
The beginning

The sound of running footsteps in the snow echoed through the forest. A man stopped and leaned against a tree, his breath came in heavy pants.

"Your highness, I think we've lost them." Another man stopped beside him resting his hands in his knees trying to catch his breath.

"About time. Did everyone make it?" The man slid down the tree and rubbed a hand along a slash on his stomach that slowly dyed his dark shirt with fresh blood.

"Yes, sire. Everyone is here and the blizzard is covering our tracks." The retainer ripped his sleeve and wrapped it around a claw wound on his thigh.

"Good, treat the wounded. We aren't too far from the cave. Make camp over there before the weather worsens."

The man went to work bandaging his own wound with a red sash that had been wound around his waist. The wound wasn't deep, but with the continued escape from their aggressors it would not close quickly.

He stayed alert for any changes and felt a rumble stir in his chest. The air was quickly changing. This storm was not natural. They had followed traces of magic here, only to be assaulted by masked assailants. It felt like someone was out for his life. Before he had a chance to rest long the magic in the air seemed to come alive. The animals in the forest who had been quiet until not hooted and howled. He wanted to raise his head and howl too.

"Your highness, what's happening?" The men gathered around him some reaching for their weapons while others extended their claws taking a protective stance around their prince.

The pressure around them increased. He grabbed his head as his men fell to their knees screaming and howling out as the air itself felt like a mountain falling on them. It lasted only a moment before a loud crash came from nearby. The pressure disappeared and the forest fell silent as heavier snow started to fall from the sky. Within seconds an explosion came further up the mountain and flames could just be seen through the thick snow.

"Let's go." The prince grunted and moved quickly to investigate the weird occurrence. The men moved toward the flames and tried to keep sight of them as the snow flew around them.

He made a signal with his hand and two men split off to scout ahead. Shortly they found a field which once had several large trees, but now was nothing but broken branches and burned ground. The flames that had covered the area had been pushed back by the cold and only a small area still continued to burn in the center of the destruction. Was this the change that had been calling everyone to the area?

His instincts pulled him to the center his steps jumping from one spot to the next to avoid small patches of still hot rocks and soil that burned the soles of his feet. His long claws grabbed a few branches and tore them away from his path and there in the center he watched the fire slowly dwindle to reveal a naked woman that was caressed by the flames but not harmed by them.

"What is it?" His eyes widened and the retainer behind him called out. He reached toward the woman feeling the heat of the flames melt the snowflakes on his hand. She lay there curled up as the layer of the flames around her died he reached out with his tough fingers touching the smooth white skin of her back.

"Give me your cloak!" The retainer came closer and tried to speak again, but was greeted with a growl and a shout from his prince. He felt the anger and the look he received made him know deep down if he came closer he would feel the wrath of his liege.

"Yes sire, of course." He dropped his eyes to the ground afraid to meet the stare he received. Taking off his cloak he tossed it the prince and backed away slowly.

He bent and wrapped the cloak around her while pulling her into his arms. A sweet scent and soft flesh greeted his senses and he felt his head spin as he pondered who she was and why she looked so different. Deep down his instincts growled at him. If his retainer had come closer he would have lost control and ripped him to pieces if he had laid eyes on the woman in his arms.

With the flames gone the blizzard quickly overtook the field and the woman snuggled into his chest seeking more warmth. Her fingers brushed against the rough skin of his chest through the tear in his shirt causing a shiver to run through his body.

"Go ahead and prepare the camp." He looked over his shoulder and snapped. The cave they used as a hideout was not more then a couple hours walk from where they were and he could send someone to prepare a fire and a meal for them.

"Of course" the retainer fell to a knee his hand across his chest saluting the prince. Before he stood his eyes wandered up from the ground and saw the small white feet of the woman in the princes arms. His breath caught. He had never seen a creature with such small feet. There was no fur and no claws. What had caused this and why had his prince acted so. Before the prince had a chance to even growl at the retainers look he rushed off across the field to complete his task.