
Passive Regeneration

[Hi guys! I’m taking a week break or so to flesh out the upcoming arcs and characters before I get back on schedule. There’s a lot I want to tell about Alder’s story but not a lot of time to plan at the moment so it’s best for the future of the novel that I take some time to focus on the layout rather than a word limit. Thank you for your support! Expect a return around the 12th of July :) ] - A rough coming of age story of a young protagonist who struggles to make it in a bleak and realistically unforgiving fantasy world.

Hermit_Knight · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter Eighteen - Repetition

Magic... It's the true power of the world. At least, that is what Alder learned. Countless days spent asking adventurers in the streets or stopping to hear drunken warriors talk in the taverns, to standing outside the mage's guild and eavesdropping, he had learned a lot over the past year in Grey Stone.

Magic, much like his book had said, could be split into internal and external. At first he didn't quite understand the difference, or what Mages even did, but he learned piece by piece along the way...

External Mages used spells. They specialized in a particular style and stuck to that. Such as fire Mages, or ice Mages. There were far too many types to count. Once one specialized it changed their mana core to that particular affinity and it was hard to reverse it.

They could use mana outside their bodies, in the environment. This meant they had a near infinite supply of magic but they had long casting times on their spells and the potency depended on their skill, affinity, and most importantly how dense the mana was in the environment.

Internal Mages were different. They too specialized and their core changed. But, they relied on strengthening their core and practicing techniques to increase the capacity of mana they could store in themselves. This allowed them to instantly use magic, but their spell use was far more limited than external Mages.

Alder himself fit into neither of those categories, and had learned little about the mysterious technique in the book. It was neither internal nor external magic...

The days had passed in abundance along the way. From the endless working out. To becoming more skilled as a thief. Every day followed the same pattern. He, of course, grew stronger and more knowledgeable of the world.

For instance, he learned more on geography, and how the kingdom was set up. At first it truly showed him how small his life was. A merchant in a tavern had been drunk and kind enough to show him a map, detailing the land.

Grey Stone was but a small city, overseen by the Duke of House Julios. A cruel man that took power by killing his older brother. Though it was a small city the Duke held control over a vast territory. From what he understood there were around thirty duchies in the kingdom of the White Blade, with the capital: White Blade Citadel at the northern most point, near the borders of the Elven Lands and the Rodosian Empire.

The Kingdom of the White Blade was small, especially compared to other lands. But it had natural boarders with the vast endless ocean to the East, south, and west, and massive mountain ranges to the north that served as natural protection against invaders. This did not mean the lands of the kingdom were not massive, as Alder clearly saw on the map. From the mountains and hills to the north, down to the fertile plains in the south, to the massive forests of the East, and the dry plateaus of the west, it was truly massive. So much so he could barely comprehend its size, as when he asked where GlenBury was in comparison to Greystone, it was but a needle's width south. Nigh imperceptible.

He had seen so little of the world, and longed to escape, to discover and wander.

Just then his thoughts grew distracted, a bird chirping loudly as it crossed close overhead. It drew him out of his 'sense self' spell, and he nearly dropped the massive stone on his head, holding it tight with his one hand and using his nub for support before regaining composure and resuming a squatting position.

It had been a strange year, of turmoil and pushing his body to the limit. Several times he had been caught stealing as well, getting beat and nearly losing his remaining hand. But most of the time he spent in the fields outside The city gates. He ran and carried stones, did pull-ups and chin ups on trees and swung large branches, growing ever stronger.

He learned half a year back that he could use sense self while working out to see just how much he was working his muscles, and whether or not his bones and joints could take the strain of the workout. It allowed him

To push himself to the limit and avoid injury.

His senses grew so finely tuned that he almost always had it active, and grew used to the sensation while going about his day to day life. At first it disoriented him, seeing and feeling his entire body all at once while using his senses to move about the city, or work out, but it got easier as time went and became normal.

The thing he was most grateful for though were his two friends. The only two in the world. Laelia and Fenian. They were constants he never knew he would get again. They always had each other's back, and faced every hardship together as street rats.

This made their bond deepen over time and the two grew used to him. He felt like he could open up to them more and more, and eventually the pain of the past started to fade a little, his rage turning into resolve and his grief giving way to growth. It was refreshing to have a home and people to return to. Even if they were thieves and lived in an abandoned, run down house.

He didn't learn much about Fenian, except that he was an elf. He would never talk about his past nor take off his hood, though Alder knew he was a good kid. Kind and caring. If he didn't make enough for the day Fenian always spotted him a few coin.

Laelia on the other hand was more of a big sister. She often berated Alder and corrected his behavior. She could be downright mean though it was always for a good reason. She was rarely wrong.

He smiled then, breathing in the late summer air. Dreading the turn to fall and winter.

It had been hard in the winter, cold and expensive. There was less food and people on the streets which meant many days they just didn't eat. But they got through together, and as time went on all of them grew more crafty and sneaky. More skillful in slight of hand and lying. Of taking what wasn't theres.

