
Path of Sovereign

In the year 2012, anomaly came from the earth that put everything in transition. A colorful floating orb — grants the supernatural ability to whoever obtains and absorbs it. This floating orb can be used for good or for evil. Division in society was displayed in the instance the transition began. Garner, a male lead, obtains a thousand color orb that will change his entire destiny.

Ginx_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 3 - My Own Path

Garner settled on the edge of the lagoon, a familiar spot he often frequented for his fishing expeditions. The public cemetery that once stood near his home had been transformed into a vast expanse of water, its remnants lost to the ravages of war.

In its place emerged a crystal-clear lagoon, a mesmerizing spectacle teeming with life. Fish of an unknown species darted and danced amidst the azure depths, their scales shimmering like iridescent jewels under the sun's caress. Their presence was a testament to the lagoon's resilience, a symbol of life amidst the ruins of the past.

"Those people in the kingdom," he muttered angrily, his voice barely a whisper yet heavy with the weight of unspoken resentments. "I will make them pay."

It had been a month now since his beloved elder sister had been taken away by the kingdom's authority, her whereabouts unknown. The uncertainty gnawed at Garner's heart, fueling his growing resentment towards the kingdom. Every night, the sight of his mother's tear-stained face, her grief an ocean too deep to fathom, only intensified his desire for vengeance.

The gentle lapping of the waves against his boat provided a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. As he gazed into the depths of the lagoon, the shimmering reflections of the fish seemed to mock his helplessness. 

Just a few meters away at the lagoon, the sight of a newly emerged forest of the unknown is visible in his sorrowful yet angry eyes.

It was dusk, and the light of the sunset shone into the forest. With the newly emerged unknown creature, this forest has been restricted by the kingdom from traveling.

Garner deftly maneuvered his small boat towards the lagoon's shore, his practiced hands expertly handling the oars. As he approached the sandy bank, he tightened the rope securing the boat, ensuring it would remain steadfast amidst the gentle lapping of the waves.

Putting down his fishing gear, he headed in the direction of the unknown forest in his sight.

Once a vibrant hub of life, the forest now stands as a forgotten relic, its former grandeur swallowed by the relentless march of nature. Garner recalled the days when laughter echoed through these woods when children's games filled the air with merriment. But that was before the Orb, a celestial enigma that had transformed the familiar into the foreign.

Garner ventured deeper into the forest, his footsteps guided by an insatiable curiosity. The forest seemed to expand with each step, its towering trees casting long, menacing shadows. An eerie symphony of unidentified sounds filled the air, unsettling the tranquility of the forest. The rustling of leaves danced to the rhythm of the wind, whispering in the breeze that carried tales of ancient secrets.

A shroud of mist draped itself over the path ahead, obscuring the way forward. Garner hesitated, a chill running down his spine. The atmosphere crackled with an otherworldly energy, reminiscent of the chilling scenes from horror movies he'd watched as a child. He swallowed hard, his heart pounding against his ribs. A yearning for the warmth and security of his home tugged at his resolve. He glanced back towards the lagoon, his eyes drawn to the familiar sight of his humble abode. The sight of his home, an oasis amidst the encroaching darkness, fueled his determination. With a newfound resolve, he pressed onward into the misty embrace of the forest.

His father, Amyr, had always cautioned him against venturing into the Unknown Forest, warning that inviting trouble was inevitable. Yet, despite the stern warnings, an irresistible force—a siren's call of the unknown—beckoned Garner deeper into the woods.

Unaware of what awaited him, Garner unknowingly took a step forward, crossing the invisible threshold into the enigmatic forest. As he traversed the overgrown path, a sense of awe washed over him. The forest was a surreal symphony of colors and textures, reminiscent of a fairytale or a magical anime world.

Vines, thick and verdant, snaked their way through the towering trees, intertwining them into a verdant canopy overhead. The orange sunset, filtered through the leafy ceiling, cast dappled patterns on the forest floor, creating an enchanting interplay of light and shadow.

