
Parasyte: A King

The first thing I saw was a bug going into my red arm which was trapped by a earphone wire.

HAREM_K1NG_Revived · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

"HahahahaHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!" I laughed like a mad man.

"I feel so much stronger like I could crush anyone and anything I want with just a fucking finger ahahahaha!!! this is a whole zenkai boost with out needing to get hurt" I say in between laughs

Feeling to good about it all to care if anyone say me and if they did see me what will they fucking do call customer service hhahaha!!!

"So many anime villains claimed to be gods but none have achieved that Madara, Nagato, Aizen, even escanor and so many more if I keep getting stronger than this then imagine in a few years if I keep this up I'll be unstoppable!!!" I shout out laughing a little still.

I only stopped to get myself together once I realized how stupid I sound and look right now.

Why the hell am I celebrating I haven't even deal with the 5 parasite freak did he have five or 6 I don't even know how did shinichi beat him plot of course if it wasn't for that he would have died at their first or second meeting.

"Shinichi i-i am tired I will sleep now" Migi said.

"Ok later man" I say to my partner.

I feel a little sluggish and tired man once I get back home rest is what I'll get.

While I continued to rhyme words in my head on my way home.


"Hmm so goOod hmm" Murano said as she took a bite out of her pancake.

I completely forgot about this date breakfast thing I was only walking by here and she was making a big deal about me being late if only she knew I am so sorry I was out almost past midnight being a badass for like 30 seconds and I'm still tired from all the shot that went down.

I thought I might as well give this girl a good time...not because I was that hungry.

"Do you want some more?" Murano asked me seeing how fast I finished my pancakes.

"Nah I'm good I just didn't eat anything...healthy yesterday" I say.

"Well pancakes aren't really healthy" She said.

"Just trust me when I say this was much more healthy" I say.


"Parents are lime really strict about me leaving the house now a days" Murano said as we walked side by side.

"Sound like they care I guess because of all the resent murders and stuff right" I say.

"Yeah the victims are getting cut to pieces I mean what's wrong with some people"/she said.

Hey that was mad disrespectful you lucky Migi a sleep now if he was awake and offended I would have....come back in 3-7 business days...nah her head was breaking the sound barrier with that bitch slap.

"Yeah" I say tired of everyone talking about it even after like a few weeks I get it but kinda don't like I know I'll be ok but you weaklings that's a little iffy.

"You like animals don't you" I ask her.

"Hmm yeah except worms there creepy" and the disrespect lives in Migi I got you what ever gender you choose I don't want anyone to ruin my social life because I gave you a gender oh wait I named you I just know some one is going to be like that right hand is a person bullshit.

"A worm is a insect tho" I say.

"O-oh sorry and shinichi did you start using any new perfume because it smells really good" she ask with a blush in her face still not red enough for my taste.

H-how dare she I only try the perfume to make sure it's safe for people to use a job without pay.


"Hey come over here I want to play in the sand box!" she said excitedly pulling me.

"Hahaaa! dude you suck let me go next" we look at a group of boys that are trying to hit a innocent cat with rocks.

"That's horrible let's go I cannot watch this" Murano said turning away.

"Yeah me neither" I say walking over to the group of boys.

I kinda remember this scene this was the first time shinichi was a man I don't care what anyone says I may hate these soft as fuck main characters but when they have there moments it is always badass.

But unlike shinichi I just want to pound these guys and help the kitten it was being picked on for no reason...who gives a fuck I just want it to live long enough to see how the world is maybe it'll put me as a hero in the cat society who knows.

"W-What shinichi what are you doing?!" Murano asked.

"Hey tweedle dee and tweedle dum and tweedle Stupid how about you get up leave after I beat your ass or you can die" I say as I walked in front of them.

"What the fuck you say asshat" one complained.

"Yeah we were just playing" another said.

"Yeah try minding your own bus-" another one was cut off by my fist sinking 3 inches into his face sending him flying.

"You guys sound like the annoying side villains in a video game" I say what I believe is true I hated when you were in a mission and the would just try to kill you out of no where fucking asses.

"Hey Jonny! you'll pay for that fuck-" and again I stopped another from speaking by throwing a medium sized rock to his head knocking him out cold without a question.

"Your breath stinks I could smell it from over here" I say walking up to the last one.

"H-Hey step b-back man or I'll hur-" this one was stopped by me punching his stomach probably permanently leaving my fist indented into his stomach for ever.

I didn't punch his throat and kill him because...what are they going to do tell mommy how bad they got their asses beat by one guy yeah I'm fine with that.

"Ok let's go" I say walking beside Murano again with her looking up at me.

As we walk I grab hold of her hand without her permission.

( Don't accuse me of writing lewd things such as hand holding )

She held onto it tighter.

As she pulled me along with her running.

"Hey shinichi?"

"Yeah?" I ask

"You are shinichi Izumi right?"

"Yeah of course I am Murano"

The two then continued to run as the sun started to set.


Sorry for the cheesy ending to this chapter but he we almost made the word count yay!