Alder's muscles began to visibly shake and he dropped the 300 pound rock with a heavy thud in the grass below. It left a large indentation in the field and sat still as he huffed and wiped sweat from his head. He was done, his body had reached his limit.

The strange part he found was how quickly his body recovered. It was normal to him, at first, until he saw how long it took others to recover from wounds, from small cuts and bruises or even for their muscles to recover. For him it only got quicker and quicker it seemed. He could work out all day every day and never truly tire, his muscles recovering in the midst of a workout. His lungs recovering in the middle of running so that he could run nonstop if he wanted to.

He was strong. Extremely so for a 9, almost 10 year old. And it showed. His muscle definition just a little too bold for his age, his abs a little too profound and his biceps too large. It made adults confused and uncomfortable, and it made him stick out. Which wasn't necessarily a good thing.

The guards had learned his name a while ago, and his face. It didn't help he was missing a hand. So if he stole something it was very Easy to relay just who stole it. "The buff kid with one hand"... It made his craft that much harder.

He sighed and turned back towards the gates, some half a mile away. He began to jog and breath rhythmically. The air was humid and hot, a comfortable heat that made him smile. His one true love was training. It was a respite from the world. He could escape into nature and just be. No money, no past, no Alder. Just hard work and a golden sun overhead.

About halfway back he stopped. It was a strange feeling in his chest. Something he hadn't felt in a long time... true fear...

Turning he saw it. A figure in the distance...

Chills shot down his spine and he clenched his fists, fight or flight mixing inside so that he wasn't sure which to do. His anger wanted him to dash forward while his instincts pushed him to run.

All the while the massive green monster grew nearer. It was tall. Much taller than he. No ordinary goblin. It was even more massive than a hobgoblin, based off the head that Helda carried back then.

It drew closer and closer. A slow stride as Alder stood frozen. He turned to run. The pig faced beast clearly meant him harm, and he wasn't about to wait around to let it. Best to leave it to the city guards with their sharp spears and steel armor.

Running he looked back over his shoulder. It kept walking. Ever so slowly towards him. Yet the distance between the two did not increase.

Instead, he slammed into something and fell backwards. Stunned he looked up and saw a shimmering blue wall, nye invisible to the eye unless you really tried hard to look. Beyond, the world. Yet, it was oddly still. In the distance the clouds hung like a painting, not moving, as leaves on trees were suspended in mid air.

His mind raced for answers and settled on only one... The trial had come...

"But why?... I thought it was an inferno? A goblin? No... a Goblin Lord?" He thought, trying hard to make sense of the strange occurrence. He stood quickly and turned to see the Goblin Lord growing closer and closer.

He knew what it was, based off it's height and demeanor. It's body was closer to an adult man's than a monster and based off his talks with adventurers they were far more intelligent and much stronger than a hob goblin.

It had two large fangs protruding from its lips that warped its mouth into a menacing grimace. That, coupled with its furrowed brow and jet black eyes made the stare of the creature truly frightening.

Not to mention the bulky muscles and hide armor, and worst of all... the massive wooden club in it's hands.

Alder had no weapon, and wasn't sure it would help anyway. And clearly could not escape. Whatever the blue barrier was it surrounded the field, making a giant circular arena... presumably for him to fight the goblin.

There wasn't anymore time to think, as just then the goblin broke into a sprint, letting out a loud war cry. Alder clapped his hands over his ears and cowered a little, watching through squinted eyes as the monster charged him.

It was fast. And in seconds covered the hundred feet distance between them. Alder turned to run but it didn't help, he wasn't quick enough...

"Whoosh!" The club cut through the air like lightning, Alder just barely managing to dodge as it slammed into the earth next to him, leaving a massive crater.

The goblin let out an angry wail as it gave a death stare towards the young boy. Alder's feet hadn't touched the ground before the club came again. He barely had time to raise his arms to block before it hit him.

"Wham!" His arms took the blow, knocking him off his feet as he flew back ten feet, hitting the ground in a limp heap as he rolled uncontrollably. "Aah!" He yelled in pain, feeling the throbbing in his left arm specifically. Sense self was active already and he knew his forearm's bone had fractured.

It was a wonder that it hadn't shattered into a million pieces.

He found the strength to stand quickly as the goblin gave him no break, and was on him in seconds.

"Whoosh! Smack! Whoosh!" He would dodge then take a glancing blow one after the other. He made sure to keep his feet firmly on the ground, learning from the first hit.

He was glad that his body was strong, and sense self helped him to keep composure and balance. Otherwise, the first blow itself probably would have killed him. He felt it as the fight dragged on though. His body helping him... the fracture in his arm was already healing slowly, and he felt no shortage of stamina.

Meanwhile, the goblin lord started to slow a little. It didn't matter though as he took one wrong step and instantly regretted it, watching almost in slow motion as the massive log-like club collided with his stomach.

The wind was immediately knocked out of him and he collapsed. A moment later he spat blood and sensed some internal bleeding in his abdominal area.

"Shit!" He said, "I'm gonna die..."

