
Past Thoughts

Delve deeper into this breath-taking short story of love and mystery!

Inthisworld · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Leaving the Shadows

I hadn't been to the office in up to two weeks, so I decided to pop up. Besides, I didn't need anyone worrying over me, and I was kind of in desire of human company. 'Mary, your back.' They looked so happy to see me, and I felt the same, but I had to keep my emotions in check. 'Took ya long enough. Josh here was beginning to get on my nerves ' I could see Josh stare at her with a glint of exhaustion. ' Have you been doing well' At least I could answer that question. ' Yes. Thank you all for bothering me. Don't worry, I'll stick around more this time.' After a few more greetings, we finally resumed our respective works. It was nice to focus on the activities going on around town and clear my head from its worries. I enjoyed the company of everyone, and I even managed to get a decent amount of work done. When work was over, I decided to finally tag along with my co-workers to have some late-night fun for a bit. I had never done that before, but I really needed to clear my head. After a few drunk rounds, the get-together was dismissed, and I headed on home.

I walked while trying to reflect on what the future holds for me. It was pretty hard as my thoughts weren't evident at the moment. I knew that I wasn't drunk at all, but I still couldn't seem to shake off a strange ringing in my head. As I walked further, the pain increased and was getting worse. I felt like everything was moving too fast. My thoughts were no longer balanced, and my head was on fire. 'Hmm...How many times have I walked this road now' I said to myself as I had suddenly realized my current state. I had a burning sensation in my chest, one I am sure I've never felt before. My feet began to wobble with every step I took, making it harder for me to reach my desired abode. I decided to rest on the nearest bench insight as my body could no longer carry my heart's overwhelming intentions. 'What is this' I cried as I could no longer keep tracking my inner-building pains. 'It hurts,' I wailed as I had begun to feel a new type of discomfort that I have never felt in my life. In a second, I had burst out crying for help and eventually collapsing on the floor.

I opened my eyes to the sight of a formless space. It gave off the sense of a divine presence, and that gave me quite a shiver. I walked around this empty space for a while with no luck of finding any means of one on one interaction. I soon got tired and decided to plop myself on the floor. I began to ponder what I did wrong to go through all these mysteries. I thought about what I have achieved in my life, and I gave into it. I hadn't really made anything worth recommendation aside from working in the Publication's office. I had never dated anyone, hadn't kissed before, and I definitely haven't even had a crush. I was what you could term as 'Lack of sexual hormones.' I probably hadn't developed well, and thinking about that made me giggle a bit. I considered I was into the same sex or something similar at some point in my life, but that wasn't the case. I laughed hysterically for a moment before finally breaking down into tears. I'm sick of this; I just want to end it all.

Just then, a couple of glowing entities had surrounded me. They swarmed around my body and lifted me off the ground into the air. They kept going higher and higher until we reached an area that looked like a palace's throne room; it was gorgeous. After that, the same things surrounded me once more, and I went off for a moment. When I reopened my eyes, it was to a peculiar sight. I was dressed in the most celestial robes, my hair had become longer with a lovely shade of silver, my eyes had a heavenly shade to them that made me look like a goddess; my appearance was gorgeous. I found myself in a beautifully adorned room that words could not describe. Just then, a mystical-looking female walked into the area. She had a Budda-like appearance, and her clothes were of a Greek origin. Her features were so delicate and precise that they made me feel like floating. 'Hello Mary, it seems you have finally awoken.' She had a soothing tone in her voice which enticed me immediately.

'Come now, the table has been prepared.' With this, she took my hand and escorted me towards the banquet hall she prepared. As we came closer, I noticed other guests present at the table, and it was none other than the children. ' Welcome home, Goddess Erlia. Grant us your blessings.' They all bowed to me, and the Buddha holding my hand simply smiled and nodded at me. I told them to rise, and they obeyed like some puppets. I really wanted to find out what was happening, but I decided to wait till after the meal. It was a tasty spread, and I enjoyed it very much. Throughout the banquet, the celestial being kept looking at me without uttering a word. When it was over, the children rose quietly and left while a bunch of attendants which reminded me of Oni's cleaned up the table. 'Now, we may talk about all that has happened.' With that, she took my hand, and we instantly teleported to a small room that had an attendant playing the harp accompanied by a beautiful lake view and a comfortable cushioned pillow rest area that was big enough to hold at least five people. It was a real imperial sight to look at.

'Is everything to your liking'. She looked directly into my eyes at that point, and I came back to the reality of where I was. 'Um, yes,' I answered, feeling flustered. She snapped her fingers, and then some attendants with various fruits appeared. 'Do you wish for them to feed you?' She asked, looking very concerned. 'No, not at all,' I said with a terrible stutter. ' Then shall we begin.' She then made a gesture that showed forth her other hands, which she used to sprinkle some sort of liquid in the water, creating some distorted images. With that, she embraced me and began her story.