
Chapter 45: The Power of a GOD

"You bastard! " Naruto yelled he was yet again played by Sanemi.

"Calm down Naruto he is not your average opponent, even in the war he is one of the only normal humans and the only Samurai supporting the opponents we need to do this carefully," Bee said now completely serious as he realized how much of a threat Sanemi was.

"Bee he was able to even fool me with his genjutsu and when he transformed as Dee he hid his bloodlust completely, he is a tricky one we might need to go all out and take him in a single attack because if he realizes it he will be able to counter it. " Guyki said, as he too now was wary of Sanemi's existence, a genjutsu of this level was only shown by Sharingan users.

"Well in that case! Multi-Shadow clone jutsu! " Naruto yelled and created about three hundred clones just to fight Sanemi.

"Ho? you are using this jutsu again? you do know I can blo- " Sanemi's speech was again interrupted as the clones started to attack him.

"I know you can blow them away but only if I give you the opportunity! " Naruto yelled with a smirk.

"Well in that case I will just do this! " Sanemi said and then created some hand signs and surrounded himself with earth walls.

"Lightning Release: Lariat! "

"You are not forgetting about me now, are you? " Bee said as he smashed through the walls.

The earth walls crumbled as Sanemi appeared with folded arms. Both Naruto and Bee narrowed thier eyes as they sensed no change in him.

The clones did not waste any more time and rushed towards him, then suddenly his eyes glowed in a golden glow, and the clones backed off a couple of meters.

"In this world where there are victors and losers, Shinobi and Samurai, Gods and Demons...I will have order! " Sanemi exclaimed as a large meteorite dropped from the skies.

The meteorite seemed cubical and had golden lights coming from it. Naruto and Bee's eyes widened as they saw the meteorite approach the ground.

With his quick reflexes, Bee used all of his tentacle tails to shield both Naruto and himself.

A large explosion rang out as the earth on the surrounding place shook violently. The aftermath was drastic as every single clone was either turned into dust or stone.

"And that is a job well done " Tobi came from the woods as he joined up with Sanemi.

"I will take care of them now, almost all of the leftover forces are now heading here to provide assistance since you made such a nice spectacle. " Tobi continues.

"But it just makes my plan work faster. You can now rest Sanemi Yamikage. " Tobi yelled out the last part and stabbed Sanemi's heart with his scythe.

Sanemi's eyes widened and he spat out blood.

"You...why are you doing this..." Sanemi mumbled as he could not understand Tobi's motives.

"Nothing much, you see once a pawn loses its use there is no need to keep it around and wait for it to become another queen. " Tobi said then made sure to stab Sanemi's heart again to make sure he was dead.

"You...bastard! why did you kill him! was he not you comrade! " Naruto yelled as he saw the scene play out in front of him.

"Hmm? Comrade? that is a big word, he was nothing but a worthless pawn who is now dead, but do not worry you will meet him in the afterlife " Tobi said as the reanimated Jinchurikies also appeared on the battlefield.

"These are the Jinchurikies! " Bee exclaimed as he recognized some of them including Yugito Nee.


All the other battlefronts were also going well all except the battlefront led by the 5 Kage themself.

After just defeating the previous Kages, Kabuto summoned another reanimation, the reanimation of a being who once stood toe to toe with the God of Shinobi.

This was none other than the Ghost of the Uchiha Clan: Uchiha Madara! One of the founders of the hidden leaf, and the rival of Hashirama Senju.

Against such a legendary figure the situation looked bad, the Kage were tired from sealing thier predecessors and now had to fight a legend.


Another reanimation box was summoned right after the defeat of the 3rd Mizukage. Seeing the box the shinobi alliance forces again took thier stance, right after fighting and sealing some of the previous Kage they were considerably tired mentally and physically.

"Everyone it's just one more opponent! then we can take a rest! we have defeated shinobi on the level of kage the next threat won't be much greater! " Gaara yelled trying to boost the morale of the soldiers. which worked for the time being, until the box opened.

A man with long spiky black hair, wearing traditional red samurai armor came into the view.

"It can't be..." Onoki muttered out loud.

"Uchiha...Madara..." Onoki said out loud as the silent battlefield carried his words.

