
Patient Zero: The Ultimate Biological Weapon

A individual named John Noburu was once a average teen who was going about his day per usual. But on one faithful day, he was kidnapped by the government and for several months, he was experimented on and was brutally almost killed everytime but one day, the scientists would inject something into him and it would change him into something more than a human and it would end up causing the Apocalypse that most people who watch horror movies dreaded hoping that it never came true. ____________________________________________ Chapter Schedule: Thursdays and Saturdays AN: Just know that my main focus is on my Reborn as Meliodas fanfic and my two Dragon Ball fanfics so updates and chapters may be slow.

Dragonlord04 · Cómic
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5 Chs


{Earth: 2022}

[Location: Unknown Government Facility In Japan]

(Narrator POV)

A cell can be seen heavily locked and secured for lies in within the cell itself may be the end for humanity if it is released out into civilization.

[Inside the Cell]

A Glass pane type of window is revealed but it is only visible on one side as an individual is revealed to be heavily chained up onto a table. However, this thing that is locked up used to be a person that was once a kind soul who was taken against his will and was tortured and turned into a monster for the sake of evolution and science. His skin is dark grey with red glowing veins that protrude throughout his body and his eyes are of a bright crimson red that reveal nothing but primal rage to those who did this to him. His stature is around 6'11 with dense muscles that are a mix between a swimmer's build and an athlete but the thing is, these are the side effects which show that he has become more than a human.

Why don't we go back in time to see what got this poor soul into this circumstance.


<Flashback: Six Months Ago>

[Location: Apartment Building: Wisteria Domiru]

A young man who is sixteen years of age can be seen lying lazily in his bed at his apartment since it is the weekend and he managed to finish a group project for his sociology class with three girls who he had crushes on since middle school. His looks are average in comparison with his brown hair and eyes along with a slight muscular build since he occasionally goes to the gym and his height is around 5'6. This young man's name is John Noburu and he goes to Hokkaido Wakkanai High School and his grades are above average with As and some Bs.

Though a few weeks ago, he had just gotten back from a funeral in Florida for his cousin whose name was Henry Charles. He and Henry used to play various amounts of video games back in the day from Super Mario Bros on the DS along with Halo 2 and 3 especially Gears of War 3 and they both cried when Dom died especially Henry because he was player 2.

He first found out about his death from his mother who sounded very teary eyed over the phone, he was devastated to learned that he had died from getting run over by a truck. To ease his depression, he decided to read some fanfics online like Henry used to and he didn't why Henry was obsessed with Anime and Manga back then. Now he knows why and it took the mental impact of his cousin's death to finally understand.


John can be seen reading a fanfic on Webnovel about someone being reborn as one of his favorite characters from the Seven Deadly Sins show and he's enjoying it very much because of the fact that there is hardly any fanfics on this show. Though the only complaint he has about this is the slow updates that makes him question what the hell is the author up to that is so important and so he texted the author on one of the chapters as why this is the case.


[LightingFlash38: Yo why are the hell are you taking so long to release some chapters? It's not a complaint I'm just curious.]

A couple minutes later, the author of the fanfic answers.

[DragonXD45: Well to tell you the truth, I'm currently working on another fanfic on my Wattpad account along with several more at the same time and the ideas overflow through my head which gives me a sense of writer's block. I'll release a chapter for that fanfic on Monday, I need rest two you know since I'm having trouble sleeping at the moment. Glad to know that you like the fanfic by the way.]

[LightingFlash38: Oh. Okay, well hope you get better soon since I really enjoy reading your stories.]

[DragonXD45: I'm glad, positive messages like this give me some meaning to do these fanfics whenever I have the time to do so.]


And before John could answer back, he hears a knock on his apartment door which prompts him to get out of bed despite his reluctance to do so.

"Damn, it better not be one of Ryuko's goons offering me some payment to get in her good wishes again otherwise I'm gonna kick their asses." Grumbles out John considering that he just woke up a couple minutes ago.


[Some Background Information about what goes on in his social group]

*Long story short, he hardly gets bullied at school because of his relations with Ryuko Matoi who is the leader of a gang and she's also known to be a professional MMA fighter at that with several belts under her name despite being so young at the age of 17 and she earned the nickname of 'The Kanto Vagabond' as she would often wander around in the ring against whoever she fights while dodging their attacks and she would counter by grappling them to the floor and she would pummel them which in turn knocked them out cold in most of her matches though there were some close ones but she pulled though and won in the end.

She just so happens to be one of the three girls who helped out on the sociology project for their 6th-7th period class. The other two however are also well-known in school with his best friend Ruby who is the school's cheerleading captain though her fundraisers usually consist of cookies and other things that interest her. The introvert of their social group however is Sakura Matrou whose been very shy around him for some reason though he won't dwell too much into it. Despite this flaw, she is known for being one of the smartest girls in school and she actually helps him study on occasion.*


[Back to the situation at hand]

John looks through the peephole from his apartment door to see who's on the other side and what he sees is two men who seemed to be wearing business suits as their primary uniform. All their clothes including the jacket, pants, underwear, ties, socks, and leather shoes are all black making him raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

'Huh, this is some creepy shit already; I've watched to many conspiracy videos about the Men in Black to know where this is going. Well time to have my memory erased I guess.' Like a idiot, he opens the door and before he could could respond, he is then knocked unconscious just as he opens the door and he is then kidnapped and then gets placed into a white van that is seemingly not suspicious to the public eye.


[A unknown amount of time passes]

John can be seen lying on a table completely tied up with chains made up of the strongest metals on Earth and the table itself is filled with needles on the brink of sticking into his skin as he slowly gains consciousness.

The room can be described with a bright white background similar to that of prisoners who go to solitary confinement.

'What the? Where the hell am I? Is this where I get probed? OW! The Hell?! I can't move!' Seeing his current position, John slowly begins to panic not knowing why he is here. He shakes to break free but due to the durability of the chains, it's no use.

Then suddenly, a automatic door opens and out comes a man wearing what seems to be a white coat though he seems to have a hunch. His most notable feature is his eyes seem to be closed and he is currently smiling and is holding what seems to be a document that contains his information.

"Interesting, though It's unfortune that the young other man perished weeks ago though you'll make due for the advancement of Science! Congratulations young man! You are now government property for the research of the current disease that is currently ravaging the population and since we'll be acquainted my name is Kihara Genesi. Good Luck my little Guinea pig ." With evil smile that brings shivers up his spine, another man comes inside and he is dressed in a perpetually bloodstained white lab coat, an unusual shirt which reveals his lower torso, and glasses with an assortment of adjustable, multi-lensed spectacles. He wears four fingered gloves with both his ring finger and pinky forced into the last one. He also brought several tools that are used for the art of torture as John begins to shake uncontrollably as the man slowly approaches him with a sadistic smirk.





And so begins his road into eternal torture for the sake of science and evolution.

After this, I'll release around two chapters at the same time whenever I get the time.

Dragonlord04creators' thoughts