
Pay 2 Play System

In a world filled with magic, Mason lives in a village on the border of the continent. In this particular village, there isn't a single mage. *Ding* [Pay 2 Play Sytem initiated] Mason gets a system that will make him rich, and give him the power to curse anyone he wants! One day, a kid walked up to Mason. "Do you want to eat together?" To that, Mason only had 1 answer. "Nah, I don't need to eat food. I'm already on my path to become the God of Magic." ================================================ I don't own the cover image, feel free to ask me to take it down if needed. Try to read the first couple of chapters i guarantee you it becomes better haha.

McStank · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Shopping Spree

Mason and Remi were strolling through the academy, they were looking for the best shops to buy what they needed.

"I heard there's a good shop in this street, it has the best reviews in the academy." Remi told Mason

Mason nodded and they walked into the shop. It was very big, a three story building. On the inside of the building it was detailed with luxury. Everywhere you looked you could see some type of gold, Mason found it a little too much.

They asked a lady who worked there if they had stuff for the expeditions, and she said they did. The lady also gave them directions to the exact place where they could be found.

The two arrived at the tents, and the first thing Mason noticed were the insane prices. He had earned a lot of money in the dungeon because he sold all the beast corpses. But one of these tents could drain all of his hard work!

"Why are they so expensive, is there a luxury mansion included in these?"

"Of course not dumbass, these tents have a special magic imbedded in them. Beasts won't attack tents like these. The more expensive the tent, the less chance of getting attacked by beasts in your sleep." Remi said as if it was common knowledge.

Mason just nodded as he stayed silent, he was thinking how he would best do this. He had money, but he didn't plan to spend it all on a tent. Sending money to his mother every month had become a habit of Mason.

Elena had already quit her job since the money Mason sent was enough for 50 households in their village. She was living a luxury life now.

"Remi, I think you should pay for this one. The next thing is on me, yeah?" Mason said, having a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

Remi looked as his face and blushed slightly.

'He's so cute when he does that.'

"Sure, I'll pay for the expensive stuff. I'm the rich one here after all." She winked.

"Thanks, that helps a lot!"

After buying tents, the thing they needed next was clothes. Mason wasn't planning on buying the same clothes every day in the dungeon. They would get dirty quickly after all.

The only problem with buying clothes was that he didn't know where to store all of them.

As if Remi read his mind she showed him her hand. Mason was confused at first since he didn't know what he was supposed to look at but after a few seconds he noticed the ring on her finger.

"You got married without telling me?!" He said loudly.

"NO DUMBASS, IT'S A SPATIAL RING!" She yelled so loud everyone in the store heard her.

She didn't know why, she just didn't want Mason to think she already loved someone else. It was as if something deep in her mind told that he wasn't supposed to think that.

"Oh shit, that's cool. How did you afford it though?" Mason asked.

"I didn't buy it, I stole it when we went to my house."

Mason didn't know how he had to feel about stealing from the royal palace but he thought it was fine since no-one found out.

After they finished buying clothes, Remi told Mason that they should buy food too. She didn't know how to cook after all.

"It's fine, I won the best young chef award in my village! I'll try to learn how to prepare beasts in this week. You shouldn't complain since you can eat my cooking, it'll be a heavenly experience." Mason said.

Remi thought he was joking but when she looked at his face, she saw he was dead-serious.

'Please, God of Magic. Don't let me die if this guy gives me food-poisoning.'

"Mason, I think you should buy a weapon. Almost every Mage has a weapon in case of emergency, and it has saved tons of life." Remi said

"I don't even know how to use one though. I don't see the point of buying one if I'm better with my fists."

"You can just learn to fight with one, you're as talented as me. I learned the basics of the dagger in 5 days, I bet you can't beat me in that." Remi said with a smug look on her face.

When Mason saw this look, he got kind of annoyed.

"I bet you I can, how much?" He asked.

"Not money, if you can't learn the basics in 5 days, you owe me a favour!"

"Deal!" Mason thought he got away easy, she probably wouldn't ask him for anything too much since she had a lot of money herself.

Mason looked at swords an picked one out, it was a sword made for Ice Mages and it would amplify Ice Magic by 5%.

The sword was called Glacies, Mason thought it was a cool name.

After they finished shopping, Remi paid for all of their stuff as Mason hid behind her. It wasn't a good thing for his reputation if others saw a girl paying for a man.

"What's the plan now?" He asked.

"Well, you should go train. You have to learn how to cook beasts and how to fight with a sword in less than a week, so good luck with that." She said with a chuckle.

Mason agreed as they both went their own ways.

She went back to the dorm, as Mason went to the training area. The training area was a big field with different targets. He also passed by the library first to look for a book for beginner swordsmen.

He looked through the book and was currently memorizing all the stances out of his head. There were a lot though, and he would be busy for quite some time.

These stances looked easy to do, but when Mason put them into practise, he failed. He didn't just fail once or twice, he kept failing for 10 minutes when he decided he needed someone to teach him.

Teacher John would probably be his best bet so he decided he would wait until tomorrow. He went back to the library and he said down with a book with the title: Culinary Brilliance.

This book was as thick as the notebook teacher John had given them. Mason learned that cooking also had different levels. These levels were from worst to best: Beginner Chef, Intermediate Chef, Advanced Chef, Master Chef and lastly Grandmaster Chef, there were also rumours that there was still a level beyond that but no one had ever reached it.

Thus started Mason's busy week, where he would get less sleep than he would like.