
Paragon of Sin

The Heavenly Dao exists. It decides what is right and what is wrong. To act against it is to sin, to act according to it is to be blessed by its graces. The world of cultivation is difficult, an unchanging principle. Yet there are those who are cherished by the Heavens, cuddled into rising above all and everyone else. How can this be? Why must this be? What is moral and just? What is evil and immoral?! WHY DOES IT GET TO DECIDE?! So we, the Sinners, we act against the Heavenly Daos, grasp our own fates in hopes of truly overturning them. This is a Journey of a young boy born Blessed, but turned Sinner. The greatest sinner of them all. ----- As some of you may know, I'm also the Author of Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies! This is my second project, and one I'm incredibly passionate about! I hope you all enjoy following the adventures of Wei Wuyin! And I hope that I can bring a fresh experience to you all. ---- Follow for Updates: https://twitter.com/KevinAscending Here's Discord if you just want to chat or meet some like-minded individuals! https://discord.gg/kevinascending If you want to support my novel, to increase the ratio of releases, or to receive monthly bonus releases! You can support here: https://www.patreon.com/KevinAscending https://ko-fi.com/kevinascending paypal.me/KevinJpl Or @Kevinjpl Any and all support goes to supporting me and my right to write!

KevinAscending · Oriental
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1663 Chs

Chapter 1231: Radiant Star, Project Exodus!


"What's happening?!" Exclamations resounded as these Ascended beings were taken aback by the sudden shaking of the world. Their sense of balance and direction began to destabilize, and a few even tumbled embarrassingly through the Dark Void in a haphazard manner. Of course, those Earthly Saints established their Mystic Wards and remained largely unaffected. Still, not one of them lacked a significant change to their expression in some way. 

From shock to confusion to being aghast, they observed the Neo-Dawn Starfield with varied emotions and shifting feelings. From beginning to end, they had been blocked from entering the former Heptasage Pillar Stellar Region's territory by the silver-eyed Alchemic Sovereign, and just the attempt to bring the slightest harm led to the death of the legendary 'One Sword'. Everything had been happening too fast for them to properly digest, so many were stunned into an observer's mode.