
P2W: Uzuki-san Wants to Live a Peaceful Life

In a world where shinobi power reigns supreme, Uzuki Junko finds herself struggling to grapple with the harsh reality of the shinobi world. Hindered by her lack of innate talent and determination to avoid a premature death, she stumbles upon the Celestial Market—a place where dreams are bartered, and power can be bought for a price. With her eyes set on securing her family's safety and her own survival, Junko delves into this otherworldly marketplace, driven by her relentless pursuit of wealth and power. Junko treads the fine line between her aspirations, the quest for power, and the price she's willing to pay for a chance at a safer life. set in the era of the third Shinobi War. My personal take on the world of Naruto. My first work on here, I'm motivated by your feedback so I'd love to hear what you think about it. Reviews and comments are welcome. Cover art isn't mine.

RainRozae · Cómic
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2 Chs

Uzuki Junko

As the last rays of the setting sun cast a golden hue over the village of Konoha, Uzuki Junko found herself at the training grounds once again struggling to overcome her limitations.

Her chakra reserves had been spent and her latest attempts at ninjutsu had left her frustrated and breathless. She had extended her practice late into the evening, striving to master more advanced jutsu in preparation for her imminent graduation, yet the results had been less than ideal.

While she had grasped the academy fundamentals—the substitution, transformation, and clone techniques—her attempts at expanding her repertoire were proving to be a daunting task. 

"One more time…" Breathless, Junko steadied herself with a determined gasp. Her hands trembled as they joined in a sequence of familiar seals—Tiger, Snake, Dog. Her hands sparked with fleeting electricity as she summoned her chakra.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Strike (雷遁・雷撃, Raiton: Raigeki)," she whispered, her voice determined.

Yet, despite her efforts, the sparks faltered, flickered, then vanished. Fatigue washed over her, forcing her to collapse to the ground in exhaustion.

"I can't keep up like this," Junko muttered to herself, wiping the sweat from her brow. It had been twelve long years since she had arrived in this world, twelve years of struggling to become stronger. Yet, despite her efforts, she still felt just as lost as she was back then.

 She remembered reading stories in her past life, tales of individuals transported to fantastical realms, where they wrought grand changes and emerged as great heroes. She had thought of herself as one of those heroes at one point, however, reality seldom mirrored such grand expectations.

 She had been reborn as Uzuki Junko, the eldest daughter of the Uzuki family, a civilian family with its only claim to fame being its distant ties to the Senju clan through her grandfather. While she had initially been ecstatic about her link to this once-famous clan, she had quickly come to realise that it didn't mean much.

The Senju clan had long since been disbanded and its remaining members scattered throughout Konoha, many of them marrying and taking on new names. She was simply one of Konoha's many citizens with distant ties to the Senju clan. Nowadays the last living and recognised member of the Senju Clan is Tsunade and if things proceeded along the path of the original story, then she would end up leaving the village within the next few years.

Nevertheless, hope had persisted within her. It wasn't unprecedented for distant clan members to inherit the abilities of their lineage, Moegi served as a perfect example of this with her awakening of Wood Release in the future. And while she didn't expect to get anything as extravagant and grand as Wood Release, she had held out hope that she'd at least receive something that would give her an edge in this world.

However, her enrolment in the academy proved to be the turning point—a harsh awakening to her own limitations. Witnessing the mind-boggling performances of the clan kids was a humbling experience. Sharing the learning space with prodigies like Kakashi only served to intensify that feeling. Even armed with memories of the future as she was and the maturity from her past life, she found herself grappling to keep pace, each effort falling short against their innate abilities.

 The disparity in skill and innate talent served as a constant reminder of her limits. As graduation rapidly approached, Junko found herself grappling to keep pace with the clan kids, let alone someone of Kakashi's calibre who had long since graduated.

 From the outset, she recognized the uphill battle she faced. Her chakra reserves were meagre, and the absence of special techniques or a Kekkai-Genkai left her at a distinct disadvantage. Compared to the clan kids who had specialised training on top of their inherited skills, it only seemed natural that she would fall short in comparison.

 She was well aware that most civilian shinobi refrained from stacking themselves against the clansmen, given the inherent advantages they possessed.

