
Paitten's bizzare reincarnation with panty and stocking

dying can suck. doubt anyone can argua that. but sometimes life can suck just as bad. only time will tell

madpro_32 · Cómic
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4 Chs

dying sucks

Location: Purgatory

Paitten's pov:

You know it's been said that before you die, your life flashes before your eyes and you see every moment, good or bad, in that light. Well mine flashed back to every horrible moment that happened in mine. For instance, like me watching my mom die at a young age. She was great at what she did. Not a day went where she didn't tell me she loved me with all her heart. She's also the source of where I got my love for anime and junk like that, though not to her extent. Case in point, she would call me her little protagonist and my life one of her favorite real-time animes. Her death really hit me hard, and I mean the depression inducing Disney style dying too. then my dad turned into an alcoholic bastard, my ex girlfriend cheating on me with my ex BF and every injury I've ever had since then. 

So imagine my surprise with what came after, seeing that it's impossible for anybody to truly guess what happens after you die. While dying was a cold emotionally draining and honestly terrifying experience for me, being dead is a lot less overwhelming, though I think my situation is different, now some say you meet death himself, others suggest you see a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Being turned into a soul ball version of yourself like the ones from soul eater and floating in front of a tall shining woman is in no way close to anything I or anybody could guess of.

"Greetings unfortunate soul, I'm sorry we're meeting under such sad circumstances. But before that let me introduce myself, my name is Ailiena the goddess of life and I'm sure you must have a few questions." Her voice had a small echo and I could honestly say it's the first time I can say something was majestic. "yeah, what's going on here?" 

Expecting this question she was about to respond in kind. "Well you see your life has passed after you gave it-"

"oh no no no I remember that, I died pushing someone out the way of some drunk driving asshole. No I meant is….well.…why do you look like that?" Interrupting her I reiterate my question. Ailiena reeled a little back from the question "ex-excuse me?" Again she was surprised, if not flabbergasted. "Seriously, I mean look at you" I said gesturing with my now nonexisting hands. "I don't understand what's wrong with my form?"

"you look like something that came (heh) straight out of a hentai." From there she stayed quiet. It took a few seconds for her to process my blunt answer. "EXCUSE ME!? How dare you compare my appearance to smut!" She yelled in rising anger and embarrassment.

"Are you kidding me. Just look at you, you've got a pair of double I cup breasts, that dress is so thin and small I can see your nips practically poking out and your areolas are on full display and that's only the top part or you." I replied, not affected by her yelling.

Ailiena's embarrassment started over shadowing her anger from my description of her body. She didn't know how to reply, mostly because it bothered her how much it got her to think that maybe what I said had how true it was so she decided to get back on track.

"Look we're getting off topic, let's go back to explaining the reason for your death." She said, though her face was still red. "isn't it because I got run over?"

"yes that's true but it wasn't your original time to die. In fact you were supposed to fall during an alien invasion on your world." She explained, still mift at my comment.




"ARE YOU F**KING? I miss out on a possible real life independents day." I yell back. This caused my soul to turn red in anger, shocking the goddess at my outburst. "umm y-yes, anyways because of your situation you will be reborn into a new life, but only into the life of another world."

"Oh dear god I'm about to be isekai'd aren't I." I dreaded "oh no no don't worry, this isn't some manga or anime where you'll be in a fantasy land, you'll be reborn into another earth that's relatively the same." She said, hoping to calm me down.

While what Ailiena said did work somewhat I was still wary about one small detail she said. "Ok so I'm not going to some magic fantasy world but there is still a chance that the part of it being relative the same means that it's still different right, so does that mean will I be reincarnated in Japan?" She looked surprised and answered. 

"Yes, how did you know?" 'Fuck, so it'll be a modern isekai.' "alright what about magic?" "Yes there's magic." "What I thought yo-" "every world has some kind of magic, it's just more often hidden, like the magic in your world is." She answered now getting an idea of where I was going with my question. 

" Ok what about-" I was about to continue until she put up a hand to tell she's about to talk. 

"Paitten, I'll admit that being reincarnated into another world and to Japan sounds like something out of anime but the angel of fate of that world has already decided on who's is, what I had to guess the main characters are. So unless you actively seek them out you won't be involved in their lifes or affairs alright." She answered slightly, getting irritated.

