
Path of Sovereign

In the year 2012, anomaly came from the earth that put everything in transition. A colorful floating orb — grants the supernatural ability to whoever obtains and absorbs it. This floating orb can be used for good or for evil. Division in society was displayed in the instance the transition began. Garner, a male lead, obtains a thousand color orb that will change his entire destiny.

Ginx_ · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 12 - Threat Awaits

A few months earlier, when the outsider attacked the Kingdom of Earth...

"Tell the others to never kill it; it should be captured alive!" King advised firmly.

Julienne, Rosalia, Kaye, and Jude were the only ones who took action during the attack. Kaye, also one of the 12, ranked number 9, specialized in long-range attacks. Her power, called Divine Bow, was formidable, and she had a serious demeanor. The streaks of light that descended from the sky were her doing.

Jude, on the other hand, specialized in time manipulation and ranked number 4. When he joined the others, the pressure of keeping the outsider alive lessened, and their chances of success increased significantly.

King, the wisest of them all, made it clear that the outsider must not be killed. His strategic thinking was essential in handling such threats.

Using his time manipulation powers, Jude trapped the outsider in a time loop, causing confusion and making it impossible for the outsider to distinguish between moments. This effectively sealed the outsider's powers and rendered them helpless.

After capturing the perpetrator, they transported him to their headquarters for interrogation.

The headquarters of the 12 Circles was an imposing structure, exuding an ethereal ambiance. It was akin to the grandeur of the White House but draped in tattered decay, a haunting reminder of past glories and current struggles. The building stood as a testament to both power and resilience, with its towering pillars and expansive halls that had withstood the test of time and countless battles.

Inside, the atmosphere was thick with an aura of formidable energy.

The walls of the headquarters were adorned with relics and artifacts, each telling a story of past battles and victories. Dim, flickering torches cast long shadows that danced across the room, adding to the otherworldly feel of the place. The air was filled with a palpable tension, a mix of anticipation and determination as the members of the 12 Circles prepared to interrogate the captured outsider.

King, despite his small child-like physique, stood literally on the table, his presence commanding.

"Begin the interrogation," King commanded, his voice echoing through the hall.

As the questioning commenced, the room seemed to come alive with the raw power of the gathered warriors. The combined might of the 12 Circles was overwhelming, a testament to their unparalleled strength and unity.

This was the heart of their power, the place where decisions that shaped the fate of the kingdom were made. And now, with the outsider in their grasp, they were one step closer to uncovering the threats that loomed over their world.


"Arrrggghhhh!!!!" A shout of pain echoed through the entire headquarters as they attempted to extract information from the outsider.

"Torture on the outside was not effective. How about we try the inside?" A handsome man stepped into the room, his presence commanding attention. He was Mark, Rank 11 in the 12 Circles, known for his expertise in pill refining.

Mark approached the restrained outsider with a calm, almost clinical demeanor. He held a small, crimson pill between his fingers, its surface gleaming ominously in the dim light. Without a word, he forced the pill into the outsider's mouth, ensuring it was swallowed.

The effects were immediate. Within seconds, sweat began to bead on the outsider's forehead, his face contorting with excruciating pain. His body convulsed as the pill's potent effects took hold, attacking him from within.

The other members of the 12 Circles watched intently. Rosalia's expression was one of grim determination, while Kaye's eyes narrowed as she observed the outsider's suffering. Jude stood silently, his mind likely calculating the time remaining before the outsider would break.

Mark's voice broke the tense silence. "This is a truth pill, amplified with pain-inducing properties. It will force him to speak the truth, no matter how much he tries to resist."

The outsider's screams grew louder, his resistance weakening with each passing moment. The pill was relentless, burrowing into his mind and body, extracting the information they needed.

King, still standing on the table, observed with a keen, critical eye. Despite his childlike appearance, his presence was a constant reminder of the power and wisdom he possessed. "We need to know everything," he said, his voice calm but firm. "Who sent you? What are their plans?"

The outsider, now drenched in sweat and writhing in agony, finally began to speak. His words were halting and pained, but the truth pill ensured they were truthful. "I was sent by... the Overlords... to find the takers... They plan to... break the barrier... targeting the weak kingdom..."

The room fell silent as the gravity of his words sank in. The Overlords' plans were more dangerous and far-reaching than they had anticipated. The members of the 12 Circles exchanged glances, understanding the urgency and the stakes involved.

Mark stepped back, his job done. The outsider continued to spill more details, each revelation more alarming than the last. The 12 Circles now had critical information that could help them prepare for the battles ahead, but they also knew that their enemy was formidable and their plans were already in motion.