Envy and jealousy towards ninjas from prominent bloodlines and powerful clans were common, almost expected from civilian shinobi. Some grew to accept their fate and were content to admire them from afar, whilst others struggled until their last breath, unwilling to accept the reality. Not even her teachers at the academy expected civilian kids to match these descendants of powerful shinobi bloodlines.

However, the harsh reality persisted— the very individuals she would eventually face in battle would be those same geniuses from other villages and formidable products of renowned clans. The disparity in innate abilities would be the reality she'd confront on the battlefield, and to survive in this world of ninja, she'd need to get used to that pressure, maybe even find a way to bridge that formidable gap.

Of course, outliers existed among civilians—individuals who, with either exceptional talent or relentless determination, shattered the norms and defied the status quo. Icons like Minato, destined to become the Fourth Hokage, or the indomitable Might Guy, who faced off against Madara Uchiha, stood out as prime examples of civilian shinobi that had managed to transcend their status and achieved greatness despite their humble origins, yet, their ascent was a monumental task, an exception rather than the rule.

Yet, even in these extraordinary cases, a common narrative prevailed—they wielded secret techniques to amplify their abilities, like Minato's mastery of the Hirashin or the Eight Gates harnessed by Might Guy. These hidden aces underscored a harsh reality: in the pursuit of equality, even the most exceptional civilians often relied on extraordinary tools to level the playing field.

Countless times, the notion of leaving the academy behind and pursuing a quieter life as a civilian had flickered in Junko's thoughts—a sentiment she knew was echoed by many other civilian-born academy students.

The allure of such a life seemed comforting, tempting even, holding its own set of advantages. However, deep down, she recognized its lack of sustainability. It was hardly worth debating—In a world teeming with danger, lacking the means to defend herself meant facing an inevitable demise. While fleeing the war might've been an option, evading the entirety of the impending chaos without the strength to protect herself seemed an impossible feat. Survival, she knew, would hinge on her ability to wield enough strength to confront the challenges ahead.

And yet for all her bravado she could not deny that she was still sorely lacking in preparation for what was to come. She knew no amount of regular training would prepare her for the future and no matter how many times she wailed on the training dummy, it would do little to change her situation. But what else could she do?

Junko sighed as exhaustion seeped into her bones. Her head was drenched in sweat and strands of her dark purple hair covered her face obscuring her vision. her body ached, and her reserves were drained, years of training told her that she was at her limit and any more practice was more than likely to result in injury and with the graduation test looming she'd need to conserve whatever remained of her strength for tomorrow.

Tucking away the worn kunai and shuriken into her pouch, Junko straightened her posture, her muscles protesting with a welcome ache. A series of practised stretches followed, each movement easing the tension that had knotted her shoulders during the rigorous training.

The familiar clang of metal against leather resonated in the now-quiet training ground as she took a final glance around, a silent promise to return soon. With a determined nod, she set off towards home.

Weary steps carried her through the familiar streets of Konoha. The evening tranquillity enveloped her as she navigated the well-trodden path towards home. The bustling village hummed with life a near-perfect facade disguising the harsh reality that lurked beneath the surface.

However, she knew the truth, this appearance of normality was simply the calm before the storm. War was approaching, that was something she knew for certain and yet as she walked admits the fading light, she couldn't help but think how peaceful everything seemed.

It was astonishing how shinobi managed to keep the outside situation veiled away from the general populace. Had she not had her unique perspective on things she undoubtedly would've been none the wiser until everything started kicking off and she was drafted to the front lines, at least now she had some time to prepare herself.

Junko's steps slowed as she approached the familiar wooden door of the Uzuki Household. A brief pause allowed her a moment to compose herself, to cloak her fatigue with a mask of determination. For her family—her parents who harboured concerns and her sister who idolised her—she needed to be strong, unwavering in her determination despite the trials she faced. She couldn't afford to show weakness, not here, not now. Straightening her posture, Junko summoned the resolve she needed before stepping inside.

The door swung open, revealing the interior of their home, it wasn't anything grand, but it was home all the same. The comforting aroma of simmering miso from the kitchen welcomed her, signalling that dinner was on the way. The air hummed with the tranquillity of familial warmth that she cherished.

"I'm home!" Junko announced a bright smile etched on her face, her voice carrying a hint of fatigue tempered by a forced cheerfulness.

