
Parallel Lines Book 1

Parallel lines. Definition; Two identical lines that never meet, never cross, or even never touch. Lines so intricately perfect that go on forever and ever, to put it simply, they never come to a halt. Lines that are so identical in size, shape and form that you can't even tell them apart. In short, lines that are the exact same, no differences whatsoever that go on forever never to stop. * * * - Ryarda Vivian Quinton, Is her name and she's twenty-one. She prefers to be called Rya for short. She's an intelligent university student, that hard earned her scholarship. She has five friends but none as close as her best friend Cassie. Cassie and Rya have been friends since freshman year of highschool and have been friends ever since.

ArcanaCanes · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Parallel Lines; Introduction.

Parallel lines.. Two identical lines that never meet, never cross, or even never touch. Lines so intricately perfect that go on forever and ever, to put it simply, they never come to a halt. Lines that are so identical in size, shape and form that you can't even tell them apart... In short, lines that are the exact same, no differences whatsoever.

Rya. Ryarda Vivian Quinton, but Rya for short.. That's the 'amazing' name I was given as a infant, a little unconventional I'll admit, but hey.. At least I was lucky to even have been awarded a name at all.. I was born in a truck on the way to the hospital. A beat up 04 chevy.

Yeah.. I know.. a 'wonderful' delivery story to tell the fam. That's not even the worst thing about it at all.. I was expected to have been a boy, all the doctors claimed I was, and not only that. Apparently I was a 'very proud' one, at that.

The doctors took one look from my first ultrasound and they knew, or so at least they thought they did. My parents hadn't even considered I was girl the entire pregnancy, let alone even considered a name for one. From the very beginning of the nine months, I was presumed a boy. In fact, I'd been given a name from the two streets signs we past on the way to the hospital because they hadn't had one.

They'd discovered I was a girl as soon I popped out, which was all too sooner than I should have. My mom has told me the story, plenty of times.. And as she described it, I was 'very eager to meet the world', despite her screaming at me to stay in just for atleast ten more minutes in between her having 'staring-death-in-the-face' contractions. Which in short, is how I'd been given my first and middle name.

Other than that horrendous nightmare coming-in-to-the-world story, I would consider myself as any other normal university student.. Twenty-one, single, looking for my purpose in life and what I'm going to pursue. Which by the way, seems to be lasting forever. Along with an apartment I can barely afford with a landlord who practically finds every single reason possible he can to increase the rent, but unfortunate for me he happens to come along with the packaged deal. I have a twelve hour shift job working nights or what most call, "graveyards". Which, I think I could definitely relate. I have a few friends I casually hag out with, one who has the honor of my best, Cassie. She is the complete opposite of me. While I am shy and reserved, she is loud and outgoing. Even though we are so different, we get along with each other easily. She is the ying to my yang, and I'm the yang to her ying. We are practically seen everywhere together, not that I mind of course.

We are very close, and have been since the freshman year of highschool. One look at each other and we knew we'd become the best of friends, and we did. Still have, and always will. Even to this day. Although, there seems to be one problem.. Did I mention we are both in love with the same man? No? My bad. Although she doesn't know I'm in love with him.. Or else that'd be the end of our friendship. And that is the most terrifying thing I could ever imagine.

His name is Ethan, and he is 28.. He's already graduated, and owns his own business. And he is the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen in my entire life, and I must say that's a statement in itself, because After all, I've seen a lot of 'drop dead' kind of guys in my lifetime.. And the university is full of them. He has got the most breathtakingly beautiful emerald green eyes, along with milk chocolate brown colored hair. The length, down to about his ears, styled to perfection with hair gel. And he always smells amazing. He smells like a damp forest in the beginning of spring with early morning dew, and with a tenge of smoke and of very faint hot mint aftershave.

Did I mention the guy is also ripped? And like super ultra mega rich? Those things aren't why I like him, but that's just a plus. I like him because he is the most genuine person I've ever met, he's caring, kind and overall loving. For as long as I've known him he's been honest and upfront right away if he didn't agree with something. He stands up for what he believes in, not caring what others think about him or what they say. He is just an amazing person in and out. He's just perfect no other way to describe it. Wow I can tell your sensing a 'but' coming. Seriously? I'd never! Ha! Nevermind, I would. If you were expecting one, then you were right.. Yeah he's perfect and I'm in love with him, BUT... He's married. Married to Cassie. Trust me, I know all to well that that's very messed up. I feel really bad about it, but I can't help it. I tried everything to get him out of my mind, even tried leaving for a year. Even tried my luck with dating other guys, but no spark. Nothing worked and it seems like nothing ever will. What should I do? Do I tell him? We'll just have to see.


Hello everyone! This is your author speaking! This is my first book that I've ever written, and I'm sure that their will be a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes.. I do not have an editor, or partner of any sort. I am going to be doing everything myself this entire series, but even so with all the mistakes.. And yes, after this book is finished, book 2 will follow shortly after. I hope you readers will enjoy my book! Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this introduction to Parallel Lines, I would like to know either way.. It helps me learn! Thanks for reading! 😊🥰

ps. werewolves will be present in this story, just not mentioned bc Rya doesn't know about them.. Not giving any spoilers, just stay tuned. 🤭🤗

-Your author ♡