He almost gave up. Seeing no hope for the situation. He had no weapon and was injured badly. The goblin too was much stronger than him.

Kneeling on the ground he clutched at his stomach and watched as the beast snarled, "graarrrrggghhh!!!!!" Sprinting with it's bare feet towards him.

That's when he spotted it. A glint of steel in the sun at the goblins side.... hope...

With a twist of his good hand he grabbed a handful of loose dirt and threw it hard upwards, catching the goblin right in the eyes. It yelped and stopped for a moment, as he lunged for it's belt.

It wasn't enough.. the goblin recovered well before he could snatch the knife from it's side and he took a swift kick to the kidneys.

He fell to the ground again and winced in pain. Watching as the goblin reared back the club and made to smash his skull in. He rolled away just in time, swinging his foot around to hit the goblin lord square in the knee.

It wobbled but didn't fall. This time Alder stood and ran. He ran as hard as he could. As fast as his small legs would carry him.

The goblin lord must have been winded for it could not keep up quite as well as earlier. And Alder also got a head start. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the beast charging quickly. It would be about ten seconds before it caught him so he prepared, counting to himself, "1...2..." as he slammed his feet into the ground and pushed off with everything he had.

"7...8..." it was nearer then. And it's foul cries of rage could be heard right behind him.

"9...10!" He immediately stopped and dug his heel in the dirt, sprinting backwards with all of his small weight. He threw his shoulder into the surprised goblin who didn't have time to react before Alder was in his face.

He could smell the musty stench of the goblin lord. He could see the sweat and diary on it's green skin as they collided.

"Bam!" He has managed to put more force than he thought as both of them fell, tumbling over one another in the dirt and grass.

Instantly the goblin was clawing at him

And trying to bite his face off. "Fuck off!" Alder yelled, managing to stab it in the eye with his finger. It yelled and he stood, scrambling backwards.

He charged again and went for a drop kick aimed for it's face but missed, the monster dodging and instead punching him in the back.

He landed with a thud on the ground and rolled over quickly. It was life or death... he knew the game... he had lived it for the past year. That didn't surprise him.

The tenacity and strength of the goblin did. That such a monster could exist. And more than anything he surprised himself... over and over he told himself, "I can do this... I can do this... be careful..."


Thirty minutes passed.

Thirty minutes of pure hell.

He was injured but not tired. He had welts and scratches all over his body. But his stamina was still there.

The goblin lord however was clearly tired. It didn't have his level of energy, of vitality. For all the strength it had it was clear it didn't run everyday, or train itself...

It took one more dash, like the final push of a cornered animal to survive. The swing was faster and harder than any before and Alder wasn't prepared for it. He put up his left arm and felt it shatter like a twig.

Sense self was the only thing allowing him to remain any sort of calm in that moment, as he felt the full weight of the club crash down on his shoulder... he crumpled...

He yelled and yelled in pain. Through teary eyes he watched the goblin lord approach, like a hunter taking it's time to savor the kill. "Damn you!" Alder yelled over and over.

He thought of things to do. Of someway out. There was only one thing he could do... try to get the dagger off it's belt. It was risky though... but there was no other choice.

He waited for it. Waited for the monster to raise it's club for the final blow... "now!" He said to himself, allowing himself to get hit on his left arm again to cushion the blow as he grabbed frantically for the knife.

He felt the crude jolt and ripped it off it's belt, and was stabbing it in the leg repeatedly in the same movement.

"Die!... die!..." he yelled angrily. It's blood spurt out all over him as it screamed in agony. It fell to the ground and alder managed to get on top of it.

The two fought and wrestled for control for a minute. The goblin desperately clawed and bit at him but alder fought through it. He plunged the knife over and over into whatever part of it's body he could reach.

He felt his own blood pouring out more and more as the goblin sought to overpower him. It was clear that it's strength was all but gone. Though it was strong enough to nearly push him off several times.

"Crunch!" He stabbed, right through it's eye socket. It spasmed for a minute then went limp.

This didn't stop alder though... he continued to stab, stab, stab. His hands and clothes blue from the monster's blood. With each plunge the body let out more and more blood. Though it was clear it was long dead.

Eventually he stopped, leaving the knife straight in the heart of the bastard as he stood up and wobbled a couple feet away. He let out a primal scream. An instinctual victory yell as he dropped to his knees and clenched his fist. "Yahhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed.

The goblin lord was a bloody mess. It's face and chest indistinguishable mush.

Alder breathed for a moment, letting his tired lungs and injured body soak in the cool air.

He was injured, but not fatally. None of the scratches or bites were deep enough to cause any last damage. His left arm was the real problem... he couldn't even move it.

Looking around he saw the blue shimmer in the distance. It hadn't faded. "Can I leave now?" He wondered. Surely the trial was over.

He stood and turned to walk away from the goblin lord's corpse. Longing for a rest... to get a bandage wrapped around his limp arm so it could heal...

Then he saw it in the distance... two figures approaching... his heart sank further than before and he gritted his teeth in anger...

Two more Goblin Lords, with their massive clubs slowly approached him ahead...