"Ah, welcome back, Junko. Dinner's almost ready!" her mother Uzuki Ayumi called out from the kitchen, where she diligently stirred a pot over the stove.

Junko smiled at the sight of her mother, Ayumi's gentle demeanour always served as a comforting balm, a trait befitting someone who dedicated her life to nurturing and healing others.

Ayumi once managed an apothecary in the village, devoting her time to cultivating herbs and creating medicines for Konoha Hospital. Her commitment to healing stemmed from the loss of her father, who served as a shinobi, on a mission when she was young. This loss shaped her decision to lead a life devoted to the art of healing and assisting others.

However, after giving birth, Ayumi transitioned into spending most of her days at home, taking on the role of a housewife while her husband provided the income.

Speaking of which, her dad Kenji sat at the table, engrossed in a worn book, his gaze shifting to acknowledge her arrival. Behind the glasses perched on his nose, a calm, supportive gaze met hers.

Kenji worked as a craftsman creating ninja tools for the shinobi of the village, he'd once told her he'd harboured dreams of becoming a shinobi himself when he was younger but had abandoned them after coming to realise his lack of talent. It was probably why despite his reservations he'd done everything he could to support her on her journey to become a Kunoichi. His steady presence served as a constant anchor and pillar of support.

Junko's eyes swept across the rest of the room, soon resting on Yugao, who looked upon her with an earnest expression of admiration. Despite being just 7 years old it was already clear that Yugao posed maturity beyond that of most others her age. Junko knew that her little sister held her in high esteem, and often sought to emulate her even going as far as to ask her for help with shinobi training which she was more than happy to oblige.

With Junko's assistance, Yugao had already surpassed most of her peers in the academy, her dedication and extra coaching giving her an edge ahead of her class not unlike the clan kids. Their close bond fostered an admiration that transcended the age gap between them, forming a relationship built on mutual respect and affection.

"You look exhausted, Dear," Ayumi remarked with a concerned smile as she began placing dishes on the dining table. "Did you have a tough day at the academy?"

Junko let out a small laugh, as a self-depreciating smile graced her lips. "Just the usual struggles Mom. You know I gotta train twice as hard to keep up with those clan kids."

Ayumi sighed as she looked at her daughter, "I know, but just remember Junko no one would fault you for quitting, I know I've told you this many times before but being a shinobi is dangerous work."

"Mom, I know, but this is my choice. I wouldn't have it any other way," Junko replied with unwavering determination shining in her eyes.

"Alright, I can see you're set on this path. You know I support you in everything you do; I just couldn't bear to see you get hurt," Ayumi said, her voice soft with tenderness.

"I know Mom, and I appreciate everything you've done for me, but this is something I can't give up on."

Kenji glanced up from his book, a subtle smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Well said. Remember talent isn't everything, Junko. In my opinion, your hard work and determination speak volumes more than any natural gift. And don't forget we're family and we're here to support you."

Junko nodded, a sense of gratitude warming her heart as a tear threatened to slip out. "Thanks, Dad. I'll remember that."

Yugao, eager to contribute, piped up, "One day, I'll be as strong as you are big sis!" Her eyes sparked with excitement and determination to excel rarely seen in a child.

The family erupted into light-hearted laughter, and Junko couldn't resist tousling her little sister's head. "I'm sure you will," she assured her. It wasn't just a casual remark; if the original story held true, Yugao would grow up to be a formidable kunoichi. Already, her natural talents showed promise, and she was sure she would only get better with age.

Kenji, his gaze softening with parental concern, set his book aside and turned his attention toward Junko. "Speaking of strength, Junko how do you feel about your graduation test tomorrow?"

Junko straightened up, her posture a blend of confidence and underlying apprehension. "I'm confident about passing, Dad. I've been putting in the work and I know the techniques," she paused as her words began to falter slightly. "But it's not just about passing. It's about the rankings. I'm worried about where I'll place in the class rankings. That'll determine who becomes our jōnin Instructor after graduation."

Kanji nodded understandingly. "Ah, the class ranking. I remember those days." He chuckled a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "It might seem like a big deal now, but don't let it weigh too heavily on your mind. Where you place won't define your abilities or your potential. It's just a temporary measure, and you'll have plenty of opportunities to prove yourself beyond the academy."

