
Paths of Heaven

All Paths lead to Heaven; be it the 72 Named, or the myriad unnamed. And those who study these paths, are those we call, Cultivators. On the night of the 1st Day of the First Month in the Year 715, a strange Star is born; a boy of ordinary birth and unordinary heart. And with his birth, an age-old fate is sealed. In an Era marked by progress and greed, when the heavens are in flux and the earth is in chaos, this newborn Star will lead the march against the treacherous traditions of mankind and prepare the world for its coming tribulations. For such, is the will of the Heavens! --------------- Paths of Heaven is a fusion (a mix between traditional eastern and western) fantasy with a world that is reminiscent of the early 20th century. It spins a new outlook on cultivation, is heavily character-focused and intrigue-driven, with only a few hotblooded battles few and far between. The MC, Wuzhi, prefers to use his tongue rather than his fists. If this bothers or bores you, then this is not the novel for you. However, if you are someone who has ever wondered 'Hey, I wonder how a cultivation world would look where the cultivators aren't a bunch of crazy, pill-eating murderhobos, but instead, sensible people who work in hand with regular, ordinary mortals'... then this novel might interest you. Please be lenient though, for I am but a humble novice seeking to refine my craft. Currently posting on RoyalRoad.

ProphetOfEvil · Fantasía
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136 Chs

Chapter 112: The Fixer (2)

Hearing her description of its effectiveness, the four men could not stop the smiles from appearing on their faces. Mr Ace, as the representative of the group, nodded his head and said, "Perfect. How many can you sell?"

"How many can you buy?" asked Luna with a laugh. "One crate of explosives will cost you 20,000d or 20A." {AN: Currency in this novel is based upon Diocletian values. Basically, 1A = 25a = 40n = 200r = 500l = 1000d. It's a little confusing but please bear with me for plot reasons}

At that price, the four men all inhaled sharply. They looked at each other with uncertain gazes before one of them asked, "How many explosives in one crate?"

"Six. In this case," Luna replied politely.

The four of them huddled together as they engaged in a discussion. After a few minutes, they separated and Mr. Ace put forward their request. "We will take four crates."

"Fantastic!" clapped Luna, having already put down the items in her hand. "That will be 80A. Would you be needing anything else? Say, like the original building plans for the Central Bank of Miu Aisla?"

In that instant, shock appeared in the eyes of the four young men. They nervously backed away and raised their guards, asking, "H-how did you know we were robbing the Central Bank?"

"Hey!" Another youngster yelled. He then shot Luna a wary gaze and quietly said, "We need to leave!"

"Please do not be alarmed, gentlemen. Given the nature of my business, it is natural for me to know a few things that others may not necessarily know. This is how I can provide better service and stay ahead of my competitors, you see."

"Now, I was being serious when I offered you the original plans for the building. With it, I can assure you that the success of your operation will go up by a whopping forty percent! This city, especially the underground tunnels, were completely different two hundred years ago when the Central Bank was first built."

"If you want to navigate this underground maze, which not even the greatest of puzzle solvers will be able to unravel in one sitting; I would recommend that you buy the map."

"How much does it cost?" asked Mr Ace.

"Not much. Only a 100A."

"A 100A!? Are you trying to rob us!?"

"No! Heavens no, gentlemen! I believe 'robbing' is your profession," Luna joked to lessen the tension. "I needn't tell you about the risk of a bank heist. I am sure you are already aware of it. Think of this 100A as buying insurance. Heavens forbid, should you happen to fail the heist, you gents would at least be able to secure a safe exit with the building plans in your possession."

"Also, the plans that I'm offering you are one-of-a-kind with no duplicates. Therefore, as an exclusive item, it is natural for it to be a little costly."

One had to admit, Luna's ability at selling a pitch was top-class. With her friendly tone and honeyed words, she managed to successfully convince the four men to consider the purchase.

Another round of hushed discussion followed after which Mr. Ace said, "We will buy the building plans."

"Excellent!" Luna chirped. "Does that conclude our dealings, gentlemen? Or do you have something else that you would like to purchase?"

At her question, one of the youths, who had been mostly silent all this while, suddenly spoke. "What items do you exactly sell, Miss Rose?"

"I sell everything that is not available on the shelves of your nearest departmental store," said Luna, with a smile.

"Do you sell people?"

