
Path Of A Monarch

Noah was a hardened soldier versed in the way of wars and battles on Earth, wading through multiple battles with his friends. The only friends he had in his world. In the end, humans were humans. Before greed, things like friendships didn't matter much. Before treasures that could change the course of their lives, that could elevate them to greatness, Noah was betrayed. Left to die by the same friends who had fought with him side by side for multiple years. But his journey wasn't over. Through unknown methods, he was reincarnated. Waking up in a younger body with magnificent potential, Noah, now plagued by the betrayal of his past, forges his path with his exceptional talent, possessing the legendary Space and Gravity type Battlesouls. He brings with him his Battle experience from his past life and a cold heart forged from his close encounters with the true nature of humans. With his new identity, he seeks strength and power, aiming to achieve one thing. To live his life uncontrolled by others. Will his stone cold heart be melted once more or will his silent wrath sweep across the world he had ventured into? *** "If there's one thing I hate the most in this world…" With two swings, the boy's arms and legs detached from his body, falling limply at his side. "… It's betrayal."

NightSeraphim · Fantasía
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74 Chs


Noah walked around the house of Norton with curiosity. The style of this world was a bit similar to his former world but he attributed that to the fact that the species living in both worlds were humans.

As he walked his brows slightly rose and he shifted his position to the side. This action caused the figure behind him to grasp at nothing, causing the person to fall to the ground.

"Tch." The person rubbed his forehead as he clicked his tongue. The boy appeared to be the same age as him - 11 years of age. He was Leonel Norton, the genius son of Luke and his wife, Aina. Unlike Noah, who had reincarnated with the memories of a 26 years old man, Leon naturally possessed the characteristics children his age should have- a wild and unrestrained personality.

"Your mastery with the Crouching Tiger Breathing Art hasn't increased much." Noah glanced at the boy with an indifferent attitude but there was also a trace of helplessness within his eyes. This game of theirs was forced onto him by the boy who couldn't believe that he had lost a match against Noah.

At that time, Noah had been rather careless and had stated that even if it were a sneak attack, Leon wouldn't have been able to hurt him. After that, the boy had actually thrown away his lazy attitude towards training and had actively asked his dad about concealment type skills that would help him win against the foreigner living in his house.

The boy had taken his words as a challenge it seemed.

In fact, Noah was actually not lying. His life in the army had honed his Battle sense, where he would be able to tell if he was being locked down by a sniper, not to mention actually being attacked. And in the few months he had spent in this world, he had managed to get used to using the degraded version of that as the body and mind he was in couldn't withstand such large amounts of information.

It wasn't hard to notice the attacks that Leon attempted to get to him, it was just annoying to continuously entertain the energetic boy. And the parents didn't seem like they would lend a hand anytime soon as it was a rare occasion for the young man of the Norton house to actively train.

"I don't get it." Leon stood up and patted his butt before walking over to Noah's side and walking along with him. "Dad says I've practiced the Crouching Tiger Breathing Art to the peak of the beginner's mastery so, technically, no one past the Level 6 of the Novice Stage should be able to notice me."

Noah sighed as he forced himself to entertain the boy. After all, this was his parent's house and he was the one leeching off them while he healed. "The key word here is 'technically'. Any veteran who has repeatedly gone through life or death challenges would be able to notice something wrong in the air around them and would be able to sense your presence."

The boy blinked his eyes innocently and laughed. "Life and death? Noah we're only 11! Still young kids! If not for dad forcing me to train, I would be out in the streets playing with my friends, there's no way I would be stupid enough to go into the forest." The naive kid hadn't sensed the in depth meaning that Noah had also gone through life and death situations before and was only focused on the thoughts of the life he would enjoy if he could drop training.

The transmigrator also didn't want the kid to know so he changed the topic. "How about I show you how it is done?"

The boy's eyes brightened and repeatedly nodded his head. Seeing his dad execute the Art would not help him as the man was too powerful, he would directly disappear from Leon's senses.

Noah smiled slightly and closed his eyes for a bit. He then breathed in slightly and relaxed his muscles.

Leon's eyes widened in shock. The Crouching Tiger Art taught one to execute control over one's body and cover up their presence.

Noah had done the opposite of what was expected of him. He had released all controls of his body, letting his Essence flow so naturally that it looked more like he was sleeping than gathering strength.

Yet Leon realized that it was very hard for him to focus on Noah's body. If not his eyes being on the latter when he began executing the Art, he would not be able to notice him at all. "Wow! What trick is that? Say, what's your mastery level at the Art?"

Noah merely shrugged and deactivated the Art. All the strength he had been gathering was released through the soles of his feet and made the floor tremble slightly. This shocked the transmigrator as he realized that the floor beneath him had only trembled and had managed to mitigate the force behind his Essence. This was amazing as he was at Level 3 of the Novice Stage and that energy could still stand at the Level 4, albeit barely. Yet the floor had only trembled and not because of his strength but only to mitigate its force, this meant the ground alone could probably withstand the attack of a peak Novice Stage Battlesoul master, or even one at the Intermediate Stage. 'The Norton House sure is powerful.' Using items that could serve as armor as the ground of their mansion, if this wasn't rich and powerful he didn't know what was.

"Noah! Noah!!" Leon repeatedly snapped his fingers in front of the dazed transmigrator and huffed. "Don't avoid the question and tell me, dammit. What's your mastery level?"

"Oh." Noah woke up at his call and sighed hearing the kid's words. "I currently have adept level mastery of the technique."

Leon was bummed, he had begun training the Art before Noah but was surpassed by the latter. He quickly shook his head and looked forward with determination. "I'll surpass you!"

"Good luck." Noah's answered half-heartedly. Actually it was quite natural for Noah's mastery to surpass the boy. He had trained in similar Martial arts in his past life and was able to learn the new Art very easily. The only reason he wasn't faster was that the Arts in this world needed the mastery of Essence which he was lacking in.

As for why his Crouching Tiger Art was different. It was because he had integrated some arts from his past world. It borrowed the concept of psychological belief that humans would subconsciously forget about things that posed no harm to them even if it were very close. This was why Noah had relaxed his muscles instead of tensing them.

Noah glanced at the sword by his hip and shook his head. He knew of the trouble he would cause by staying in Luke's household but he was currently too weak. He wouldn't last long in the outside world didn't know much of.

Art Mastery levels: Beginner, Adept, Expert, Master and Perfection.

Chapter 2 guys. Pls if you're liking the book, do add it to your library

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