Ayumi her voice gentle and reassuring chimed in, "Your father's right, Junko. Rankings are just a snapshot of the moment, not the entirety of your journey. The important thing is to focus on doing your best and the rest will follow."

Junko nodded appreciatively; her confidence bolstered slightly by their words. "I know, Mom, Dad. It's just… there's only so much I can do by myself, and the higher I rank, the better chance I have of getting a skilled jōnin instructor. And that could make a real difference.

Kenji smiled, proud of his daughter's determination. "Just remember, Junko, even the most renowned of shinobi started somewhere. Your journey is uniquely yours, and wherever you land in the rankings, it won't diminish your potential. Besides, you've got the heart and resilience to overcome any challenge."

Yugao, her gaze full of admiration, spoke up, "I know you'll be amazing, Junko! You always are!"

Junko nodded, grateful for her family's understanding and support. "I'll give it my all. I just hope it's enough to secure a good spot."

The room glowed with the warmth of familial solidarity, each member offering their own form of support. Amidst the confronting presence of her family, Junko felt a renewed sense of purpose settling within her.

It wasn't just about her; she had to become strong to protect her family as well. It wasn't merely about her own aspirations; it was the shared responsibility she bore, the need to become strong not just for herself but also for her family.

As the evening gently unfolded, the Uzuki household resonated with the sound of comforting chatter and laughter, enveloping the space in an aura of unwavering support and unspoken love. With the sun's descent and the moon's ascent, Junko eventually retired to her room, the echo of her family's words lingering in the corner of her mind.

Seated on the edge of her bed, Junko contemplated the words of her parents. She appreciated them both dearly and despite being reborn into this world she could wholeheartedly say she loved and trusted her family above all else, but they simply couldn't understand the stakes. She could never burden them with the knowledge of the future, and so it was up to her to keep them safe. 

"Where you place won't define your abilities or your potential." There was wisdom to be found in her dad's words and she didn't think he even truly understood how right he was. Rankings weren't the be-all and end-all in this world, after all, what does the title of rookie of the year mean in front of a threat like Madara, and what does it matter what ninja rank you hold when both Sasuke and Naruto held the power to overturn the ninja world at the end of the series whilst both still being genin.

No, what mattered the most in this world was ability, neither talent nor potential meant anything if you were killed off before you reached it, or at least that's how it worked in theory. In truth without sufficient mentoring, most shinobi would never reach their maximum potential, and with a strong enough mentor, it might even be possible to exceed those limits. Even legendary figures like Minato had mentors at points in their lives, after all without the assistance of Jiraiya it's highly unlikely Minato would've become as strong as he did. 

However, this brought her back to her first point, after all, Jiraiya was Minato's jōnin Instructor, and the only way Minato could've gotten one of the three Sannin to be his jōnin instructor would've been by showing exceptional talent in the academy.

She felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. Tomorrow's graduation test weighed heavily on her mind, the anticipation and stakes hovered ahead like an impending storm. It wasn't just about passing the test; it was about what came after, the jōnin instructor she'd be assigned based on her class ranking. if she were lucky, she might secure an instructor who could nurture her talents further, But the reality remained stark.

With a heavy sigh, Junko gazed out of her window, the moonlight casting a soft glow across her room. The village outside appeared tranquil, a facade she knew concealed the brewing tension and impending conflict.

Her thoughts spiralled around the words her parents had spoken, trying to find comfort in their reassurances. However, the reality of the world she lived in, demanded more than just familial support.

Junko knew her capabilities and aspirations all too well. At her fullest potential, reaching the chūnin level seemed within her grasp, a formidable achievement for any aspiring ninja, if she specialized, she might even be able to reach Tokubetsu jōnin.

Yet, the pinnacle of jōnin rank remained a distant peak, a summit obscured by clouds of uncertainty, she couldn't feasibly see a way she'd be able to match the likes of Kakashi, talk less about ninja stronger than him. 

It was clear what she lacked—a trump card—a secret technique or kekkei Genkai that could catapult her above the rest. Without one her future prospects seemed limited, and her journey toward advancement would continuously be an uphill battle.

She had thought she had come to terms with it all, yet as the hours dwindled and her graduation exam loomed ever closer old fears resurfaced, clawing their way back into her consciousness—the haunting dread of an uncertain future and the spectre of her own limitations.

