
Path Of War

The year is 2025. A devout Christian named Arthur Bennett wins a lottery to participate in a revolutionary virtual reality experience at a high-tech company called Elysium. The program utilizes a unique VR pod to immerse users in a world based on a popular anime. As the other participants—a mix of personalities with varying degrees of anime knowledge—prepare to enter the simulation, Arthur remains the only one who has never indulged in anime. Upon entering this new world, he discovers an unsettling truth: pain is excruciatingly real, despite the creators' claims of a dampened pain response. He eventually finds himself trapped in prison, unable to log out, and demanding to be released from the program. Calls go unanswered, and the world of ninjas becomes a nightmare where hunger, thirst, hygiene, and even death are all real. Angered that he was deceived, he abandons all sense of logic and vows to become a villain no one would have ever anticipated.

AkitoTakahashi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
128 Chs

Rookie Nine

The first rays of dawn peeked through the blinds.

Arthur rose from his sleep. He stretched by cracking his neck, moving on from last night's previous events.

Today, he was to attend the ninja academy where Iruka Umino would assign every Genin, including the main characters, their team. Arthur had a general idea of how things would go based on what he'd read.

The academy in the Leaf Village is the foundation for training those aspiring to become ninjas. Located at the foot of the Hokage Rock, it serves a dual purpose: educating ninjas and acting as the village's administrative center, where missions are assigned and daily operations are managed.

Founded by the second Hokage, it plays a crucial role in shaping the village's next generation of militarized personnel.

Admission to the academy requires dedication to the village's well-being, a strong mind and body for enduring rigorous training, and a healthy constitution. All players' backgrounds were pre-written, so they were already enrolled.

The curriculum incorporates standard academic subjects like reading, writing, and math with a ninja-centric twist. These lessons serve as a foundation for the tactical and strategic training they'll face.

Students delve into the rules of being a ninja, develop mental and physical strength, and receive guidance from their experienced teachers.

Weapon handling and tool usage are also part of the program, with students practicing throwing accuracy and perfecting basic trap-setting techniques.

The curriculum also emphasizes core ninja skills, such as taijutsu through sparring sessions; ninjutsu through practicing techniques like the transformation jutsu and learning hand signs; and lastly, genjutsu, though not focused on creating illusions, does teach how to identify and escape from them.

Graduation from the academy involves a written and practical exam administered by a Chūnin instructor.

Passing students receive a forehead protector, a symbol of their achievement. These new graduates are then placed in balanced teams of three Genin and assigned a Jōnin leader for further training.

The Jōnin assesses the team dynamics and their ability to handle the demands of ninja life through a separate test.

The academy itself doesn't require learning every subject for graduation. It allows for individual strengths, as seen with Naruto, who couldn't perform basic techniques but excelled at more advanced ones.

Similarly, Rock Lee compensated for his lack of ninjutsu and genjutsu skills with exceptional taijutsu abilities. Students who fail the initial exams or their Jōnin's test might be offered a chance to repeat the year or, in extreme cases, be dropped entirely from the program.

Beyond that, Arthur wasn't sure what to expect.

Was it similar to the academy in the original story? Would there be familiar faces, or would they be entirely different people playing similar roles?

After a quick breakfast, he headed out the door with no equipment.

When he arrived, he noticed how large and imposing the building was. Constructed from dark wood and carved stone, it lay across a vast courtyard with an open gate.

He entered, walking down a lit hallway. As he navigated corridors, the sounds of distant chatter and laughter could be heard in different rooms. He eventually came upon an oak door emblazoned with a number, his assigned classroom, which the other players had told him about.

Pushing it open, he was greeted by an expected sight—a completely empty room.

Sunlight streamed through the windows overlooking the village; rows of wooden desks were neatly arranged in a grid; posters depicted basic taijutsu stances adorned on the walls; and a large blackboard stood at the front of the class, untouched.

Arthur wandered further into the room, tracing the familiar layout. It was almost identical to the classroom scenes he'd read about.

In the story, it opened with Naruto arising from his sleep, only to drink spoiled milk from a carton. He heads to the school and is shown to be infatuated with Sakura Haruno, a pink-haired kunoichi who doesn't like him and has an unhealthy crush on Sasuke Uchiha.

Sakura immediately sets her sights on the popular Sasuke, causing a commotion with Ino Yamanaka over who gets to sit next to him. Naruto, jealous of the attention, accidentally kisses Sasuke after a mishap with another student.

This sends the fangirls into a frenzy, pummeling Naruto for not being the one to share Sasuke's "first kiss."

After Iruka arrives, he announces the team formations, placing Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke together on Team 7.

Naruto is frustrated about being on a team with Sasuke, but Iruka explains that the teams are balanced based on skill levels, with Naruto's low scores being balanced by Sasuke's top performance.

Now things might be different.

Arthur settled into the topmost desk in the back corner, furthest from the entryway. He perched himself on the chair, his elbows resting on the surface and his chin propped up in his hands.

Gazing out the window, he patiently watched the bustling village. A sudden burst of laughter broke the silence, followed by the sound of boisterous chatter.

Glancing back at the door, he saw the group of players enter the classroom together: Alex, Jada, Jasper, Alice, and Margaret. William wasn't with them.

Margaret yelled with a peal of laughter, teasing, "Hahaha! Why do you look like Sasuke up there, ya loner?"

Arthur ignored the comment as Jada's sharp gaze settled on Jasper. A knowing look passed between them. Jasper scratched his head, looking elsewhere until finally giving in and stepping forward toward Arthur.

"Hey, man," he began. "About last night, no hard feelings, alright?"

Arthur knew that it must have been William who told the others about their exchange. On top of this, he was always taught never to hold a grudge. Offering Jasper a cool nod, he said, "We'll call it a misunderstanding. Always forgiven."

