
Path Of The Vampiric Lord

I was teenage nerd who was living his average life, that is until I discovered that I was 'his' successor. My path as the Vampiric Lord starts now!

Justine_Animator · Oriental
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The four factions and the succession

[There were four factions hidden from the world, these four factions hold massive power yet remained undetected.]

[The first faction was the 'Vampire Faction', they hold demonic power in return for human blood. Second was the Wolf Faction, they are the slowest in development of their faction in return for their dominance in the battlefield. The third faction was the Hunter Faction, these faction holds a grudge with the Vampire Faction due to past encounters. And lastly is the Mage Faction, nobody truly knows about this faction but it was said that they were humans blessed by god.]

<3000 years ago>

"Lord Cain, we can't let those bat elders do their bidding! They have sent feral beasts onto our territory as provocation to you!" - Nathan(Vampire Messenger)

"Don't worry, I don't plan on sitting idly for long, those bats dare rebel against their lord." - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"Nathan, inform the faction that we will be striking back and while you're at it, call my brother Minnes, I have something to talk with him." - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"Yes my lord." - Nathan(Vampire Messenger)

[Nathan, a member of the Shadow Steps and the messenger of the Vampire faction, had quickly sent the message of his lord Cain to the whole faction.]

[He had also called Lord Minnes XVII, a Bat Lord that had not rebelled against the vampire faction.]

"I have come brother, for what reason have you asked for my presence?" - Minnes XVII(Vampire Lord)

"Brother Minnes, how is the negotiation with the Wolf Faction?" - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"It is going well my brother, we have already made great connections with them. And about the Hunter Faction, it seems that they cannot let go of their hatred for us." - Minnes XVII(Vampire Lord)

"I see, thank you for your hard work brother, at least my decisions have been fruitful and we have made great allies to help us in the future." - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"Is there something worrying you brother Cain? You speak as if you're end is near." - Minnes XVII(Vampire Lord)

"Its nothing.. I'm just having a feeling." - Cain(Vampiric Lord)

"My lord, they are ready." - Nathan

[The Vampire Faction had their best forces against the multiple feral beasts and the Bat Elders. The vampires were all stationed including the three vampire lords Cain, Ace, and Minnes XVII. They raised their swords and charged with full force driving back the feral beasts but.. in an unfortunate event, the bat elders had used their remaining power in cursing Cain.]

[The curse was powerful enough to make an immortal being fall in to weakness.]

"Cain! Don't worry, we'll take you to the blood shrine immediately." - Beatrice(Cain's Wife)

[Cain was struck with the curse, and was brought to the blood shrine by his wife Beatrice, where they heal a vampire's injuries through human blood, but it was rendered useless.]

[Cain could not recover from the curse and only rested in his bed awaiting for his inevitable death. He had asked for the appearance of his family.]

"Father! Are you okay father!?" - Anna(Cain's Daughter)

"I'm fine my dear, you know you're father is strong. *cough cough" - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"Hey Anna, could you tell me one of those prophecies you've been having in you're dreams, for your father." - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"Dear, take your rest, your already weak as it is." - Beatrice

"I just want to hear a bedtime story before I slumber." - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"If its father's wish, then I shall answer, father has always told me stories at bed, now its my turn!" - Anna

"Thanks Anna.." - Cain says with a smile

[Anna told a story of a boy, who will take on the legacy of one of the three vampire lords, and also having the other three factions as his allies and supporters.]

"That was one of the best stories I've heard Anna, maybe better than the ones I told you." - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"Beatrice, Anna, could you come closer.." - Cain(Vampire Lord)

"I love you both very much, you were the ones helped me through those critical times, and for my final favor, with this bottle of my blood, raise 'him' in the future." - Cain says with a smile

[And there ends the breath of one of the three vampire lords of the Vampire Faction. The news spread out to the other three factions and mourned for his death, though the Hunter Faction did not shed a single tear except for those who had connections with Cain.]

[Years passed with the Vampire Faction had no clue for who would take the throne of Cain except for his wife and daughter. Anna became a vampire lord on her own through her achievements but did not take the role as the leader of the whole faction for everybody thought that nobody would as good as the Vampire Lord Cain.]

[Years and years had passed and the Vampire Faction had relocated to the west of the world while leaving Cain's legacy at the east of the world, Asia's country Japan.]

[And I, Angel Hughes, am the destined vampire king of the Vampire Faction but lets go through how I managed to acquire his legacy.]


