; I have a patient that must be seen to now. I have to be on time or else a mouthy old lady will make a commotion—what, don't look at me judgingly like that, it's a first come, first serve kind of deal, you know."

"You told me to come last night; doesn't that make me first?"

"Well, I was told to go to her last month; want to argue some more?" Physician Jiang rebuked.

Kiel stared at Physician Jiang. He was in a dilemma; he didn't want to spend more time in the city as he had no means to protect himself.

At the moment, he was like a sword-less warrior in a war.

"I see. Are you yearning for human connection now, Ye Feng?" all of a sudden, Ouroboros spoke.

'What do you mean?' Kiel couldn't understand what Ouroboros was talking about.

"Your family left, and your loneliness is starting to get to you, that's why you left your home to have this Mortal honor his "promise" to you. I didn't think you'd be so easy to feel so lonely, did experiencing companionship changed you?" he asked out of curiosity.

The Ouroboros was similar to Kiel. It, too, wanted to experience life, but it could not reincarnate to flesh and blood like Kiel, so it has to ask to understand.

'You are wrong.'


'As you said before, I have overused my body, and because I can't message myself, I need his help. Recuperating as fast as possible is required to alleviate the stress in my joints. If I continue with my daily tasks, I will break in a year.

'Can I go back later? No, that's rather dangerous. With the powers negotiating, this morning is still predictable, but any more than that, and it will be too risky. I don't cultivate, so I don't have the means to create a mortal vessel. I really might die, and that's not really a good thing. I am a kid, and Ame is a part of the Celestial Phoenix Mountain. That would prove useful, but accidents happen, so I can't really—'

"So that is the lie you are going to tell yourself this time?"


"What are you thinking so intently about, kid?"

"Nothing, just the dangers of me going in the city while there is a conflict that could erupt at any moment…." Kiel looked Jiang in the eyes, "That I might die if I don't receive any treatment or if I go to the town later."

Jiang looked at the kid before him. His brows twitched in displeasure, "I can't give two cares. If you can't go then, that's just your horrible luck."

Physician Jiang turned his back on Kiel when all of a sudden, he stopped.

He then remembered something. The old man smiled and then turned to Kiel with an annoyed look on his face, "Bah! Come on, just follow me; I'll give you your blasted examination in my client's place."

"How honorable, Physician Jiang. Now, if you would please lead the way."

Though Kiel didn't mean anything bad—for the most parts— Physician Jiang clicked his tongue and stomped his foot as he walked, 'Brat, acting all smartass! Tch, I should have just let him bleed out—wait, stop that thought, I am doctor, so I must….'

Physician Jiang snuck a glance at Kiel, and the boy took notice almost immediately, "What is it?"


The way Kiel acted wasn't precisely helping clear any evil thoughts in Physician Jiang's mind.

Through the residential area and then to the very edges of the Town's eastern residential area., they stopped at a manor surrounded by a wall of hedges.

"Halt (Halt)." The posted guards stopped the following Kiel.

"Let him through; he's with me." Physician Jiang said, and the guards let Kiel through.

Looking around, Kiel saw the well-kempt shrubberies, but he couldn't really care less about them all that much.

Kiel was more interested in the guards in the shadows. They were much better hidden than those outside, but Kiel could still feel them, 'My senses improved after using so much intent, huh.'

"Are you impressed, kid? This is the manor of the wealthiest people in Town, in terms of money, they have more than the Golden Bear Merchants, the Vollund Family, and the Town Lord combined."

"…are you perhaps the secret family head?"

"Of course, not; what gives you that idea? Why do I look like someone who has a lot of money?" Physician Jiang smirked at Kiel.

With the same look, Kiel just looked away and said, "No, I just thought it was yours because of how you were acting."

Kiel expected the old physician to turn away in embarrassment but instead showed him an even larger smirk, "Gahahaha, I'm showing off because I am the doctor that serves this wonderful family! It is my honor!"

'…I did not peg him to be so rowdy when I first met him.'

When he first met Physician Jiang, the old man was just called to tend to the wounds of the competitors struck by a little girl. He was tired and almost without any life in him.

But now that he's well-rested, the old physician was back to his usual self.

With an exasperated sigh, Kiel walked behind Physician Jiang until they arrived in the living room, where Kiel found himself sitting with Physician Jiang. The maids brought them refreshments as well as some snacks.

Kiel took a sip of the tea, and after cleansing his palate of the tea's bittersweet tasrte, he looked at the fireplace and finally decided to ask, "So, what's your true intention of bringing me here Physician Jiang?"

