
Burning Passion

My eyes opened but I regretted it immediately, I felt a sharp pain all over me.

I looked around me and saw that I had been beaten while I was unconscious, and I saw more inexplicable wounds.

I was somewhat tied up to a chair but they knew if I tried to get up I'd probably collapse no matter what.

"You're awake? Already? Wow, you certainly have a will to live."

Ayden was looking at me from a chair diagonally to my left.

I was in one of the rooms I had seen a long time ago, one of the times after my sessions, a room kind of like the one I had found those letters in, the love ones in a chest.

Though this room was completely dark except for a candle that was lit near us, I could see Ayden clearly.

"I don't know what about you really grinds the gears of the people here."

He said smiling, before standing up and injecting something into my arm, I didn't fight it.

"I couldn't tell you either, but a solid guess is my natural aversion to fit the mold"