King, ever the strategist, began to formulate their next move. "We need to fortify the barrier and prepare our forces. The Overlords will not stop until they achieve their goal. We must be ready."

"They already have King's Rank members, and it's only a matter of time before they have Emperors. If that happens, no one will be safe," King declared with a grave expression.

"Rafael, Gaia, go tell Manuel about the information we extracted," King added, his tone brooking no argument.

Rafael and Gaia exchanged a glance, their faces tense. Without another word, they stood up and swiftly left the room, their footsteps echoing through the grand, yet decaying, hallways of the headquarters.

The Kingdom of Earth was one of the weakest among the kingdoms, and the Overlords had chosen them as one of their target. The Overlords' tactics were ruthless and calculated: devour the weakest to grow stronger and eventually confront the most powerful. The kingdom's vulnerability made it an ideal starting point for their campaign of domination.

Outside the headquarters, the kingdom lay under a veil of tension. The air was thick with the unspoken fear of impending doom. The people went about their daily lives, unaware of the looming threat. The Overlords' strategy was clear—they aimed to break the spirit of the kingdom before breaking its defenses.

As Rafael and Gaia hurried towards Manuel's quarters, they couldn't help but feel the weight of the responsibility on their shoulders. The information they carried could determine the fate of their kingdom. The urgency of their mission pressed heavily on their minds, knowing that any delay could lead to catastrophic consequences.


Meanwhile, Garner and Teresa are headed to the kingdom. Teresa, her stride confident, leads the way through the dense foliage of the forest, her familial ties guiding her steps.

The forest sprawls before them, its expanse seeming to stretch endlessly into the distance. Despite their determination to reach their destination swiftly, Garner and Teresa find themselves pausing intermittently, their bodies weary from the exertion of their journey. They take brief respites, allowing their muscles to recover before pressing onward.

Glancing back over his shoulder, Garner reflects on the passage of time. It has been six years since he was but a snot-nosed, fragile teen, a mere boy thrust into a world of adversity. Now, he stands tall and resolute, his determination to protect his family unwavering.

As they prepare to resume their journey, a sudden rustling draws their attention. A massive form emerges from the shadows ahead, its fur bristling with menace as it looms before them: a fearsome wolf, its eyes gleaming with primal aggression.

Teresa's aura ignites with a fierce intensity, casting a radiant glow that illuminates the surrounding forest. The air crackles with energy as clouds swirl overhead, propelled by a gust of wind that seems to answer her call.

"Wait," Garner interjects, his voice calm yet resolute. "I think I know him." He reaches out, a gesture of restraint to halt Teresa's instinctive attack, though the clouds linger ominously above.

The Razorback stands before them, a formidable presence amid the forest, his demeanor calm and composed. Despite the looming threat, there is no hint of fear in his steady gaze.

"It has been quite a while, kid. You've grown into someone quite powerful and formidable," the Razorbacks calmly remarked.

"I need you to accompany me; our alpha wishes to speak with you personally," he added.

"No, I'm in a hurry to find my family in the kingdom, and it cannot wait," Garner replied urgently.

"Then you leave me with no choice," the Razorbacks responded, taking a step back before a powerful aura exploded around them. This was followed by a roar, and the clouds that had been gathering above slowly dissipated.

"Garner, he's also of King's rank," Teresa said, her voice tinged with fear.

"Run!" Garner shouted, attempting to fly upwards, but the overwhelming aura of a powerhouse with King's rank proved too much for him. He found himself unable to gather or manipulate the law around him, and Teresa faced a similar fate.

"Don't complicate matters for the rest of us. Our alpha simply needs to clarify a few things, and then you'll be free to resume your journey," he said, his words measured and calm, but with a hint of firmness.

"No! I've endured an excruciatingly long wait for this moment of reunion. I simply cannot bear the thought of waiting any longer. Please, I implore you, I need to ascertain the well-being of my loved ones," Garner pleaded fervently, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and urgency.

The Razorbacks exchanged meaningful glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation before deliberating on their next course of action.

After a brief moment, one of them stepped forward, a thoughtful expression on his face as he offered a potential solution.

"Very well. If you agree to accompany me, I will personally assist you in your quest to find your family. Rest assured, our unmatched tracking skills will ensure that we locate them swiftly," he declared, his voice resonating with confidence and determination.

Hello again, I am really sorry for the delays. The author is facing a jobless situation and trying to find new means to survive. As a result, I could not continue to write and concentrate due to anxiety about my future endeavors. However, rest assured, the story will continue until the very end. Thank you so much for the never ending support. Happy reading!!

Ginx_creators' thoughts