Jasper seemed relieved by Arthur's response. He nodded curtly and mumbled another apology before choosing to sit right next to him. There were no assigned seats, so the others also sat close by.

Despite the outward acceptance, Arthur knew Jasper's apology couldn't be entirely sincere. The urgency in his voice during their fight, the desperation to prove Arthur's weakness—it all pointed to malice.

The door opened again, and this time, a flurry of activity filled the previously quiet classroom. Students flooded in, filling the empty seats with various greetings and playful banter.

Arthur watched as William entered alongside Naruto. Seeing the other players, William shot them a quick nod, a confirmation that he had prevented Naruto from drinking the spoiled milk.

Then, something changed. William sat close to us, but Naruto followed him!

How the story played out was that Naruto was supposed to sit on the same desk as Sasuke and Sakura. William tried to get him to sit elsewhere, but he felt offended that he couldn't sit next to his friends.

'I wonder how you'll handle this change,' Arthur thought.

Alex apologized, allowing the boisterous ninja to sit alongside the group. Naruto's energy was a tad infectious; he was already blending in with everyone as if he hadn't been ostracized before.

The influx of students brought familiar faces—the main cast of characters from the original story.

Shino Aburame, from the Aburame clan, a clan that could manipulate bugs, slunk into a corner seat, his face obscured by the high collar of his jacket and dark round sunglasses. He was a quiet observer, content to let his actions speak louder than words.

Across from Shino sat Hinata Hyūga, her short, dark blue hair framing a shy, almost timid expression. A gentle blush dusted her cheeks as her eyes darted around the room, seemingly searching for someone.

Kiba Inuzuka, another energetic boy with a wild mane of brown hair, burst into the room. He's from the clan that abuses canines to fight for them. Akamaru is the name of his pup. Kiba's personality was as loud as his laugh.

Not far from Kiba, taking a seat next to a bored-looking Shikamaru Nara, was Ino Yamanaka. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and she had a lot of self-confidence. Ino was sharp and competitive, always striving to be the best.

Shikamaru, easily recognizable by his lazy drawl and spiky black hair tied in a bun, yawned loudly as he slumped into his seat. He seemed perpetually bored with everything, his signature phrase, "What a drag," reminding everyone of his laziness.

Chōji Akimichi, a large boy with a permanent blush on his cheeks, sat a bit away from Shikamaru, a bag of chips already half-empty clutched in his hand. Food was Chōji's primary motivation, and his love for eating was a running gag.

Just then, the door opened again, and two more figures entered. Arthur would have recognized them from anywhere: Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. The handsome boy walked with an air of quiet arrogance, sitting down near the center on the far right. Following, Sakura sat next to him.

There he was, the famed Uchiha.

Right from the beginning, Sasuke establishes himself as a talented and serious student, the complete opposite of Naruto's personality. His appearance contributes to his image—honing his dark, spiky hair and onyx black eyes that reflect a deep well of emotions.

His outfit, though interchangeable as the story progresses, consists of a dark blue shirt with a high collar and light blue pants.

Sasuke's defining characteristic is his exceptional talent for being a ninja. He is a prodigy of the Uchiha clan, much like his older brother. He's a natural at learning, excelling in both academics and practical ninja skills. This talent breeds a sense of superiority and aloofness in him.

Once he reawakens the Sharingan after fighting Haku, he'll be able to copy other ninjas's moves and see through illusions, making him more deadly.

Initially, Sasuke has very little regard for teamwork. He sees himself as superior to his peers and believes he can accomplish his goals alone. This clashes with Naruto's desire for friendship and acceptance.

Like Arthur remembered, Sasuke's path takes a darker turn. His obsession with revenge consumes him, leading him to make questionable choices and even betray his village. He becomes increasingly distant from his teammates, Naruto and Sakura, who desperately try to reach out to him.

His journey is one of vengeance, loss, and redemption. While he starts as a talented prodigy, his experiences force him to confront complex emotions and challenge his own morals.

Then there was Sakura, a character most fans can't tolerate.

Initially, she isn't very skilled and relies on her teammates to protect her on missions. However, she is determined to prove herself capable. Despite a rough childhood with bullies picking on her forehead, she builds confidence thanks to her childhood friend, Ino.

This friendship eventually sours when both girls develop a crush on Sasuke, leading to a competitive rivalry.

Sakura hides a lot of her true feelings. On the outside, she appears polite and collected, but inwardly, she struggles with frustration and anger. This inner self manifests as "Inner Sakura," who expresses emotions Sakura wants to keep hidden.

Over time, she overcomes this by relying on herself and her teammates more, going through extensive training with another Tsunade for years to become a stronger fighter.

Known as the "Rookie Nine," they painted the classroom with a familiar, almost nostalgic feel.

The only other main characters missing are Neji Hyūga, Tenten, and Rock Lee, all of whom are part of the original Team Guy, weren't present. Arthur recalled that they were placed on a different team due to being one year older than the others.

Arthur couldn't help but observe this scene.

While Sakura's infatuation with Sasuke seemed intact—evident in the way her gaze kept flitting towards him—it was Naruto who threw him off balance.

Instead of the usual attempts to outdo Sasuke, Naruto was surprisingly subdued. He engaged in friendly banter with Alex and William, being a tad more reserved.

"Seriously, Naruto, what are you doing here?" a student snickered across the room.

Naruto turned slightly, showing off the headband on his forehead, and said, "See this! All my hard work's finally paid off. Believe it!"

Every player knew this was a scene straight from the story. Although they wondered differently, many understood that the main character was still the same.

Just then, Iruka strode in, holding a clipboard of the assigned teams.