Physician Jiang's hands halted just as he was about to take a bite of a biscuit. He scratched the back of his head as he let out an awkward laugh, "Jihahaha, what are you talking about? Didn't I say I would—"

"Lie, and I will walk out of this place."

"Please don't." Physician Jiang got on his knees, "I promised the young miss of this manor to bring someone this week so she can talk to someone."

"… I'm leaving."

"Wait!" Physician Jiang would've lunged on Kiel, but he remembered he was injured and stopped.

Thus, he stopped him by standing in front of him with his hands outstretched, "Wait, if you do this for me, I'll give you a Seven Fruit Vine!"

"I know this is a fruitless question but, have the fruits been kept in a sealed jar with a Scorch Rune inside?"


"Then I am not interested in snacks."

"What snacks? The Seven Fruit Vine is good for giving energy. What difference does it make if it wasn't kept in a jar with a Scorch Rune?"

Kiel shot Physician Jiang a judging look; he was in disbelief that someone with the title of a physician just asked him something so simple, "A Seven Vine Fruit kept in an ordinary container gives a lot of energy, but a freshly picked fruit helps physical fatigue. With that in mind, remember that the vines where a Seven Vine Fruit is taken from are inherently hot. The water it has inside is scalding to the touch, so when the seven measly fruits of the Vine is harvested, it is kept in a jar with scorching runes to keep its freshness, and if you add a spirit stone inside or a spirit gathering rune inside, the Seven Vine Fruit will continue to mature and can even become a Silver Berry after fifty years."

"…are you serious, boy?"

"This is ridiculous. I am leaving, and my name is not boy, it is Kiel. Honor the name I was given by my parents."

Walking past the physician, Kiel decided to leave, 'Transforming the Ox into a Spirit Beast will be easier than explaining things to this old man—'

Once again, the physician got between him and his path, "Wait! I have another offer; what about a hundred-year-old Silver Dew?"

"… I'll stay." Kiel decided he would stay, "Okay, what is it that you want me to do?"

"I want you to befriend my patien—"

"Rejected, I have no reason to befriend someone for something as paltry as a hundred-year-old Silver Dew. The deal is off."

"Waitttttt!" Once again, Physician Jiang got in his way, "Just talk to her! You don't have to befriend her; you only need to talk to her."

"…according to my younger sister, I am considered to be socially inept by normal standards. Will that be okay?"

"Yes, yes, just please, don't leave. Just listen to her talk. You don't have to be the greatest conversationalist! Just go along with the Head's intentions."

"Okay, acceptable. I shall fulfill my end of the bargain."

'Damn it, I thought I found a good candidate. He's more tiring than I thought!' Physician Jiang was sweating despite not doing anything other than talk.

"Physician Jiang, the Head is waiting for you in the courtyard." A maid announced as the two bargained.

"Lead the way." Physician Jiang said, and then he motioned to Kiel.

Kiel followed in silence; he could feel eyes glaring down on him from every servant they passed.

They went up the floor after floor and reached the third level of the manor and then walked to the very back of a long hall where Kiel found himself facing a door, 'Feels familiar.' He commented inside his head.

"Follow me, Kiel, and try not to be more respectful when we meet the head, okay?"


He promised nothing.

Physician Jiang clicked his tongue, but he just waved his hand and let Kiel be, 'This boy is so difficult to deal with. And I've met the Family Head. What is happening with the next generation?' he felt heavy hearted thinking they would live to lead the world when he's gone.

The maid glared at Kiel as she pushed open the door after being ignored by a boy.

"Mr. Jiang, is that you?"

A voice belonging to a young girl came from the canopy bed in the middle of the room.

"I am here for your examination, Family Head." Physician Jiang said with a respectful bow.

"I shall be in your care—Hmm?" the little girl's ears twitched, "Did you bring someone with you, Mr. Jiang?"

"Ah yes, I promised Family Head that I shall bring you a friend, right? I'll introduce you to him. This boy is Kiel; he's the twin of the girl who managed to enter the Celestial Phoenix Mountain."

"Wow~ how amazing~" the Family Head clapped her hands in delight, "Are you the one who will be Irys' friend?"

Kiel entered the room and saw a girl no older than eight or nine sitting on the bed. She had clear skin free of any blemish with long golden hair. Her gray eyes looked at nothing as she held a smile on her face. Kiel stood at the foot of her bed, directly facing the head, but her eyes never looked at him. She was barely missing him as she looked at the wall behind him.

She was blind, but her eyes reflected the future brighter than Kiel's ever did. She was full of life despite on the brink. She was a ball of energy who asked the boy to be her friend.

To which he responded simply with, "No, I refuse to be your friend."

Thus concluded their first meeting.

Thus we return to the Story!

Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it!

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