

He knew it was coming,the dreaded email from the tax authorities. He was six months in arrears,this months company tax return was due. The bank had just sent a late arrears interest charge on his loan. He sat at the table his cheeks cradled in his palms as he cast the mobile phone aside.

The waiter approached him asking if she could clear the table,he nodded in acknowledgement as he rose slowly. He walked to the counter with drooped shoulders,clanging the coins in his pocket. He reached the counter,looked about furtively as he discretely counted the coins into the teller's out stretched palm. She looked at him with scorn,the counting seemed to take forever, it felt as though the coins were a loud ringing bell in the small eatery located at tye end of the busy business street.

He had never ever felt so embarrassed in his entire business life,asking the waiter for a disposable plate so he could carry the left overs for his youngest daughter.