I started weighing my opinion, on one hand I get to go round two with life but it most likely be an anime the other I stay dead and end up god knows where.

"look Paitten I know if this isn't common knowledge in your life, but this is a rare chance mortals get, contrary to popular belief and it doesn't last forever." She said, her tone of her voice becoming serious. "So please decide on what you want to do?" 

'Jezz I appreciate the pressure….still whether or not it's a good idea the way she said it's rare being reborn is, to argue about it might be a mistake.' "hmm….alright let's....lets get this over with, send me on my way then." I said somewhat weary of how this will turn out. "(sigh) good then I wish a more fruitful time in this life than the last." "thanks I apprecia-" "also brace yourself for the fall." 

"Wait what do-AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I scream, suddenly falling into a sudden light below me

Area: Japan

Location: bedroom

"aaaaAAAAAAAAHH..... ah....ah.... (Inhale) haa.... (inhale) haa wha-w-what the f--k." I look around try to get my head together through a killer migraine that is trying its best to distract me."...w-wait migraines? Ha-hard breathing and rapid heart beats....ha...haha....hahaha I'M ALIVE hahaahaaha-" I started laughing like mad till a familiar feeling had made me jump out of bed to run to the bathroom. "ihavetopee." When I sat on the toilet and let the rain fall, it quickly became apparent that something was wrong with my equipment. 

looking down, three things became noticeable.

First: my ma d**k was gone. Replaced with a small batch of light orange hair and vaginal lips.

Second and third: I had two c-cup breasts instead of a guy's flat chest. 

adding all this equaled one thing. 

I was a girl

I grabbed the nearest towel and: "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" This went on for 5 minutes before I finally lost all my breath, after that I began collecting my thoughts.

"ok ok ok ok ok ok ok calm down calm down calm down calm down F----K I'm not calming down damn it!" Funny enough this is my second nervous breakdown. "What the f--k happened?! I know for a fact I was born and died a boy, so why the crap am I a f--king girl?!" I then remember when Ailiena said about this world being a bit different. "MOTHERF--KER! THAT B--CH KNOW THIS WOULD HAPP-." BANG! BANG! BANG! "HEY SHUT THE F--K UP IT'S PAST 7:30AM IN THE F--K DAMN MORNING!" This was my first impression of the upstairs neighbor.

"s--t sorry!" I apologized before I started quietly ranting until I heard 'my' phone ring.

'At least I still have a phone here.' I picked it up to taking a look at what kind it was. "Ooh nice an android LG sty-(gasp)!" When I got a better look at the front of the screen I saw who was calling. "M-mom?" 'no. no that's impossible she....she's dead.' "H-hello Paitten speaking." I didn't know how I already knew my new name but I was too focussed on the possibility of her somehow alive "Hey sweetie! how's mommy's favourite protagonist doing?" And just that one statement made heart stop for a second. "M-mom is that r-really you." I ask my voice breaking and tears start to build. 

"Of course it is me honey who else would be calling one of her favorite anime characters?" I wanted to cry. I wanted to just bawl out right now, so very much, but just couldn't. I didn't want to worry her. "N-no one...ha.. Haha sorry I just woke up from a weird dream, anyway's what can I help you with?" I asked while still trying to piece together my voice and to calm myself down. 

"Oh I'm calling to make sure you're not late for your first day to school, which starts at 8:00.am." 'Oh my God there's already such an anime cliche.' "I know I may call you an anime protagonist but that doesn't mean you're in a shounen and are always going to be late for school." Oh god that almost broke me "He...hehe trust me that's the last thing on my mind right now." "Also Paitten, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend some quality time together. I know you're all grow-" "yes!  I-I mean of course I would hehe why wouldn't i." God that was so desperate.

"Oh well you've been saying how you're all grown up now and that..well you didn't need me anymore." "O-oh r-really?" 'Wow whoever I replaced must've been some kind of bitch to talk to their mom like that.' "Yeah, though I am happy to hear that you still don't want me out of your life yet." This left me in shock to hear her sound sad and relieved, which was something I was not going to let slide. "Mom, listen….no matter what I say, do or think I'm always going to need you, in someway or another because after everything's said and done you my mom and I know you'll always have my background." There wasn't a reply so I was starting to get worried until I started hearing sniffling from the phone. 