A mesmerizing blue glow caught Garner's eye, drawing him closer like a moth to a flame. As he cautiously approached, he discovered the source of the ethereal illumination—tiny, glowing frogs. Their skin shimmered with an iridescent blue light, and their bodies were no bigger than two inches, smooth and delicate like silk.

Garner recalled a nature documentary on Nat Geo, warning that vividly colored creatures often possessed potent toxins. He halted his advance, maintaining a respectful distance of five feet from the luminous amphibians.

What truly captivated Garner was the frogs' extraordinary ability to teleport. With each leap, they vanished into thin air, only to reappear a meter away, as if defying the laws of physics.

"Teleporting frogs!" Garner exclaimed, his voice echoing through the hushed forest, excitement bubbling within him. The weight of his sadness momentarily lifted, replaced by a sense of wonder and fascination.

As Garner marveled at the teleporting frogs, a mesmerizing spectacle unfolded above him. Orbs of incandescent orange light danced and twirled like celestial fireflies, their flickering glow illuminating the forest canopy. Curiosity piqued, and he look closely, only to discover that these enchanting orbs were not mere wisps of light but rather living creatures— flaming butterflies!

A spectacle of unimaginable beauty unfolded before Garner's eyes. Hundreds of butterflies, their wings ablaze with an incandescent orange fire, danced through the forest, their delicate forms weaving intricate patterns against the verdant backdrop. Mesmerized by their ethereal luminosity, Garner ventured deeper into the forest, his steps quickening with anticipation.

As he traversed the verdant depths of the forest, a melodious whinny echoed through the stillness, sending shivers of anticipation down Garner's spine. Could it be? Could this fantastical place be home to the mythical creatures of his childhood dreams? With a pounding heart, he followed the enchanting sound, his footsteps guided by an insatiable curiosity.

Emerging from the dense foliage, Garner emerged into a clearing bathed in ethereal moonlight. There, amidst a carpet of emerald grass, grazed a group of magnificent creatures—unicorns! Their sleek, ivory coats shimmered under the moonlight, their spiraled horns radiating an otherworldly glow.

Garner pinched himself, unsure if he was dreaming or if this truly was a sight from a fairy tale. The unicorns, sensing his presence, lifted their heads, their soulful eyes meeting his gaze. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the world suspended in a state of enchantment.

Overcome with joy, Garner clapped his hands in sheer delight. The unicorns, responding to his joyous outburst, gracefully took flight, their hooves barely touching the ground as they soared into the starlit sky. Their majestic forms arced against the velvety expanse, their tails trailing behind them like plumes of shimmering moonlight.

Garner watched in awe as the unicorns vanished into the night, their ethereal beauty etched into his memory. His heart brimmed with gratitude for the extraordinary wonders he had witnessed, his spirit soaring high like the mythical creatures that had graced his presence.

The radiant smile that adorned Garner's face faltered as he glanced up at the sky again, the moon casting light across the grassy field. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning: it was nightfall, and he was lost amidst the labyrinthine depths of the unknown forest.

A wave of anxiety washed over him as he tried to retrace his steps, his eyes darting from left to right, searching for any familiar landmark. But the forest, once a wondrous spectacle, now appeared as an impenetrable maze, its towering trees and tangled undergrowth offering no hint of his way back home.

The unknown forest had been off-limits to the remaining residents of this war-ravaged town, a consequence of the devastating conflict that had left their community decimated. With no discernible paths or signs of human presence, it was evident that he was the first to venture into this uncharted territory.


Garner's heart pounded in his chest as he grappled with the daunting realization that he was trapped, lost in a forest shrouded in mystery and danger. The once-enchanting frogs and unicorns now seemed like distant memories, replaced by the looming threat of the approaching darkness.

Suddenly, a deafening roar shattered the silence, piercing through the thick foliage and sending a jolt of fear coursing through Garner's veins. His blood ran cold as he realized the source of the sound—a monstrous creature lurking within the depths of the forest.