"As in the legendary Ghost of the Uchiha? " Gaara asked in disbelief.

"But in that case who is the other Madara? " Tsunade questioned as her thoughts ventured off to Tobi.

"We do not have time to think about it! Everyone who can still fight get ready! This threat is way worse than the Kage we fought just now! " A yelled as he could tell how much of a threat Madara is from Onoki's voice.

The sealing team retired towards the heart of the army as the rest of the shinobi pulled out thier weapons and got ready to fight alongside the 5 Kage.

"Hm? the weird nose brat is all grown up? " Madara asked in little confusion on what was happening.

"Are you the one who casted the reanimation jutsu? " Madara asked to the reanimated Dee.

"That is correct my name is Kabuto and I am the one who casted this jutsu " Dee responded.

"Speaking through your reanimation puppet? a tricky one aren't you " Madara said as he finally observed his surroundings.

"They all are wearing the same headband? some sort of shinobi alliance? " Madara muttered.

"That is correct, I have made your reanimation a special one you know? " Kabuto said.

"You should be better than you were in your glory days. " Kabuto continued.

"Ho? you know how strong I was in my glory days? " Madara asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No that is why I summoned you to show me your legendary Uchiha power. " Kabuto responded.

"Very well then allow me to show it to you! " Madara said and desended in the battlefeild.

Madara slowly approached the shinobi alliance. His every step was heavy and sent shivers down his opponents. There have been multiple generations of Kage, but there has only been one Madara Uchiha, and that thought terrified the Shinobi.

The walk became a jog and the jog became a sprint.

"HAAAAAAA!!!" The shinobi yelled and they too charged at Madara. The result? was just as expected. Like a dancer, Madara weaved through the battlefield and his hands drew blood whoever dared to interrupt him.

Shuriken, Ninjutsu, Katana, Kunai nothing fazed him, in front of Madara's eyes these attacks were merely worthless. Madara continued to kill and kill but then a lump of sand caught his leg and threw him away.

Madara flipped in mid-air and then created a single hand sign and then took a deep breath of air.

'Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flames' With that he released an enormous amount of flames which then created a wall of fire that devoured everything in its path.

"Water release: Water wall! " Some of the shinobi stood up and released multiple walls of water to counter Madara's jutsu. The wall of water and flames clashed as a huge amount of smoke and mist blocked everyone's vision.

"Be aware he is coming! " One of the sensors yelled as Madara appeared from the skies with multiple dragon heads made from flames following him.

Madara then continues to crush the shinobi alliance, they were unable to simply raise a finger against him. The Kage were helpless as well as they were recovering thier lost chakra.

The situtaion look dier for the shinobi alliance. Madara was like a force of nature, immortal and unstoppable. Shinobi were dropping left and right as Madara continued his rampage.

"Lightning Release: Lariat! " With a roar A slammed his arm towards Madar's face, but it was blocked by a skeletal Susanoo, and then with his Mangekyo he released an incomplete Susanoo and then continued on killing.

The sand near his feat came alive and again grabbed and threw him out of the Susanoo, where Onoki and was ready with a huge boulder to smash Madara with.

"Lord-Tsuhikage got a hit! "

"The Kages are with us! "

"Where did he get that boulder from? "

"Let's go we can still win! "

Cheers ran from the Shinobi as they thought they had finally won, but thier victory was short-lived as the boulder was pushed away, and Madara slowly came from the debris and opened his eyes, his Mangekyo Sharingan was nowhere to be seen and were now replaced with Rinnegan!

Madara then went to where he was summoned and met with Kabuto who was using Dee's body.

"So felt it? felt the power of my creation! " Kabuto exclaimed as he waited for Madara's reply.

"I unlocked the Rinnegan just a little before my death, Do not misunderstand this not the power of your creation! " Madara exclaimed as he and his Susanoo made some hand signs.

The skies darkened, as the shinobi looked up, just to see thier doom, thier hopes and dreams left thier bodies as they could do nothing but stare at their oncoming death.

"Damn it..." Tsunade muttered

"Is this...the power of...a God? " Gaara asked to no one as he observed the huge meteor size of a small country heading towards them.