
Pacifist Prince

Son of a business tycoon, philanthropist, richest teen...many titles I was given during the short tenure I lived out on earth. Reincarnating into the Crown Prince of a kingdom in the mountains is what I had never expected. The Crown Prince, a new titled I have been bestowed with. Waking up as a prince on a continent where war was as common as being rickrolled on reddit, I had to find a way to survive and keep my kingdom strong too. What better way than to stay neutral and take the way of pacifism.

Senju_Tobirama · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Sounds of arguments and shouting is what I woke up to. I felt weak. I didn't have energy to move my limbs nor open my eyes. I was just there wrapped up against something soft and warm.

"How dare you! I thought you had changed yet you are the same! And now you want to kill a child? A child that has done nothing to you!? Are you even human anymore!? He is just a year old!!!" Said a hysteric noise.

"Listen Carla. If I do not dispose him off, problems could arise. If the other heard this, I would have no choice but to declare him as the crown prince! I can't let that happen!" An angry and hoarse voice said with a sneer.

"What if our child turned out different? Would you do the same? Would you kill my own child, Lowen?" The female, Carla said a she shook. There was no answer from the man. Seeing this, the lady hummed.

"From this day forth! I, Carla Von Eisenberg, declare this child, Reinhart Von Eisenberg, as my own! He will be the Crown Prince no matter what you do!" Carla said with a steely and firm voice. I slowly opened my eyes and took notice of my surroundings. We were in a huge hall with marble tilling and tall pillars. There was a Black banner in the backdrop in front of which was a throne where a silver haired man was sat on, looking agitated.

I then see the person carrying me. She has flaxen hair with sparkling green eyes. She had tears sliding down her face as she cradled me to her bosom. Noticing my gaze, she turned towards me and smiled that warmed me too the core. She brought me closer to her face and pecked my forehead.

"There~ There~ Everything is fine. Let's get you to bed." Carla said as she moved somewhere carrying me. I then turned towards the man, Lowen, and see him glaring at me with a sneer on his face. he then clicked his tongue and turned away.

'Well fuck you too, old man!'

Carla then kept on walking as we passed through different corridors and rooms. We then reach a comfortable looking room where there was a small cot. She slowly and carefully placed me in there.

After she placed me and sat on a chair next to the cot. She began crying. She cried and sobbed as her body shook. I could only just look on helplessly as she cried. With all the effort I could do, I lifted my pudgy arms and pat her cheeks. Carla was startled but then saw my hands, she then gave a sad smile and held my hand with hers.

'She is in pain. She defended me too. I need more information before knowing what's going on.'

I then felt fatigue creep up. My hands slowly slid down as I felt darkness approaching. I then swiftly fell asleep.


I open my eyes to see what looked like a small cabin, I was sitting on a big, cushiony chair with a beautifully crafted and well polished oak desk. With a coffee maker at a side and papers and books scattered around on the desk. There was a single sofa at the corner of the room with a small coffee table at it's side. The whole room gave off a chill and relaxing vibe.

I stood up from the chair and made my way towards the door. I slowly twist the handle and open the door and saw shelves upon shelves of books. I felt excited. The Goddess did grant me this wish! For a quick check, I thought of searching for a book on architecture. Lo and behold, floating in front of me was a book on architecture with many other books beside it. I checked them and it turned out to be a book of architecture based on Japan, another was on Arabic Architecture.

I was thrilled! I had the knowledge of everything with me now! I checked out different books. Crafting. Blacksmithing. Forestry. Guns. Automobiles! Everything was there! This was my own defining power that will help me in this new world.

I then picked a book on The Celtic Goddess of Reincarnation, Arianrhod. And then sat in my cabin and read the book, surrounded by the warm atmosphere of the room.

Before I knew it, I woke up all refreshed to the coo-ing noises of Carla. I could see her face more clearly and can easily say, she is beautiful. I could see her large stomach, showing she was pregnant. And this could be the 5th or 6th month considering the size of her stomach.

I could see a maid standing behind her with a tray containing food. She had a soft look in her eyes as she gazed at me and Carla.

"Your Majesty, it's time for breakfast. Please rest and take it." The maid said as she placed the tray on a nearby table. Carla thanked the maid with a small smile before she had the breakfast. The maid made her way to me and carefully picked me off from the cot.

"You have beautiful eyes, Lord Reinhart." The maid said with a smile as she stared at me for a while. The rest of the day was spent in the room where Carla kept me company and told me stories related to this world.

Based on what she said, this is a kingdom where we are. The Kingdom Of Eisenberg. And I am to be the Crown Prince. My father is a tyrant. We just finished fighting a war with another country. Fortunately, we were the victors here.

The more I listened to her, the more I felt intimate with her. I felt something which I had not felt in a long time. A mother. I felt like I was talking to my real mother when I was a child. When we were just a happy family. I was also getting a younger sister soon. I am a year old if I had not mentioned that earlier.

'That's it. I am going to protect this warmth. It may change in the future. But I shall and will protect Carla.'

'This is my new goal as Reinhart Von Eisenberg! The Crown Prince Of The Kingdom Of Eisenberg!'


A/N;- Aight first chapter out for a newly re-written version of the Pacifist Prince! Enjoy!

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