Garner instinctively took a step backward, his eyes widening in terror as two glowing orbs emerged from the darkness. The eyes grew brighter with each step, their eerie luminescence casting an otherworldly glow upon the forest floor.

A shiver ran down Garner's spine as the creature emerged from the shadows, its hulking form casting an ominous shadow against the moonlit sky. Its fur was like that of a porcupine, full of thorns, and its eyes glowed red with an insatiable hunger. Garner could sense the creature's raw power emanating from its massive frame.

Without hesitation, Garner spun on his heel and bolted away, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. He didn't dare look back, his legs pumping adrenaline with every stride. The monster's deafening roars echoed behind him, fueled by the thrill of the chase.

Garner pushed himself to his limits, his lungs burning with every breath. He burst through the grassy field, his path illuminated by the moonlight. As he reached the opposite edge of the grassy field, he plunged back into the depths of the foliage, the monster's heavy footsteps shaking the ground beneath his feet.

With every thud, chunks of earth and debris flew through the air, a testament to the monster's immense size. It seemed to relish the chase, intentionally prolonging Garner's terror.

Garner ran blindly, not daring to look back, as he could feel the monster's presence closing in on him. His heart pounded in his chest, and his mind was filled with the image of the creature's glowing eyes and razor-sharp teeth.

The forest seemed to stretch on forever, the trees forming an impenetrable wall around him. Garner stumbled over roots and rocks, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He felt his strength waning and his body succumbing to exhaustion.

Suddenly, he spotted a light ahead. His heart leaped with hope as he surged forward, his last reserves of energy propelling him towards the light.

What awaited him was not the exit of the forest but a colorful orb floating in a small pond, just above the shallow water. The orb was protected by a powerful, white, glowing shield. This light illuminated the dark and creepy forest.

Without hesitation, Garner approached the white shield and slowly reached out with his right hand. To his surprise, the shield did not stop him. Instead, he touched nothing and drifted inside the shield.

He slammed face-down into the pond, startled by the unexpected event. He had expected the shield to stop him.

Slowly tilting his wet face, he was now looking at the orb closely, just a foot away from him.

The colossal creature appeared outside the shield and seemed hesitant to go near it. It slowly walked in circles, maintaining a safe distance.

Garner's heart pounded in his chest, the weight of the decision pressing down on him like a physical burden. The orb pulsated with an otherworldly glow, its iridescent hues beckoning him closer. He knew the power it held—the potential it might give.

Caught in this internal struggle, Garner stood frozen, his gaze locked on the mesmerizing orb. His mind raced, weighing the risks and rewards, contemplating the potential consequences of his choice. Would the orb's power elevate him to new heights, or would it lead him down a path of destruction?

The colossal creature outside the shield watched him with an unreadable gaze, its massive form casting an ominous aura over the serene pond. Garner could sense the creature's hesitation and its wariness of the orb's power.

His mind raced, replaying the events that had led him to this fateful moment. The kingdom forces that had taken his big sister, the kingdom's ruthless actions, and the desperate search for a way to rescue her. The orb represented his only hope, but it also came with a grave price.

If he touched the orb, he would become a target of the kingdom's relentless pursuit for power. The thought of the danger he would bring upon himself and his family sent a chill down his spine. Yet the thought of leaving his sister to suffer in the kingdom's clutches was unbearable.

Garner's gaze shifted back to the orb, its hypnotic glow drawing him closer. He reached out a trembling hand, his fingers hovering centimeters from its surface. The warmth pulsating from the orb seemed to seep into his skin, igniting a surge of determination within him.

With a deep breath, he chose his path to take. Garner pressed his hand against the orb's surface. A blinding flash of light engulfed him, and the world around him dissolved into a swirling vortex of colors.

Here's an early chapter release for you! I apologize for the once-a-week schedule, as I'm still working hard to make ends meet. But trust me, this story is worth the wait. Please comment and let me know what you think. Your feedback will keep me motivated to write more. Thank you and happy reading!

Ginx_creators' thoughts