[My name is Angel Hughes, am a half Japanese and half American, I currently live here in the countryside of japan. My mom and dad moved here in the countryside for a better life as a farmer. I study at Mishima Highschool and I train myself daily to endure the hard life as a shuttle and because I can't hurt them due to family rules.]

[Until one day at the forest]

"Let go of me!" - Angel

"Shut up bitch! Just follow us!" - Jin Shirasawa

[Jin Shirasawa, the highschool bully, he lured me using my friends as bait. I don't know what I did to him wrong but he's constantly targeting me everytime, I only wanted to look at my crush, the school president.]

"I recently found this creepy old looking house, lets lock this bitch inside here" - Jiro Yamamoto

[Jiro Yamamoto, Jin Shirasawa's underling]

"C'mon, lets go in, I love treasure hunting." - Jin Shirasawa

[As we went inside the abandoned looking mansion, the two doors behind us shut itself tight.]

"Shit, we're stuck!" - Jin says as kicks door

"Babe, what are we going to do, I'm scared." - Airi Makino

[Airi Makino, Jin Shirasawa's girlfriend, and the one who keeps bullying me at the classroom.]

"C'mon, lets explore this abandoned shit!" - Jin Shirasawa

[As we explored the large mansion, we came across the basement, it was large, with a stone coffin in the middle.]

[Jin opened it and saw nothing but skeletal body holding a bottle of red liquid.]

"What the hell is this? Is this blood?" - Jin Shirasawa

[As he was holding the bottle, Jin, Airi, and Jiro looked at me with a creepy smile. Jiro held me tight while Jin poured the bottle of blood at my mouth.]

"So, how did that taste you bitch?" - Jin said with a smirk

[I felt dizzy and hungry at the same time, I looked at the three and lost control at my body and pounced at them. I heard Airi screaming, I saw my hands dripping with blood with a sweet taste at my mouth, and saw Jin's body ripped into pieces under me.]

[I vomited at the scene and saw Jiro walking away, I lost control of my body yet again and pounced at him, ripping him, drinking his blood as if I was craving for it.]

[The doors to the large basement opened and a man with long blond hair, and with a white complexion appeared. His eyes were glowing blue and he had sharp fangs.]

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Otto, the master of this mansion." - Otto

[He looked at me and smiled.]

"So you're the destined one huh, but it seems there's unfinished food here."

[In just a single step, he was already in front of Airi, he opened his mouth showing his sharp fangs and bit Airi, her body slowly dried and she died with the loss of blood.]

[The only thing left with her was skin and bones and the organs with no blood left. I was terrified and tried to ran but the door shut in front of me, I couldn't get out, he slowly walked to me.]

"It seems that you are terrified, sit down for a second and take a breath, don't worry, I'm not gonna eat you nor harm you." - Otto

[I listened to what he said with fear and took a breath, I calmed down for a bit with fear still in my mind.]

"Who-who are you?" - Angel says while shivering in fear

"Then let me introduce myself again, I am a vampire, and what you had just drank is the legacy of my brother." - Otto

"Le-legacy? What do you mean legacy?" - Angel

"Then let me tell you in the form of a story." - Otto

[Otto told me about the four factions and about the man who I drank the blood off. I carefully organized my thoughts but I couldn't sway the fact that I'm the destined lord the Vampire Faction.]

"It has seemed that you've organized your mind, are there anymore questions you want answered?" - Otto

"If I'm the successor of the Vampire Lord, then do I have to leave home?" - Angel

"Well not necessarily, it depends on your choice if you want to stay or go to the faction immediately, but I recommend to stay hidden for now, there are lot of enemies of Cain including the Hunter Faction that's currently blending in with the current society." - Otto

"Then why are you here and not at the Vampire Faction?" - Angel

"I was tasked by madam Anna to look out for the prophesied boy." - Otto

"Go back for now, its getting dark, your family might get worried." - Otto

"Can I come back here again tomorrow?" - Angel

"Of course, though be ready because we'll be training you and teach you everything about a vampire lord tomorrow." - Otto

"I'll ready myself!" - Angel

[I had ran back to my house and rested.]

"So you've found him?" - Anna

"Yes madam" - Otto

"I'll send Vincent there, you two will be responsible for his growth as a vampire lord." - Anna

"Don't worry madam, we'll raise him well to be the next vampire king" - Otto