
PART TIME MATCH MAKER (My beautiful monster)

Synopsis. Do not grieve, for everything you lost comes around in another form. The paths of two star-crossed lovers,Mythel and Rex, intertwine across multiple lifetimes. Bound by a mysterious and tragic destiny, their love story takes a captivating twist as they navigate the complexities of time, immortality, and a profound secret that threatens their happiness. In this modern age, Mythel is reborn once again, unaware of her past lives or the true nature of her connection with Rex. Determined to find her, Rex meticulously searches for the woman who holds his heart. However, burdened by the knowledge that revealing their shared history could shatter her fragile psyche, he chooses to conceal their past from her. This clandestine enigma has tormented them through countless lifetimes, casting a shadow over their chance at lasting happiness. Unraveling this mystery becomes paramount as Mythel's life is threatened by malevolent forces drawn to the secrets she unknowingly carries. Rex embarks on his mission to protect Mythel in a race against time and fate,with the depths of love, sacrifice, and the power of shared history. Will Rex's decision to hide their past ultimately protect or destroy their chance at eternal happiness? Will Mythel discover her true identity and the secrets that lie dormant within her? Prepare to be enthralled by this mesmerizing tale of love and destiny, where the past, present, and future collide in an epic battle against the shadows that threaten to consume them.

thornprincess · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Does he perhaps know me?

We all rushed into the class and thankfully we made it. Miss Olympia wasn't in yet and even if she was in,we didn't really have to worry about her giving fake reports.

She isn't like that but she does scold alot and you can't escape it. But thankfully we came in before her so we already avoided a tongue lashing.

" Where is miss Ophelia?" Acapella bent to whisper to the I and Ruby. We were all sitting together actually, that's a bit surprising because on a normal day,we don't.

I guess non of us wanted to sit at the back and decided to share this sit together.

" I am pretty sure we all entered the class together so technically we can't know where your favorite mistress is" I replied and she gave me a scowl.

I wonder what that was for,it wasn't like I lied or something. Miss Olympia is truly Acapella's favourite mistress and I don't blame her for that. Miss Olympia is a very good teacher and no one ever dozes off in her class not because they don't dare to but because she captivates the class with her teaching.

Taking us into another world entirely. I always enjoy her class but I guess Ruby and Acapella enjoys it more. I on the other hand doesn't have a favorite teacher but I have some I hate with passion.

" I ran ahead of you guys so you could have seen her on the way or something" She said.

" We all took the same route Acapella so it means if you didn't see her,we didn't either" Ruby explained.

" I didn't concentrate on my surroundings while running here " She argued.

" Neither did we Acapella " I told her and she signed deeply before facing the front but suddenly she turned back again towards Ruby this time.

" You left Danny there didn't you?" She asked and Ruby gave an embarrassing smile.

" He is so going to eat you up tonight " Acapella added and Ruby blushed.

" I wonder which position? is it....."

" Go get a boyfriend and stop teasing her" I cut into her statement when I saw how hot red Ruby was already from embarrassment.

" You should tell that to yourself and not me " Acapella said and I snort.

" I wasn't the one teasing " I replied.

" Hello,I was doing this for fun since it's obvious everyone is bored"

" Point of correction, not everyone because I am not " I told her. " Besides who told you everyone was bored ? your secret angel?" I asked mockingly and she glared at me at which I blew her a kiss.

Almost immediately Miss Olympia entered with the two hotties and almost all the girls in the hall started gaping and whispering excitedly to one another.

" OMG!" Acapella exclaimed excitedly.

" They are in literature department as well?" she rhetorically asked but of course Ruby would reply to it.

" Yes they are dummy or they wouldn't be here ".

Thankfully Acapella was still busy ogling so she didn't hear Ruby otherwise surly another argument would have railed up and that wouldn't be so good.

" I think you shouldn't really reply Acapella for the main time " I whispered to Ruby and she just rolled her eyes before whispering back.

" I can't,it has become my nature. Blame her for that. She always starts it" I smiled at her last statement.

These two will never get off each other's back but when it comes to teasing a person together,they are expert.

" Morning students" Miss Olympia greeted and we all replied her.

" Trust you all had a stress-free weekend " She said and some groaned at the back signifying they didn't and Miss Olympia laughed.

