
Pay 2 Play System

In a world filled with magic, Mason lives in a village on the border of the continent. In this particular village, there isn't a single mage. *Ding* [Pay 2 Play Sytem initiated] Mason gets a system that will make him rich, and give him the power to curse anyone he wants! One day, a kid walked up to Mason. "Do you want to eat together?" To that, Mason only had 1 answer. "Nah, I don't need to eat food. I'm already on my path to become the God of Magic." ================================================ I don't own the cover image, feel free to ask me to take it down if needed. Try to read the first couple of chapters i guarantee you it becomes better haha.

McStank · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Overwhelming victory

The bell had just rung, and the fight had started

Mason did his usual of standing still and observing the opponent. His opponent wasn't an easy one this time. Possibly even top 3 in the year.

Allan also stood still, it seemed like neither one of them wanted to make the first move. Mason did this because he felt like if he started the fight would be over in 10 seconds, Allan did it to figure out Mason's intentions.

After a while, Allan broke the stalemate. Before the fight, Mason didn't have a clue of what Allan's element was. But he found out immediately as he suddenly saw a couple of vines coming at him.

'A nature-type element huh, that's pretty rare.' Mason thought.

He used Ice Wall to block the vines and jumped to the side, Allan had hidden some kind of seed in between the vines. Mason didn't know what it was but he decided not to risk it.

When he was already gone from his previous spot, the seed exploded and turned the surroundings into a forest. It wasn't very big, but Mason knew that explosion would do significant damage to him.

'I've got to dodge that one, that might actually kill me.'

After that, it was his turn to attack. Mason used Ice Bullet four times as he rushed closer towards Allan.

Allan blocked the Ice Bullets with a defensive spell of his, he retreated slightly as he felt it was dangerous to be close to Mason.

"Damn, you know I'm dangerous up close. You can't retreat forever though!" Mason exclaimed, he was having fun.

Allan thought he was getting mocked seeing Mason laugh like that. How could he be laughed at, he was one of the strongest people in year one!

"Fuck you, punk. Stop dodging yourself, you don't dare to take an attack head-on?" Allan replied.

"Why the fuck would I voluntarily take an attack, can't you see how beautiful I am. If you even touch my body the girls wouldn't forgive you." Mason said cheekily.

Allan responded with another attack. Mason casually dodged once again, he had decreased the distance but that didn't affect his reaction speed!

Mason decided he would play around with Allan. He wanted to rough this guy up so bad that he wouldn't ever dare to be arrogant again in this lifetime. That should learn him to never hurt his admirers!

He used Ice Bullet once again but this time, he put a little bit more mana into it. This would increase the power and speed of the skill, but also the probability it would explode in his face.

Mason decided he could do it as Ice Bullet was a low-level skill while had had a high amount of Mana Practice.

Allan didn't expect such a fast spell to suddenly come towards him. Mason had decreased the distance too so he didn't have time to react to it.

He got hit right in the stomach by Mason's magic.

'Owww, that must hurt.' Mason laughed as he wouldn't want to defend a spell like that.

The combined duo of extra speed and power truly did their job. Allan was bleeding, though it wasn't much.

Mason used low-level skills on purpose, he didn't want to kill someone. Allan was just too low level to even block one of his stronger spells.

Suddenly, Mason thought about something he had heard.

"You know about those mid-level spells we received right. I heard Allan from class 1-B has already learned 50%. That's the highest in the year so far!"

Some random guy in his class had said this. At that time, he didn't know who Allan was so he simply didn't pay attention.

He decided to ruin all of Allan's hopes for this year.

Mason used Ice-Armour, not an incomplete version either. The whole spell.

When Allan, who just stood up from the ground saw this, he got shocked.

'How has he learned a mid-level spell already, the teachers took away our books after the try-outs. We could only study it from memory after that. So how?' Allan thought despairingly.

Mason liked the look on Allan's face, at first he was so arrogant but now he was quiet. He didn't utter a single sound. Neither did the audience watching.

The fight was truly fun to watch, even though it seemed kind of trashy to the third years. Even they couldn't disagree that it was a fun fight.

When Allan got out of his state of shock, he decided to use his strongest spell. The incomplete version of his mid-level spell.

"If you dare, take this head-on!" He yelled as he used his spell.

Mason saw all kinds of seeds pop up from underneath him, they were different colours and different sizes.

Allan looked desperate as he thought Mason would surely take damage, he wouldn't dodge because he had activated his armour. At least he thought.

He couldn't be more wrong though as Mason once again hopped away from the danger, his previous position being bombarded into pieces.

"Y-You! You said you weren't going to dodge! You're going back on your words, aren't you a man!" Allan cursed.

"Me? When did I say that I wouldn't dodge. I didn't answer you."

"B-But you activated a defensive spell."

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to flex on you, that's all." Mason laughed so hard he head a slight headache after.

"Fuck you." Allan said.

The referee decided that the match was over, there was no way Allan could ever beat this guy.

Mason bowed towards the audience.

"Mason White, remember the name, seniors."

The audience cheered loudly as they had just seen one of the best matches so far this year. This match was almost as good as Jacob's fight. Even if they were lower level.

Remi smiled as she was happy Mason didn't get hurt. He truly went too far this time! Fighting one of the strongest students in their year just because he was trying to do some stuff to a person he didn't know! Did he think he was the main-character of some novel or something!

She decided she would punish him heavily today, even if she still had to think of a way how.

Mason walked outside and waited for the princess. He got 500 gold given to him by someone who, worked for the arena. He wasn't in desperate need for money but he now knew a way to get rich quickly if he ever did need any.

He waited for a few more minutes and finally saw Remi arrive.

"So? How did I do?" he asked.

"You beat him, but that still doesn't mean you're stronger than me. Don't get your hopes up too high before I crush your dreams." she smiled slightly.

"Yeah, yeah."

They walked back towards the dorms. Mason didn't want to waste too much time as he still had to catch up on training swordsmanship and becoming a better cook.

This was his best chance to get a girlfriend, so he was going all-out.

Remi glanced at the studying Mason and she smiled.

'He really can be cute when he's serious for once.'

Sorry for the lack of chapters these past days guys. I'm trying to do two a day but I've been busy so it didn't work out. From monday on I'll be doing two a day again so don't worry

Gift,vote,review,comment Thanks! <3

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