She had believed she'd conquered these fears, taming them with the resolve to persist through dedication and hard work. Yet now, on the cusp of this milestone, those old fears seized her once more.

It was a stark realization—a self-deception she'd harboured. For so long, she'd cloaked herself in the illusion of strength, tethering her hopes to the belief that unwavering dedication and tireless effort would be enough. But as graduation drew near, the fragile facade crumbled, revealing the vulnerability she had long denied.

The realization of her predicament gnawed at her—a constant reminder that she lacked the exceptional ability that would keep her and her family safe in this unpredictable world. Doubts quickly began to storm her mind, a tempest of uncertainty regarding the path she'd chosen. Was the path of a shinobi truly hers to tread, or had she merely deceived herself into believing so?

An uproar of dark emotions stirred within her, compounded by the crushing weight of disappointment she felt toward herself. She felt like a let-down, not just to her parents but most importantly to her little sister. Yugao, the girl who admired her, saw her as a role model—how could she bear the burden of being a disappointment in the eyes of someone who held her in such high regard?

A momentary lapse in her resolve led her to a decision she hadn't entertained in a long while. She turned to a practice she had once considered a relic of her past— prayer. She'd never been the most religious in her past life, and that went doubly so for her current life, considering the only Gods she knew here, were aliens who made it a habit of harvesting planets. Still, she felt the need to try, something had brought her to this world and now she only hoped that same being could provide guidance in her darkest times.

The gesture felt foreign, almost alien, yet she allowed herself to slip into the familiarity of this action. With clasped hands and a silent plea, she attempted to reach out to the unseen forces that had orchestrated her arrival into this world.

Her prayer wasn't one of subservience or blind faith but a desperate plea for clarity, for direction. In the quiet of her room, Junko silently sought direction from whatever higher power might be listening. She yearned for any sign that could illuminate her path in this world full of uncertainties.

Her whispered plea echoed in the room, a fragile hope for some form of assurance amidst her confusion and doubt. In that vulnerable moment, she awaited even the faintest glimmer of guidance to navigate the maze of uncertainties ahead.

In the midst of her silent prayer, an unexpected electronic tone sliced through the quiet room. Junko's heart leapt, disrupted from her contemplation by the sudden intrusion. The room's tranquillity shattered as a message materialized, its holographic presence casting an ethereal almost alien glow.

"Congratulations! You have been granted a VIP Account to access the Celestial Market!"

Startled, Junko blinked in disbelief, her thoughts reeling from the abrupt interruption. The message, inscribed on a luminescent display, hovered before her—a stark contrast against the rustic decor of her surroundings. The room, adorned with traditional wooden furnishings and softly lit by paper lanterns, stood in stark juxtaposition to the futuristic luminescence of the hologram.

"What's this?" she murmured, glancing around to find her surroundings unchanged. Her initial assumption was that someone had ensnared her in a genjutsu. Instinctively, she initiated the genjutsu release technique, moulding her hands into the tiger hand sign. However, the holographic display persisted, unaffected by her attempt to dispel it.

"Probably not Genjutsu, then," she mused. She highly doubted that she would be the target of some high-level genjutsu, considering her status as a regular academy student, which pointed to the message likely being real.

Taking a brief moment to consider, she extended her hand toward the holographic screen. If it wasn't a genjutsu, it seemed real enough. Her curiosity was piqued; she couldn't deny her desire to find out more about this 'Celestial Market'.

 As Junko extended her hand toward the holographic screen, a sense of trepidation lingered. Her fingers tentatively grazed the translucent surface, and a shiver ran down her spine as she made contact. Surprisingly, it wasn't just a visual projection—her touch elicited a tangible response. The holographic interface felt strangely real under her fingertips. It reacted to her touch, yielding with a soft hum as her fingers brushed across it. 

The holographic surface shimmered and morphed with a gentle ripple, as its form changed, and more text materialized under her gaze. Junko's eyes widened as she read the instructions that appeared before her. The description, if it was to be believed, painted a picture of unfathomable opportunities, each transaction filled with incredible possibilities. 

All her Shinobi training dictated that she should be more cautious, in a situation such as this, however despite her wariness her fascination and curiosity won her over as her fingers once again hovered over the holographic surface. 

