

Penny has three brothers: one is a billionaire CEO, the second is the youngest military lieutenant, and the last is a successful actor. These three successful men had only one common ground: bullying Penny, their sore-eye of a little sister. The sister they never wished to have, and the one who claimed to be their real sister, while the sister they treasured all this time was a fake. After living a life of maltreatment in her aunt's home, some people of high standing came to Penny with news of her real parentage. She thought she was finally saved from her aunt’s clutches, unaware that what awaited her was worse. At 13, Penny only wished for one thing: for her brothers to love her and treat her like family, just as much as they loved their fake sister. She worked and studied ten times harder than anybody else just to be accepted by them. In her desperation, she foolishly fell into a trap set by a malicious person, not knowing her actions would result in the downfall of her brothers and her ending up in jail with a death sentence. On her execution day, Penny had only one thought in mind: If she ever got to go back in time, her brothers could pamper their fake sister for all she cared! She wanted nothing to do with them! And much to her surprise, Penny found herself back on the day it all began: the day she was born. As promised, this time, she wouldn’t foolishly try to earn her brothers' love and affection. Never mind family! She’d just make a lot of money, live in luxury, and make a family of her own! But wait, why is it now that she didn’t want anything to do with her brothers, they kept poking their noses into her business? Weren’t they supposed to pamper their fake sister? Why won’t they leave her alone?! And how on earth was she married in this lifetime? To make matters worse, this husband she never had in her first life was suddenly volunteering to be the father of her children?!

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Petty pranks

Barging into Atlas and Nina's studies wasn't in Penny's plan. But because of Nina's insistence, she ended up getting stuck with them. Well, it wasn't that bad. Penny planned to refresh her memory, and somehow, the problems Professor Singh gave to her were a good warm-up. 

She could feel her brain working again. 

With that thought in mind, she grabbed a book from the library and took it to the family room. But as soon as Penny sat on the couch, a farting noise was heard. 

"Huh?" Penny frowned, moving her buttocks to the side, only to hear another farting noise. 


Hearing a giggle not far away, Penny slowly moved her gaze to the person. There, peeking through the door, was the mischievous Slater. 

"Penny, did you eat so much you can't stop farting?!" Slater came in with a devious grin. He waved a hand in front of his soured face and added, "No wonder it smells here!"

In her first life, Penny found this embarrassing. But now, this looked petty and a waste of breath.

"Slater, didn't you eat the same breakfast, lunch, and snacks as me?" Penny blinked. "Don't you feel your stomach turning too?"

"What?" The mischievous look on Slater's face died. 

Penny bounced a little, letting the farting noise echo. She shook her head, telling herself she had no time to entertain Slater's stupid pranks. She lifted one side of her buttocks pulled out the Tap-and-Fart bag and placed it to her side. 

Seeing that she was going back to her reading, Slater frowned. 

"Mhmp!" He harrumphed, walking out of the family room in humiliation. 

Penny peeked at him and shook her head. "This is why he doesn't have friends," she muttered, stopping as she gazed up at the ajar door. 

"Now that I think about it, Slater is actually being picked on in school," she mumbled, recalling an incident in the past. Her lips curved down. "Even though I don't like him, I feel sorry for him."

In her first life, although her brothers and Nina went to the same school, the school was big. Their buildings were different from each other. Atlas and Hugo were popular students. Atlas might not be a top student, but he was smart enough to be a candidate to be a part of the special section. 

If her memory served correctly, Atlas would enter the special section during his last year. Thanks to his resilience and Professor Singh's guidance.

Hugo, on the other hand, was handsome and athletic. His academics might be slightly average, but many wouldn't deny he could play any sport and ace it. Many major professional sports leagues were already poaching him, but he would enter the military as soon as he graduated.

As for Slater, he was neither good at sports nor in academics. Matter of fact, he was always at the bottom of his class. Although he had an angelic look, his grade had the most notorious elites in the entire school. 

"Well. It's not like I've seen it before until that incident." She brushed it off. "He'll succeed in life anyway, so he'll be fine."

Penny went back to reading since Haines would come later with her laptop. She didn't want to waste it just waiting.

While reading, Penny heard some clattering noises outside. Looking up at the ajar door, her brows slowly came together. She checked what it was and saw Slater, covered with flour from head to toe. His face was all white. All she would see were his eyes, the holes in his nose, and his gaping mouth.

Penny was in disbelief. "???"

"Third Young Master! What are you — oh my god!" 

Suddenly, a maid who rushed to the sound panicked upon seeing the stupefied Slater. She squatted down in front of him, taking the empty bowl in his hand, and then scolding him for playing with the kitchen stuff. 

"Goodness, Third Young Master! This is not a toy! Come, I'll help you clean up."

Slater seemed to be bewildered as well as he methodically followed the maid to clean up. 

As they left, Penny raised her brows when she saw a small frog leaping in a direction. The side of her lips curled up, guessing what had happened.

"It's good I brought Tiana and Chunchun home," she chuckled as she went back to continue her private time. "I don't think he'll come up with a good prank next time."

Pleased that Tiana stopped Slater's second prank of the day, Penny engrossed herself in the book. 




When nighttime came, Penny patiently waited for Haines with Butler Jen. 

"Miss Penny, why don't you stay inside and I'll wait for Sir Haines?" Butler Jen offered with a gentle demeanor. "Dinner will soon be served, after all. And the night breeze is still a little chilly."

Penny flashed him a bright smile. "It's okay, Butler Jen. Uncle Haines told me he will come home early today."

Butler Jen could only smile helplessly. He didn't argue anymore, but still, he draped a big scarf over her shoulders. 

"It's still best if we make sure you won't get cold," said the Butler kindly and Penny was moved. 

Butler Jen was often busy with the household, but whenever he saw her, he was always ready to tend to her. He would even make sure her snacks were ready on time. 

"Thank you, Butler Jen." Penny nodded, and then her eyes lit up when she saw a silver Mercedez approaching. 

Her ears perked up, watching the car stop, and coming out of it was Haines. However, Charles also came out on the other side of the car.

When Charles saw Penny waiting, his heart felt warm. This was the first time he left home ever since Penny returned to their house. 

"Penny, were you waiting for me?!" Charles jogged to her with eyes of anticipation. "I'm sorry I had to settle some manners in the company. I didn't know you'd come looking for me!" 

Butler Jen lowered his gaze, knowing Penny didn't even know he left! She was waiting for her laptop!

Penny awkwardly glanced at Butler Jen and then at her father. Seeing that he looked so happy, she didn't have the heart to ruin it. 

"Hehe." She forced a smile, not denying it but also not sprinkling it with some lies. 

"What a nice daughter I have." Charles ruffled her hair and snapped his eyes back to Haines. "Let's talk later, Haines."

Haines nodded but gave Penny a meaningful look. The latter glanced at the paper bag in his hand, and she knew the laptop she bought was in great condition.

'Great! I'll ask him later when Dad isn't around!'

Thank you for your kind comments. My son is doing fine now and my heart is at ease again. <3

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