
Path to Eternity

Disclaimer: This story contains rape, gore, torture, cannibalism, and other crazy things. Read with at your own risk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Synopsis: A ​set of rules is already set for you before you are even born. Life is just a long journey to your destination, death. A man who refused to live an average life just to be forgotten after death became one of the most infamous humans to ever go down in history. After his live execution, he woke up in the DC Universe. And his new Journey begins. But this time, he will be Eternal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners Worlds: DC, Fate, ... Discord: https://discord.gg/Pfnntq7H8c

AntiNoob · Cómic
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163 Chs

Chapter 69

It has been two months since Carnage went through his first official evolution. Through these weeks, he has been testing his body, finding its strength, limitation, and weakness. He also spent these times practicing his shapeshifting ability, which was the hardest part.

Though he could normally master things quickly, as he did with the Martians language which he mastered in just 1 minute of being on the internet, this one was surprisingly challenging. This was because it wasn't about brainpower or quick, it was something along with the line of taming a beast.

His body was somewhat of a passive thing, changing itself to keep itself safe. When he fought a stray Martins, his arm changed itself into a spear without him telling it to. At one point his heart moved out of the way when he tried to stab it. Carnage sees these as unconscious things like humans breathe without knowing it or like the heart pumping blood without them even caring.

He would have never thought of being able to control it if he didn't create a mouth the first day he gained the power, so he tried his best in mastering it.

Though, after two months of practicing, he mastered it but it came with more hard work than he has ever done since he has come to this world. His transformation wasn't instant, and it will normally take around 10 seconds to change from one thing to another. However, the passive is instantaneous. Whenever his body is about to get hurt, the body will instantly change to try its best to counter the thing that will get him.

Carnage was currently sitting naked on the couch inside a house, a dead Martian widow laying on the floors her head missing. He was currently in his former from, 6'5 tan man with an extremely muscular body and short black hair. Turning on the TV, it immediately went to the news, talking about a sector being completely wiped out by White Martians.

Looking at the reporters, his body began to twitch, his form immediately transforming into an exact copy of the male reporter. Taking a mirror on the couch beside him, he looked at himself.

"Although, my outside is the same as the Martians, my inside isn't. So all someone needs to figure out who I am is to look in me with some kind of x-ray vision. I should be able to also transform my inside too as I did transform my stomach into a lung when I started practicing." Carnage thought, looking over to the dead widow. "Time to dissect someone."

With a red flash, he finished dissecting her, all her organs spread out on the floor. Looking at them, Carnage slowly copied them, arranging his organs to the exact way he remembered them being placed inside the woman's body. After he changed his inside to the woman's he decided to also switch his physical appearance to look like the woman. All these took a little over one minute.

"Now I am the same in everything, including her retina pattern, finger, palm, and skin-pore patterns on her own hands, skin smell that overlaps her, and vocal cords to match voices. Although I can't change my mass, this is still good enough." Carnage thought, grinning. He then reached in between his legs and touched them. "Yep, the female reproductive system. I should be able to conceive a child but no need to test that out."

Transforming into his original human form, he looked back at the tv. "An all-out war is coming and with this pandemic, know as the H'ronmeer's Curse, that is spreading around, it should be easier to feast. They are now unable to use their telepathy as whenever a Martian attempted to use it, they would fall victim to the Curse and ultimately burn to death."

Red lightning flashed around his body as he flashed out of the house. Using his speed, he quickly killed multiple Martians, and those who tried to use their telepathy instantly burned to death. Seeing this, Carnage laughed, crazily as he continued killing everyone in the Sector he was currently staying in.

"This is too easy. Their phasing ability is useless as I can also phase to counter it. Their flight is also useless as this is underground. But some of them did manage to escape using their invisibility, which is too bad." Carnage thought, his stomach transforming into a mouth as he ran around, throwing the dead body of the Martians inside it.

Even after eating more than a thousand Martians, only his physical attributes increased. Walking into the pathway that leads to another sector, he heard someone running through It. Vibrating himself fast enough to become invisible, he watched as a family of green Martians ran through, going to the sector he just left, 5 white Martians chasing after them.

'White Martians... I heard they were superior to Green Martians but what are the differences? Should I go experiment on them?' Looking at then run by, Carnage just went on. 'I will do that later. My priority is to eat as many green Martians as I can till they become like humans, just there for delicacies

Just like that, he moved from sector to sector, killing, eating, and continuing. As the White Maritain continue to wipe out the Green Maritain, he continued to eat them both. After eating more than a million Martians, both green and white, he stopped improving. He gained no more attributes of the Martians, not telepathy, flight, or phasing.

"That's too bad." Carnage thought as he dissected a green Martian inside a lab belonging to them. "With their technology, I should be able to copy some of their abilities and implant it into my body, for example, their eyes. They have a very good visual capability and also extra things like infrared vision, X-Ray vision, electro-magnetic spectrum vision, telescopic vision, and microscopic vision. Even though I lose my eyes in the process, I can still regenerate and new one."

While going through with his experiment, the smell of something burning assaulted his nose, causing him to speed out of the lab and look at what was going on. Around him, everything was burning. The fire spread faster than he could imagine, reaching him in a matter of seconds.

Though he could have escaped this place, he wanted to use the chance to test the limit to his regeneration. He knows he could regenerate even while burning, but he wanted to see if it will be slowed. A touch from the fire was all that was needed and his entire body ignited into flames.

"I am not regenerating!?" Carnage shouted, feeling himself being burned. "Why aren't I regenerating!? What happened!!!?" He screamed, trying his best to put on the flames to no avail.

Fearing for the worst, Carnage quickly cut off his head and threw it to somewhere where he thought the fire wouldn't get to. As long as his brain can survive, he will regenerate in time.

The fire continued to burn him until he turned to ashes, killing him. Unfortunately, his head which he thought the fire wasn't going to get to also got caught in the raging flames.