"Paitten do you...do you really mean that." That was her reply and you know what, f--k it I'm crying. "Of course (sniff) and believe me when I say (sniff) that nothing is going to change that." 

"Thank honey, that really makes me happy, anyways I'll hang up so you can get ready for school. I love Paitten." I could still hear some light crying waiting for my reply. Despite her saying a different name it still had the same effect as if it were mine " I love you too bye." "Bye." And with that we hung up our phones. "Heh she's alive, hehe my mom's alive, i can't believe she's alive.... Pff Haha..hah....ha huh I wander in dad's back to normal." This unfortunately flashed a quick memory of one of his many back hands. "(sigh), no I can't get my hopes up like that, just having mom alive is enough for now."

"And speaking of now, it's time to get ready for hel-err i mean highschool yeah highschool." As I was getting dressed I couldn't help but feel a bizarre sense of dread. "No no just calm down, I doubt I'd get reincarnated just to die right. But still if my situation is like an isekai then there's something up with this world, but Ailiena did say there are already main character's so figuring out who they are and avoiding them should be one of my main concerns. Everything else can come second...also I should stop saying most of my thoughts out loud" Finishing that I made my way to the closest and surprisingly easy, found the highschool dresses. I made my way out of my apartment and got out and met the area where I lived in, a very run down town. "seriously it's like I'm in the suicide slums from batman....oh god I hope that not the case." 

Using Google maps, ('thank God Google still exists.') I found my new school, Daten City highschool. 'Huh why does that sound familiar hmmmm probably just thinking of dmc since Daten is Dante with the N move hehe maybe I'm in the dmc world.' I thought, getting a little excited at the chance I'd meet the game characters who introduced the stylish action game style only to remember the literal hell of enemies they deal with 'na, never mind.'

My thoughts were interrupted when the feeling of dread hit me hard causing me to look around as time seemed to slow down. 'what...what the hell, what the f--k is this, it's just like before I-(gasp)." I then saw what caused my dread. A houded teen about to walk across the street and a drunk dress not paying attention. 'It's...just like...no,no no no I don't have to repeat that I can just walk away and' ("Paitten please follow what you think is right.") I stopped in my tracks. 'That memory, why did it have to be that memory now, of all times.' Struggling with my thoughts for a few seconds my mind was made up.

"MOTHERF-----KING DAMN IT!" I ran like crazy towards pushing past person after person till I made it to the dumbass to save his dumbass from dying like a dumbass. All the will damning my conscience and that promise. 'Damn it! damn it! damn it! damn it! F--king damn! it just once I'd like to be as selfish as I like to portray myself to be, just once, is that too much to ask for!? because I doubt I'll get a third chance.' 

When I took my first step on the pavement once again time slowed down I was charging at the teen but the car was getting closer. Out of fear I closed my eyes expecting to have another look at my life but when I opened them again and I saw that I was a few inches away from him so with all my might I launched myself at him knocking him off his feet as the car barely missed us and we end up on the other side sidewalk


"SO HERE'S SOME F--KING ADVICE, DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS AGAIN AND INSTEAD OF A CAR, I'LL BE THE ONE TO KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO THAT DAMN BRAINLESS HEAD OF YOURS! DO! YOU !UNDER F--KING STAND." I took this time to catch my breath and let him reply. "Yes kindred spirit I do understand how lucky I am that even in a place of sin like this, souls such as you're still remain in this city of sin." The way he spoke was like talking to some priest of a church. It ended up shocking most of my anger, so I helped him up. "Um yeah I'm huh sorry about yelling, anyways just be careful ok." I said making sure to not insult a possible follower of god. "Yes I will, but I'd like to give you a reward for your act of bravery." "Huh I don't want anything but sure thanks. 'he'll probably offer a Prayer or som-' "aaack." I was interrupted by a familiar sharp pain.