" Lazy bones" She called Jokingly and almost half the class roar in laughter except for I and Ruby but Acapella, her's was the loudest.

Miss Olympia waited for the class to be calm once again before beginning.

The two newbies were already resting against the war tiredly especially the feminine looking guy. He rested completely against the war while Rock just balanced his shoulder against it a little with his arms wrapped across his chest.

" Guys,we have two new students" Miss Olympia announced and the girls started chattering excitedly and some were adjusting themselves. All these were irritating to me so I turned to look at Miss Olympia directly. Weirdly as I turned to look at her,my eyes caught with rock guy and I was startled.

He was staring at me with his blue green orbs deeply as if trying to intoxicate me. Naturally if you are caught staring, you avert your eyes but this guy didn't. Instead he deepened his stare forcing me to avert my eyes from him.

" Is it just me or is Big guy staring at you?" Ruby asked a little loudly for Acapella immediately turned to us.

" What?" she asked surprised and Ruby made a nudge towards his direction. I don't know the reason but I also turned to look at his direction with Acapella and saw him still staring at me.

" OMG!" Acapella gasped.

" Looks like you caught someone's interest " She said with a happy smile.

" Just look at the way he is staring at you, like he can't wait to rip your clothes off you " Acapella added and I turned to give her a "are you crazy look"? look.

" Now missy " Ruby called. " Get your mind out of the gutter" She added.

" What? you can't blame me. Can't you see the way he is staring at her ?" she asked and I signed.

" It probably couldn't be me, perhaps you guys traced his view wrongly?" I asked.

" Okay,I disagree with you on that. it's obviously you he is staring at. we are not blind Mythel " Ruby answered and I turned to look at the guy to find him still staring at me.

' Okay this was starting to freak me out ' I thought and he gave a smirk as if he could read my mind and I sharply turned away.

' Does he perhaps know me?' I wondered sliently.

" So would you guys love to introduce yourself?" Miss Ophelia asked and he averted his gaze from me which I am so thankful for. I was starting to get goosebumps from his creepy stares.

" No" he replied in a cold voice which surprisingly brought shiver to my skin.

" Rude " Ruby said annoyed and Acapella giggled.

Many girls expressed disappointment about the fact he doesn't want to introduce himself and surprisingly deep inside I felt disappointed and I wondered why.

" I guess you will love to know more about him " My subconscious whispered and I shut her out immediately. ' That wasn't it. I was just curious so as to know if I knew him before because I can't quite find a reason for his continuous stare. Yes, that's must be it.' I insisted to myself and felt satisfied at this stupid reason I found.

" Okay then,go sit behind Mythel,Ruby and Acapella" Miss Ophelia told him and I felt goosebumps on my body instantly and shockingly I found myself standing on my feet objecting to Miss Ophelia.

" I don't think so ma'am,there is someone already sitting behind us" I said and everyone in the hall gave me weird looks especially Ruby and Acapella.

" Mythel,is everything alright?" Miss Ophelia asked worriedly and I wondered why.

" Yes I am perfectly fine,why?" I asked curiously.

" Look behind you" Ruby whispered and I turned to find no one there.

' Where were the occupants?'. I turned to miss Ophelia to apologize but found myself saying.

" There is someone occupying this seat, perhaps he or she went out to get something?"

" There was no one occupying this seat from the start" Miss Ophelia replied and I gasped. ' What was she saying,I saw people sitting on this particular seat when I came in.

" We are so sorry miss Ophelia,Mythel is experiencing mild headache" Ruby lied and I turned to look at her surprisingly. ' Didn't she see the occupants?' I wondered.

" Yes miss Ophelia, please pardon her" Acapella added and Miss Ophelia nodded in understanding before gesturing the newbies towards their seats. Feminine guy muttered thanks to her and while Rock guy just passed her and when he got beside me,he gave me a dangerous smirk which made me shiver before passing me and sitting directly at my back.

I felt shaky all of a sudden and also felt his stares on my back all throughout the session.

Good day everyone. Please I would love to meet my readers and know their thoughts in the comment section that they really love my story. I am so sorry for going MIA. like I said I was busy with school and exams.

So please I would love for you guys to love and like my stories also. I plead. Thank you. kasamida.

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