
Parlor of Revenants

In a broken world the only person who has your back is yourself. Allister was your average street rat but had somehow inherited a family heirloom that changed his mundane life. "Let's see who dies first" - Allister

Quiet_Librarians · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs

Deadman's Parlor

Allister was quite shaken by the fact that the old man appeared behind but tried to keep any emotions from showing on his face. " So what do you want from me old man" Allister said as he eyed the old man.

" Nothing much, I just have a business offer that I think you might be interested in."

Alister was still a bit hesitant but nodded his head in agreement, the old man gestured to the car and Allister climbed into the passenger seat. When they both inside the car rose and hovered over the ground and then sped off at a fast pace.

" So what is this business offer you have for me and let me remind you that my services aren't cheap."

The old man grinned " Were you the one that killed that monster back on Marcus avenue?"

Allister froze when he heard that question, thousands of scenarios played in his mind as he thought of the best answer to give.

"What if I did."

The old man's smile widened but didn't say anything else. After a few minutes of driving they approached a large cathedral in the wealthy part of the city and stopped in front of its large gates. Allister looked at the large structure and cautiously followed the old man as they walked through its various corridors.

The cathedral's interior was very dull and listless, it looked as though it had been neglected for years. Soon they reached a  large hall that had rows of seats and a large angel statue and the end. The old man went to the statue and put his hand on a plaque that was at the bottom of the statue.

The plaque glowed and a staircase and a door slid open behind the statue. The old man gestured for Allister to step inside what looked to be an elevator. When they were both inside the door closed and they began to descend. A few minutes later the elevator came to a stop and when the doors opened Allister was at a loss for words.

In Front of him was a massive cave that had many waterfalls and metal platforms that held a variety of gadgets and other weird machines. If Allister hadn't known better he would have thought it belonged to a certain billionaire who likes to cosplay. Allister and the old man walked across a long bridge that led to a large rectangular table that had a holographic map of the underground city of Lycrof on its top.

As they approached it Allister saw that there was a figure sitting at the front of the table, it was a tall man who looked like he was in his late forties and black hair, he had a domineering face that had many scars and he wore a red suit. 

" So you're the one who killed the chimera."

The man at the table said as he looked Allister up and down as if he was trying to appraise the young man standing in front of him. Allister didn't want to reveal that he was the one to kill it just yet but there was a strange force coming from the man that impelled him to answer.

" I killed a monster that had attacked me, not sure if that is what you're talking about."

Allister said as struggled to look the man in the eyes.

" Yes the monster you killed is known as a chimera, also the only way to kill one is with a mech suit or a revenant and I'm certain you don't have the former", said the man as sipped a cup of tea that was given to him by the old man.

Allister had to admit the man had put him in a hard, " Yes I possess a revenant, so are you going to try and take it."

The man scoffed and put down the cup of tea he was drinking, "I have no desire to take away the revenant from you, on the contrary I have a proposal for you. Join my organization and put your power to good use".

  " Why would I join your organization when I don't even know what it is and what I would get from doing so?" Allister said as he looked at the man. The man gestured to the old man standing beside.

The old man walked to the table and pressed a button on it, a large crest with a skull and roses growing out of its mouth and eyes appeared. " Our organization is known as Deadman's Parlor. We were founded shortly after the fall when scientists found a special species of mutated animals who were more deadly and could harness the power of galverite in their bodies..

We are a group of special operatives who are charged with locating and destroying these anomalies and other criminal organizations who wish to use them as bioweapons."

  Allister took some time to process the information he just heard,"Yeah that's cool and all but what does it have to do with me?"

The man in the suit opened his hologram interface and began to read from it. "Allister Asteros an orphan who was abandoned by both his parents at the age of 3 and was left to scavenge for himself. He eventually became a hitman with thirty-two successful hits and managed to somewhat make a name for himself. "

The man closed the interface and looked at Allister. "With this information you could be detained for a very long time, so you don't have much of an option. So in exchange for deleting the evidence you will join the parlor, the company benefits are pretty good too".

The man walked to Allister with a smile on his face and reached his hand out for a handshake.

Allister knew he was trapped so all he could do was accept the terms the man said."By the way my name is Issac Silvesta and the old man is my aide Malveric Wylie."

"Welcome to Deadman's Parlor"