I looked down to see a weird knife in my gut then looked up the teen who was smiling as if he had just given a Christmas gift. "Please accept this rare gift and use it to continue to commit such selfless acts." He finished and after putting the entire knife he was about yanking it out only for me to grab said hand. "Y-you Ba-bastard! Stabbing me after i f--king helped you sorry a--!" The anger from before came back kicking and screaming, which was about how audibly I was growling. The stabbing teen, however, was unfazed which didn't help my anger at all. "Yes I can understand your anger. It's actually quite impressive for someone so young to hold such unrefined righteous fury. It should help you in the coming times." Losing it at that moment I threw the hardest punch I could muster right to his face (crsssh!) only for him to shatter like glass and my punch hit some other poor sap in the face which resulted in a broken nose, losing a teeth or two falling out and the guy being knocked out all in one go. 

"The F--king?! where is he where the F--k did that asshole go!?" Looking in every direction like an animal whose prey got away. Not seeing any sign of him, I yelled out as loud as I could, which made the gathered people clear away so they won't be a target of my anger. After a minute and a half I noticed I was basically alone, I try to calm myself then remember I was stabbed. "Shit I need to stop the….eeh? EEEEH!?" When I looked at where my bloody wound was supposed to be, there was nothing but a hole in my uniform. "w-what what the." 'But I know he stabbed me. I know that kind of feeling.' "Crap this is definitely some find of kind magical bulls--t." I then take some time to look at my watch to see it at 7:50. "OOH NOO! F--K IM ABOUT TO MAKE AN ANIME CLICHE!" Then without thinking I went full throttle so I won't be late to school.

(Scene change)

Location: Daten highschool

No pov:

In front of DCH a crowd of students was gathered as the two new transfer students were confronted by queen bee Barby. "hmhmhm I hope you two are ready the hell I'll bring for your insolence." Barby declared.

Goth girl: "b**ch you think we care."

Blonde girl: "yeah why we would give any f**ks about some drama queen."

Before Barby could retort a small voice heard. "uuuuu" "Does anybody hear that." A random student asked. "Uuuuu" "Hey I think it's getting louder" another pointed out. "UUUUK!" Everyone turned to see a school girl stampeding her way to the crowd of teens. She then started bulldozing her way through until she reached the center she ran past the new students with Barby in her path. "Protect the queen!" The school's football captain shouted and 6 jocks came and made a wall in an arrow formation and when the running girl collided with the jock wall everyone was surprised to see it all 6 just to stop her and even the girl was still pushed resulting in a stalemate. "RRAAA! OUT OF MY OUT WAY!" The girl roared. "We'll never allow you to hurt the queen!" They threw back "Screw your queen I'm not going to be late for school!" The tug of war looked like it would continue. "Hey you're already there!" Yet another random student yelled. And just like that girl suddenly stopped her charge and started to look to see the school in front of her. Oh...oooooh s----t, I'm sooo sorry about that, it's my first day here and I did not need that on my first year record." Her complete 180 from a rampaging bull to a normal person caught everyone by surprise. 

The girl took that opportunity to look past the jocks and at the so-called queen. This got her to focus her attention on Barby. "Hmmm?" "w-what, what are you looking at?" Barby asks nervously at the possible crazy girl looking her over. "It's just that you look familiar.….raah! damn it, why can't my memories work right." The girl started hitting her own head while muttering random cures and caused the other students to take a step back, Barby taking two. 'What the hell is wrong with her? One minute she's on a rampage, then she's all calmed down and now she's beating on her own head is she just insane?' Barby thought about getting nervous at the patently crazy girl.

She then stopped realizing something. "Oh by the what's with all the students gathering around here is there some kind of fire drill today?" Again her 1.80 was still a good guard breaker. "Umm it's because I was having an argument with those two behind you." Barby answered uneasy.

Paitten's pov:

'I couldn't figure out who this chick was and now I'm about to introduce two new pe-' "Nuh!?!" When I looked at the girls behind me, I couldn't and didn't want to believe who they were. 'Noooo no no nono! no!no!no!no! of all the animes, of all isekai's, I had to be isekai'd to the very show that defined the term crack anime and two of the most bulls--ting ironic characters ever.' "Panty and Stocking anarchy." I whispered in dread.


{this was edited very much before it became readable. hope all of you enjoy.}