
Peace Vs Sin

All the doubts were now cleared from his mind as all the truth was now divulged to him. Earth had became a foreign country to him. He started to see people as minor beings and the sky was now his hope. He developed a feeling that one day he will save his father and all his people will live with hope again. "Yes,l know. I know that I'm the hire of the Ice Kingdom.I swear that from now and on I will protect and fight anyone who attempts to destroy my people." It seemed like the lost ice hero was now awakened. Cripple for over years had not found a reason to live but now one reason was in front of him. He was an average guy for all the years he had lived .Many treated him as a piece of trash but now a wondrous opportunity came to him. He was not sure of how to use it because life has not been easy for him all the years he had lived. Being an average guy, he never thought that one day he will be prominent in any place but a chance came prepared in an expensive dish and it only needed him to eat the food in it.

Ribsonsweney · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 6:The Ice Kingdom

Like Ligerbel had said, getting to the Prison where Cripple's father was arrested wasn't easy. This place was protected by the fire kingdom where they used most of their powers to form the boundary and hired other seven guards that surrounded it .

Ligerbel knew that to get to this place, will have to first look for a dependable plan on how to deal with the guards .As she sat down ,she thought of something. "I am sure this will work,"she said. "But wait,we have to first do something.I think we have spent a lot of time here and I think it is coming in the morning on the other side.we have to make one copy of you and it should be sent to earth."

Cripple nodded, "I think it is a good idea.Now tell me how it is going to be done." It was evident that Cripple wanted to know more about how he can make a copy from himself. Ligerbel went on and said, "It is easy, dearest Prince. Just close your eyes and I will do the rest."

Cripple closed his eyes, curious about what was happening next.

"You can now open your eyes," Ligerbel said. As Cripple opened his eyes, a perfect image of him was in front of him .He didn't believe this,

"Wow,it looks exactly like me .But can you tell me how you did?"

Ligerbel saw that he was really interested in the skill even though it took a bit of more practice.she said,

"Getting to use that skill requires a bit of hard work. First,you have to undergo the cultivation process and then you will be capable of doing anything you wish to do with your powers."

After saying all these words,she raised her hands and directed powers towards Cripple's image.In a few seconds everything was worked upon.Now Cripple had all the rights to spend as much time as he wanted on this side even though his journey on earth didn't end.

"Hello , welcome to the Ice Kingdom.

I am Ligerbel, your guardian- -" As she continued with her words , Cripple was confused with the type of game she was playing now. "Tell me , were you meant to be a comedian or something else?"Cripple asked.

" So you think I am doing comedy,

what if we deny you from going back to your warm bed will also be comedy." Cripple laughed," Stop your funny jokes." he said. "And why should you do that?"

"So you think I can't do that but I think I already did it,No More Sleeping." Cripple was not sure of her seriousness though he had to accept. "No problem with that,I also do not want to sleep." Cripple said these words unknowingly that he never spent a night sleeping.He was being pampered through and through and he never tested negativity.

So , Ligerbel did this with a mission of creating hard days for Cripple so as to improve on his skills and stiffness as a person.

"Now forget all that and let's head to the Prison." Cripple had already waited for this so he spent no time. He went on and followed Ligerbel.

"Now , I want to tell you something."

Cripple asked himself what it was now. "Ok ,you can tell me." Ligerbel started narrating a story to him as they moved.she said, "For the past days ,you have only the illusional world of the ice Kingdom but in a few minutes,you are going to be introduced to the real Ice Kingdom.

Yes I know that you may be surprised but you will also have to control your feelings ."

Ligerbel 's words seemed to be emotional which made Cripple ask, "Why did you have to say those words."

Ligerbel responded to his statement,

" I know and that is why I had to say those words.For now I will tell you nothing about that Kingdom but in some seconds from now ,you will be a witness."

In Front of them was a gate that was protected by two guards standing on its sides.This was the South gate that was under Ligerbel's protection.As they reached there,the guards showed respect for Ligerbel and the Prince.After they opened the gate for them to pass .

Inside the gate was so shiny that Cripple didn't even see through it .

"I think we can proceed, Prince."

Ligerbel asked him to join him as they went through the gate.

The Ice Kingdom was named so because it was covered with total ice and people living there were adopted with different traits which favored them to live successfully in that place.

On a clear view,the ice had started to melt. Ligerbel said, "The ice can't be there when people are not there.It was of no use because like the activities done on earth fever the formation of rain and that is the same to the Ice in this kingdom. It is the only condition that the ice people can survive with and without it no life."

For the first time in life, Cripple was feeling more relaxed at this side .He felt like he was comfortable and relaxed.

As they moved ,he could only manage to see picks of Ice.He asked Ligerbel, "Why is it that no person is on this side?"

The question didn't leave Ligerbel walking,she paused a bit and asked Cripple to look at his East." What do you see?"he asked. It seemed like there was a fire in the forest on that side .

"What you see is not a forest as you may think.It is the prison I was talking about." Cripple looked at her ,in fact she was a beautiful lady and was nice to him but she was giving him a hard time to think about what was happening on the other side."

He stammered, "You mean they are alive in that fire." Ligerbel responded,

" Yes they are alive because what you see is just the spell around them.

Those inside were muted,they are in a coma but they can still grow."

"Now ,how are we going to get there?" He was under tension at least to get near that place.After Ligerbel heard his statement,she pulled out a small glass containing a liquid.she added, "This is a notion ,it can make the guards fall into a deep sleep and then we can go near the prison.It will not be possible to get inside or go near it because if we try,we might end our lives forever."

After he heard those words he nodded, mirroring a moment of determination on his face.he added, "let's do this." Ligerbel saw that Cripple was a very strong person. Over the years,no one had ever thought of even coming near that prison,not even the Prince from the ice Kingdom,Sical but he was determined to make this decision even though it was dangerous.

"Ok ,we can go." she said . The guardians of this prison didn't rest, they did their work perfectly and they did their work perfectly and ensured no one was against them.Today they didn't notice when they went into a deep sleep.

Cripple and Ligerbel hurried to the place .It was warmer near it and they couldn't hold it for a long time .As they came closer to it, Cripple saw seven people who looked as if they were sleeping . Ligerbel started introducing them to him.she started, "The one in front is the guardian of the King.He was one of the strongest and he did a great job to defend the kingdom.

The lady and the man next to each other are your Queen and the King your father."

In reality, Cripple was more like his father. It was evident that he belonged to him.Cripple turned emotional in that moment. Ligerbel didn't bear to see him like that.she said , "I know that you have waited for this moment for a long time but I don't think it is the right time for you to get that emotional because emotions are the worst weaknesses in someone."

No matter how hard Cripple was hurt,he had to bear the condition.He knew that emotions will not change the reality as he became strong again.

Ligerbel continued, "Next to them is your brother,Kaias.He is your elder brother and was arrested together with your parents. The next is the Princess,Kelidian.She was the elder Princess of the ice Kingdom.

The other three are average people but they awakened their powers during the war and fought against the fire Kingdom."

Cripple was happy to see his family but couldn't bear to see them in such a condition. "I swear that I will rescue you from this useless prison." He lamented.





Cripple journey in the Ice Kingdom has started,I urge you to add this book to your collection . Thank you for your support .