With a tentative touch, she interacted with the screen once more, delving deeper into this so-called 'Celestial Market'. The hologram responded to her touch, blossoming into a kaleidoscope of options, each more intriguing and baffling than the last.

As Junko delved deeper into the holographic interface, her mind swayed between curiosity and apprehension. The descriptions tantalized her with promises of incredible opportunities, yet the exorbitant prices were mind-numbing. She marvelled at the items available—a kaleidoscope of weapons, scrolls, magic tomes, mystical tools, and even mystifying abilities—each with its own staggering cost.

However, her thoughts were interrupted by a notification blinking at the corner of the screen: a trial offer. An item for a 'meagre' sum of Celestial Coins appeared, presenting her with an entry-level opportunity. The item was a nondescript scroll with vague descriptions of a jutsu. Though the potential was uncertain, the cost was considered both reduced and minimal by the marketplace.

Junko's scepticism warred with her curiosity as she scrutinized the trial offer. The scroll's vague description piqued her interest, promising a jutsu of unknown potential. Her heart raced as she weighed the risks and benefits of the transaction. 

On one hand, if it was real, she would acquire a new jutsu to add to her collection, and all it would cost was all the ryo she had on hand, which realistically could easily be earned back once she starts doing missions. On the other hand, if was fake, not much would change, and she'd simply be back to where she was before, the appearance of the message. 

After a moment's consideration, she decided to take the chance. With a determined nod, Junko tapped on the holographic display, confirming the exchange for the mysterious scroll. A faint shimmer enveloped the item's holographic representation, indicating its successful purchase. An undeniable rush of excitement coursed through her as she eagerly anticipated what lay within the scroll.

However, even amidst her excitement, a lingering sense of doubt hovered at the edges of her thoughts. Was this merely an elaborate hoax? Or had she truly stumbled upon something extraordinary within this mysterious market?

Suddenly, the air began to shimmer and flicker, coalescing into a radiant glow that gathered into the outline of a scroll. As swiftly as it formed, the luminous glow dissipated, leaving a tangible scroll gently descending into her waiting hands.

Junko's eyes widened in surprise, as she examined the newly materialized scroll in her hand. It was a strange sensation to witness something conjured from thin air, but it at least proved the marketplace was the real deal.

She carefully examined the scroll, its surface smooth and unassuming. There were no distinguishing marks or inscriptions visible to the naked eye, leaving her to wonder about the nature of its contents. Trepidation mixed with anticipation as she unrolled it, half-expecting a trap or an empty facade.

However, as the parchment unfurled, intricate characters came into view, symbols etched in elegant calligraphy. They danced across the surface, forming an intricate jutsu diagram. A surge of excitement rippled through Junko. It was a legitimate jutsu scroll, its authenticity beyond doubt.

Driven by curiosity and a rush of excitement, Junko eagerly pored over the scroll's contents, determined to absorb its wisdom. Despite its complexity, the jutsu's principles gradually unfolded before her. Familiar yet advanced, she was even able to recognize the technique from the original story—the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique.

It was a technique developed by the Third Hokage himself, and probably not something she'd be able to use freely any time soon, still, it would prove valuable in her arsenal once she mastered it.

In the solitude of her room, Junko held the scroll, the tangible evidence of her first transaction in the Celestial Market. It wasn't a revolutionary technique or a game-changer in terms of power, yet its significance far exceeded its immediate use. 

The jutsu stood as a symbol of the future and, more importantly, the vast potential within the celestial market. It was a place where any and all dreams and possibilities could be realized, albeit for a price.

The prospect of mastering a jutsu of this calibre fuelled her ambition and offered a glimmer of hope for her future. Excitement coursed through her veins as she visualized the execution of the technique.

As she contemplated the implications of this new discovery, a sense of determination enveloped her. The Celestial Market wasn't just a marketplace; it was an avenue toward her aspirations. If this was akin to making a deal with the devil, she was ready to embrace it wholeheartedly. With a clear goal in mind—acquiring money—she was willing to explore any avenue, undertake any task, to secure her and her family's place in this world.

Her resolve cemented, Junko set her sights on the horizon, fuelled by the determination to make her mark in this vast world. With the Celestial Market's offerings at her fingertips, she was determined to forge her own path, regardless of the costs.