
Past Thoughts

Delve deeper into this breath-taking short story of love and mystery!

Inthisworld · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Tales untold

The office was rather busy today as a new tale about a monstrous spirit that lurked the town year's back came to light. 'I know a cousin of mine that says she saw it in her garden at night.' Everyone so engulfed my co-workers in their tales that no one even focused on other small-town news. It was like they had put the spring festival aside. 'I heard that crazy old lady say it killed her son.' 'Oh yeah, but that Asian guy said it saved his life.' They argued on and on, and eventually, Josh had to break them up. 'That's enough. Everyone gets back to work. Also good to have you back, Liang.' He had a cheerful expression on his face, and even my co-workers joined him to express their joy. I took this as a joke because I had only spent at least one day on bed rest. 'But I didn't go for so long,' I said gleefully, replying to his joke. 'C'mon Mary, can't two weeks be considered a long time.' With that, he patted me on the head and walked away to go on with his work. I was in a huge surprise when I heard how long I had been asleep during that dream.

Two weeks! I wondered as I rounded up with my activities. The number still sounded like a mystery in my head, and I tried to recollect anything that might have happened before I slept. Just then, I had the strangest urge to check out the library and catch up on my research. I always had an interest in getting my corner in the daily paper, possibly one about the town's history, and to achieve that, I needed to do continuous research on the town's past. I quickly packed up for the day, relatively early than usual, and headed straight to the library. I usually checked out the good aspects of the town's past, but today I decided to go a little into the dark events.

As I went through the shelves, I suddenly felt drawn to an ancient, torn-up book. It had no title, so I had to go through it hoping for the best. Every page reflected a part of Chevron Plains' past unknown to most; I felt rejuvenated to uncover such mysteries. It recorded the events that happened during the great plague, the 1940's drought, many wars, and even most murders. Fascinated as I was by these mesmerizing facts, I didn't feel satisfied enough. Saddened a little, I diverted my attention to the shelves in an attempt to return the book. I was still in a fix of thoughts when I accidentally tripped, causing some unfamiliar pages to drop out of the book. I felt attracted to them, so I checked them out, but I was nowhere near ready for what I saw. It was the records of all the events that took place during the year of silent murder. It was a period where the town was under the influence of a deadly spirit that came in various shapes. At first, the soul only claimed the lives of a few animals, but then it crept into those of young kids and adults. It said that the spirit was a very lost one and devoured everything in sight. The only way they got rid of it was to give a sacrifice of twenty young children to accompany it to the afterlife.

Leaving the library, I felt like I had just hit a tight corner that left me bewildered. I had to come back, of course; there was so much to know. I made up my mind to uncover the hidden secrets of this town and what was happening. I began visiting the library regularly to try and understand what happened during the silent murder. Soon time passed, and the spring festival was just in two weeks. The town became more and more occupied with activities as various states will be joining us this year. Well, I had no time for that as I had to unravel what phenomenon had crept into our small town. 'Aren't you just excited for the festival, Mary. I can already tell how much fun it's going to be.' My female co-workers seemed more into this kind of thing than I, or maybe, they were seeking the same type of adrenaline rush as I did a while ago. 'Um yeah, I can bet it's going to be so much fun, I replied somewhat sarcastically. 'Mary, You've been acting weird ever since you went for your surgery. Did the beams blast into your brain, too? She said jokingly. Which surgery was she talking about? And then it hit me. I had an appointment in the clinic a while back. But I haven't felt any eye pains ever since, so what could have occurred while I slept.