

" I wish I knew that my fantasy about fairy tale ending was not what I had expected " said Peach who was holding a picture of Anthony in her hand. She was crying silently and with heavy downpour, someone else won't notice. She turned her back to see her personal chauffeur get out of the car with an umbrella in hand. Alfred walked steadily with the umbrella to where she stood. " I miss him so much" she said. " Why did you leave so soon, when I thought you were going to pull through it. who is going making me smile when I am down. please come back, please" she cried loudly and fell to her knees. Wailing so silently, cause it hurt so much in her heart. She finally realized she won't see him anymore. "Lady Peach please don't cry anymore, it will only hurt you more" Alfred said feeling sorry for the young miss." You can't stay out in the rain, It will endanger your health".

Its been a month since the death of Anthony and Peach was still feeling the loss of her best friend and childhood sweetheart. There was a knock on her room door"sweetie you have to come out and get your life together " came her mother's voice outside her door. Since she came back home that faithful day in the rain, she hasn't left her once. Her parents and siblings did all they could comforting her but she never left her room. Barely eating anything, most times she just cry and stare into space or she would just mumble words to herself while looking that Anthony's picture. "Sweetie please don't shut us out anymore, we will get you through this my love" came her mom's voice again. "Go away I don't need anything from anyone, you can't bring my Anthony, so just leave me alone". " Sweetie we know we can't bring Anthony back but we need you by our side, we can't loose you too". I flipped on my back and used my duvet to cover myself. " you can't continue like this forever baby, please come back to us, I know its hard but I want you to try and come for your sake". Saying this she left my room. Fresh tears came down my eye's once. I hated myself so much. I wanted to be strong but my heart was just too weak to continue.

How true is this, could there be a mix up somewhere?

Morris_Ebitimicreators' thoughts