
Pampered Wife of Master Walton

Destiny_1_ · Ciudad
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4 Chs


 Faced with the disgusting glances, a women was seen walking aimlessly on the street. She was walking around with a torn bag in her hands and her clothes were ragged and were seemingly looking colourless. 

 People around her were throwing disgusting remarks, and were eyeing her negatively. Even around such circumstances, the women was walking with her head held high, without caring an ounce of her appearance. 

 Her calm nature wasn't effected by any of the onlookers. But she probably didn't know her destination. She walked and walked and walked, until she reached the outskirts of the city and took a glance at the prosperous city yet nothing seemed to move in her and she just walked. 


 Looking down at the bustling city without any care, she had understood that her presence didn't even matter. She was a nobody with seemingly no relation who just walked around aimlessly and was a subject for speculation for the people around her. 

 Kiara Miller glanced at the bustling city with her emotionless eyes. She was just a young women who had hoped for her future without any problems and was looking eagerly for it. 

 The Miller family had probably never thought that a adopted daughter who had no importance in the family would be able to destroy all of them and asurp her way into their wealth. She had also destroyed the life of the only pampered young lady of the Miller family. 

 Just like that, a more than century old family had been destroyed just because of her lenience and over indulgence of some unimportant people. Kiara had watched everything with her own eyes. How her brothers were poisoned, how her father was imprisoned and died in the prison, how her proud grandfather had died due to heart attack seeing the Miller family his ancestors had built was slumped into the hands of scheming people. 

 Yet she was here now, with no energy left in her to fight, she had allowed herself to be played by the scheming people around her. Clearly, she had lost the will to live her life. She was forced to a dead end by the scumbags. 

 Suddenly there was a flash in front of her and she was there lying in a pool of blood. She was finally been freed from all the suffering she had been through in her 25 years of life. She closed her eyes when a tear slipped out, she regretted not seeing through people's intentions, she regretted that she had been a bad sister, daughter and granddaughter to her family and let down their expectations of her. 

 Kiara had many regrets and wanted to mend them but what can she do now, she was all alone in a world full of wolves who were waiting for her to die. Even at her last breath, she had died unsatisfactorily without any hope of living. 

 Her unhappy soul now left her body and had entered a place where there was clouds everywhere. Kiara suddenly thought of afterlife. Was this really afterlife she had wished. She still had regrets and had been hoping for a chance.

 Maybe her inner plies was heard by the almighty. A sudden flash of light was seemingly endless coming towards her and enveloped her soul. She was suddenly filled with endless energy to the brim. A voice chimed out to her. 

 " Little girl, if you were given a second chance, will you cherish your human life and protect others, can you do that ? " 

 Kiara was bewildered for a moment and a sudden flicker of hope filled her eyes. Enthusiastic for the second chance she had gotten, in a daze she asked the owner of the voice " Can you really provide a chance for me to live again ? "

 After a moment of silence fearing the consequence of her question ,she continued " I promise almighty, I will not only protect myself, but will also protect and cherish everyone around her for a lifetime. I beg of you to give me this opportunity. "

 " Given the sincerity of your words, and the good deeds your ancestors have bestowed to you, you will be given a rebirth. But remember well, that this life is given to you for a chance to do good to humanity and erase the evildoers. Cherish this life of yours and make it worthwhile "

 Kiara was now filled with thankfulness, she kneeled down and expressed her sincere words " I will take a oath in front of the almighty that from now on not only will I protect the people around me and punish the evil mongers, but will also do my best to the mankind and will continue in the path of my good ancestors. " 

 " Alright, you are on your own then. Very fewer people get this chance. Live up to the expectations of the goodwill. "

 Kiara who was overwhelmed with guilt was now filled with hope. Hope for the future. Hope to live well with her loved ones. She finally let herself be completely consumed by the light around her and closed her eyes hoping to return. Hoping to love, and hoping for revenge.