
Chapter 3 –Contact with the boss

Ella's POV:

We have an hour left for our lunch break so I decided to finish up quickly to avoid missing lunch. I was through with my chores and was packing up my cleaning pieces of equipment to join the others for lunch seeing that I was the only one left.

I was about to go for lunch when I saw a lady coming towards me. She was wearing a black thin strap knee-length dress with a purple blazer, a purple heel and a black pair of earring. Her appearance was screaming wealth and the cost of her shoe alone could pay my rent for a year. Don't ask me how I know. I have seen how much some red bottoms cost. We hardly see this kind of people at this side of the office.

"Hi am Natasha Adam the boss's assistant. Please the person who cleans Mr Brown's office has gone home because she's not feeling too well. I hope you don't mind filling in for her today. I'll show you his office. Please come with me. What's the name? " Ella Adeoye" I replied.

She was so respectful even though she was Mr Jade's assistant, she spoke to me with respect.

I wish every rich person in the world could be this humble as flashbacks of the incidence with a woman I met at the mall surfaces. I had mistakenly brushed her shoulders on my way to the toiletries section. I was about to apologize when she started screaming at the top of her voice saying I had rubbed dirt on her expensive Gucci dress.

I carried my cleaning materials and followed her which meant I wasn't eating the office's free lunch today. I would have to buy bread on my way back home from the money I was saving if I didn't want to die of hunger. I got to the office I was directed to and knocked waiting to be ushered in. After a few minutes, I was told to come in through the intercom. I entered the boss's office and I could tell that the money that was spent to furnish this office must have caused a fortune.

"Good morning Mr Brown, good morning ma". I greeted while staring at the ground waiting for an order, the woman which I figured was his mum due to the striking resemblance, answered but the boss still was yet to reply. Well, why would he? He was the boss and I was just an ordinary poverty-stricken janitor.

On entering his office, I had a glance at the boss and he truly looked like one of those models you see on vogue magazines and a Greek god which Annabelle my co-worker described him to be. Those janitors that were assigned to clean the last floor frequently gossiped and fantasized about the boss. How he looked like, how they wish they could spend a night with him and how they saw him in their dreams as the Prince that rescued them from the Dragon.

I didn't join them because I thought those girls were stupid to waste their time building up ideas on something that was never going to happen and that was the least of my problems. What were they even thinking?

"The janitor and the billionaire" It sounded very funny and weird.

Let's just say with that glance of him on entering his office, I developed a tiny crush on him. I was human after all. While I was cleaning up the mess by the corner, his mum quickly got up to leave which I have no idea why she did. On her way out, she asked for my name which I told her.

Today seems to be strange with people asking for my name consistently.

She was so sweet. She told me her name and called me "darling". I was surprised when she said see you another time before she walked out.

"Mr Brown, would this be all?" I asked.

" I need you to dust my shelf, my books each one of them and my table," he said.

I looked at everything he asked to be dusted. They were sparkling clean and the books, they were up to probably a hundred and something hardcover books on that shelf. Was this man out of his mind?

After long hours of dusting the books and arranging them, I looked through the transparent glass walls that gave a clear view of other houses, companies and streets to see that the weather had changed. Dark clouds were already surfacing signalling that the day was far spent. He must have noticed the weather too because he called me to come over to his desk while I was cleaning the last book.

"Ms Adeoye, the day is far spent. You can leave now and finish up my desk tomorrow". I was extremely tired and hungry. "OK, sir. Good night sir," I said as I walked out of his office. I changed from my uniform to my worn out faded high waist jeans and my sweatshirt crop top.

I walked out of the office and was on my way home when a black BMW parked beside me.

I brought out my pepper spray and prepared myself for what was to come I increased my pace but stopped when I heard my name being called out from the car. Could it be that I was hearing something else? My name coming from inside such an exotic car? I didn't even know someone who rode a bike and someone who was riding a BMW knew me and my name. I heard my name a second time and I turned back to see my boss's mum. To say I was perplexed will be an understatement. Could she have been waiting for me all through? my inner voice laughed at the thought. She probably must have been passing by and saw you. my inner voice said.

"Mrs Margret, did you forget something? "

" No darling I didn't. Please come into the car I have a business deal for you. Gabriel take us to the Bills please."

On our way going to God knows where I was thinking of so many things. What exactly could this business deal be? I asked my self. The driver stopped the car and informed us that we had gotten to our destination. He came down to open the door for Mrs Margret. I was about opening my side of the door when she queried me." You have to wait for Gabriel to open the door for you" she said. That's bullshit I whispered but obeyed. I didn't want to offend Mrs Margret.

Gabriel opened the door for me and what came to view was what you call a five-star restaurant. I had seen those kinds of restaurants in magazines but never this close standing right in front of me.

This is a luxury I said to myself.

We entered the restaurant and someone Immediately led us to what I assumed was our reservation. The initials V.I.P was boldly written on the door that led us to this area. Mrs Margret asked me to order for what I wanted. I picked up the menu and opened it to order and seeing the price of everything they had, I developed a sudden migraine. Mrs Margret, " Ma I can't order any of this. "If you don't like any of the food on the list we could go somewhere else I'll just call the driver." She said.

"No Ma. It's not that. It's just that the prices of their food is way too expensive. I can't pick any of that food on the menu. Their prices will hunt me in my sleep.

"Give me that I'll order for you then you don't get to see the price. That way nothing hunts you. We'll have French fries, roasted chicken breast for her and I'll have any of your seafood and a bottle of white wine. please pack an extra French fries and roasted chicken breast. Lastly, we'll have strawberry cheesecake for dessert. Thanks "