"Are you referring to comfort girls? Because if so, we also provide prostitution services. If you find a particular prostitute likeable, there is the option to buy her, her freedom."

Hearing her answer, a weird smile filled this man's face. He puffed out his chest and approached Luna. "Say, Miss Rose, that I wanted to buy a particular person. Can I do so?"

"Do you want to pay us to kidnap someone?" asked Luna, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

"Can I buy such a service?" asked the man, having neared the raven-haired beauty. "Does your business offer such a service?"

"Not to first-time clients."

"Say, Luna," started the man. "If I wanted to buy you to serve me for a night, how much would it cost me?"

At this question, the air within the warehouse froze. The three companions of the man stood stunned while Francis and Jerome tightened their fists.

The man stood extremely close to Luna, to the point where there was less than a hair's width of distance between the two of them. At such close proximity, she could smell the scent of alcohol and other substances wafting off of the man's body. Instantly, she understood that this man was inebriated and wasn't in the right state of mind.

In a bid to defuse the tense situation, she replied, "We do not offer such services to first-time clients."

"Just quote me a price."

"10,000A" Luna quoted.

The man remained quiet before suddenly bursting into action. He seized Luna by her chin and moved his head in an attempt to forcibly kiss her. Just as his ugly lips were a hair's breaths from making contact with her lips, the man's body stiffened and froze.

His grip over her chin weakened as she staggered back and stared down at his chest. A flower of blood blossomed, staining his shirt in deep crimson red.

Luna's smile disappeared from her face as she held a bladeless hilt in her hand. She dispassionately stared at the dying man and said, "I was prepared to look past your previous history as a serial r*pist because another client vouched for your group, saying that you wouldn't do anything stupid."

"It appears that he was wrong."

"Caine! Caine! YOU B*TCH! YOU KILLED CAINE!!" Mr Ace yelled with shock and fury. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!"

Luna ignored his screams, only speaking two words. "Francis. Jerome."

The two hulking giants instantly stepped forward to deal with the matter. Knowing at the matter was dealt with; Luna turned away and inspected herself. A sputter of blood had stained her white shirt. "Dammit! And I just had this shirt cleaned!"

She reached into her pocket and retrieved a handkerchief to try and wipe the stain away. Unfortunately, the stain refused to go away. "F*ck! Now my shirt is ruined."

Just then, Francis and Jerome reappeared before her. "Are you okay, Madam Roseland?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking, Jerome. I'm simply mad that my shirt was ruined and my time was wasted." She shook her head. She then raised her head to look at these two subordinates and instructed, "Time is money. And there is nobody I hate more than those who waste my money."

"Go and pay a visit to Lucas Craft. He was the one who vouched for this rabid dog pack. I want a payment from him for wasting my time along with a personal apology. Use any means necessary."

"Understood, Madam Roseland," replied the large-bodied giant. A cruel grin appeared on his face.

"Clean this place and have the crates transported off-site to one of our holdings. I do not want these crates to spend any time on land more than necessary." She then checked the time on her watch before saying, "Oh, and Francis, do be dear and fetch Michael, will you?"

"Yes, Madam Roseland," replied the other large-bodied giant as he ran out of the warehouse.

Unable to stand the bloody air inside the warehouse, Luna also returned to wait at the docks outside. The familiar scent of the sea did wonders to cool her inner rage. After a few seconds of waiting, a familiar luxury car arrived in front of her.

Michael sprinted out of the car to open the rear door. After speaking a word of thanks, Luna boarded the vehicle and relaxed herself on the soft leather cushions. She rested her head on the glass window and stared emptily outside.

"Where to, madam?" asked the driver.

"Home, Michael," replied Luna. "Take me home."

The vehicle began with a quiet purr. Luna watched as the scenery faded by. Soon, her car was on the long iron bridge that connected Miu Aisla City to its port and gazed at the familiar scenery as she neared the city.

Nighttime had arrived upon the earth and the city, also dubbed as the 'City of Angels,' came alive. Electric lights filled every corner of the city, leaving not a trace of darkness to remain.

Normally, Luna would be most active during the night as she wandered from one party to another as she met with and maintained her company of rich, high-class friends. Today, however, she found herself strangely void of energy, wanting nothing more than to return home, make herself a nice dinner, and lie down on her soft king-size bed as she watched the beautiful view of the city from her penthouse suite.

As she fantasized about what she was going to cook and eat, Luna quietly fell asleep.