
Pay to Win Uchiha in Konoha (Completed)

Uchiha Yoru will do anything to get money! Selling Konoha's intelligence to enemy villages? Scamming the clan? Scamming little girls out of their pocket money *cough*...? He will do it all! After all, his system is Pay to Win! = Support me in Patreon: — Patreon.com/Bleam

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356 Chs

Chapter 286: Madara, Hashirama, and Tobirama Appeared!

The chaotic scene of the Chunin Exams.

On the rooftop, Uchiha Yoru reveals a realization, "No wonder no one noticed, the Third Hokage has also started using jutsu once considered evil."

Meanwhile, the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, coldly tears off his face mask with one hand.

"For the sake of Konoha, even if I fall into hell, I cannot let the village fall into the evil hands of the Uchiha."

"Is that so!"

With a scornful smile, Uchiha Yoru's figure turns into mud and water, and at the same time, his figure appears on the opposite side.

"What makes you so confident that you can kill me?"

Uchiha Yoru stands calmly on the rooftop, showing no sign of panic.

Outside the Konoha, intense fighting sounds are heard. The first thing seen after breaking through the walls of Konoha is the Sarutobi clan's area, followed by the Ino-Shika-Cho clans bearing the brunt.

Uchiha Yoru glances at the direction of the battle, revealing a smile and even clapping.

"The Third Hokage is indeed cunning, using the Sand ninja to divert my attention and deliberately exposing clues. Even using the Sarutobi clan as bait to shift my thinking, impressive."

At this moment, even Uchiha Yoru can't help but admire, it must be said, the Third is really calculating.

Not only weakening the Sand ninja, but if the plan really works, Konoha under Tsunade's leadership could indeed succeed.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, sneers, "The audacity of these Sand ninja, today I will eliminate the evil Uchiha clan, only then can the village truly be at peace."

"Old man, have you gone mad!"

At this moment, Tsunade, wearing the Fifth Hokage's hat, can't help but shout angrily. She never expected Sarutobi Hiruzen to pretend to be naive for so many years just for this day.

She doesn't understand, at his age, why be so stubborn, and can he really win? Where does this confidence come from?

"Tsunade, the future of the village is in your hands! I cannot fail the Second's expectations, I absolutely cannot watch Konoha fall into the evil hands of the Uchiha."


Sarutobi Hiruzen, in his agitated roar, suddenly has Uchiha Yoru's figure appear behind him, with a Kunai piercing through his heart, showing a pained expression.

"Hehe, truly deserving of being the Third Hokage who fooled the village for so long, impressive."

With Uchiha Yoru's mocking tone, the figure of the Third Hokage gradually turns into mud and water.

"Lord Yoru!"

As Kakashi and Might Guy appear, facing the barrier, Might Guy suddenly roars and explosively shatters a part of the barrier with a kick.

"Kakashi, Might Guy, you two lead the ninja to protect everyone, don't worry about me."

As Uchiha Yoru's voice falls, a huge plume of white smoke suddenly rises within the village.

"Orochimaru, this time I want a hundred sacrifices!"

A familiar, arrogant voice spreads throughout the village, and the ninjas inside, still somewhat in chaos, now show excited expressions.


And on the rooftop of the Chunin Exam venue, as the barrier is broken, the four people maintaining the barrier quickly close the distance.


"Third Hokage, hurry, we can't hold on much longer!"

The Four Violet Flame Formation shrinks into a narrow space, the four ninjas roaring furiously, obviously using secret techniques to temporarily strengthen the barrier, preventing another explosion.

Inside the narrow barrier, Sarutobi Hiruzen shows a crazed expression, forming hand signs and roaring, "Today will be the end for the evil Uchiha clan!"

"Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation!"

At this moment, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen seems eager to let everyone know his jutsu, roaring with all his might.

Uchiha Yoru was originally on guard, thinking that this old guy was about to use a suicide jutsu, but when I suddenly saw it was this, Uchiha Yoru was somewhat astonished.

"Haha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, you, as the Third Hokage, actually practiced jutsu that was once considered evil, haha."

With a disdainful laugh from Uchiha Yoru, there was full of mockery for the Third Hokage, and at the same time, this scene also fell into the eyes of countless ninja of Konoha.

At this moment, the last bit of prestige of the Third Hokage was gone.

"Yoru, be careful!"

Kakashi, who was overseeing security, exclaimed as he saw a smile appear on the face of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, within the barrier.

"Today is the end of the evil Uchiha clan!"


Three coffins slowly rose from the ground.

The first coffin had the character 'Shodai' (First), the second coffin had 'Madara', and the third had 'Nidaime' (Second).


Just as the 'Shodai' and 'Nidaime' coffins were slowly opening, the 'Madara' coffin was suddenly kicked open from the inside.

Under the shattered coffin lid, three figures slowly walked out.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, even the Third Tsuchikage, Fourth Raikage, and Fifth Hokage stared blankly, and the Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi was even more shocked: "This! These are the former Hokages!"

"It's the First Hokage, Second Hokage! And!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed the identities of the three figures coming out of the coffins, but the black-haired, waist-long, arrogant and domineering ninja in red armor was unfamiliar to many.

Meanwhile, Sarutobi Hiruzen, standing behind them, was panting heavily, showing a smile.

"Haha, this is your Uchiha ancestor, Uchiha Madara!"

"Haha, Uchiha Yoru, aren't you powerful, claiming to be the God of the Ninja World! Today your opponents are the First Hokage Denji Hashirama, the First God of the Ninja World, along with the Second Hokage and Uchiha Madara!"

"Standing alongside the First Hokage, your Uchiha ancestor, the Ninja World's Ashura, Uchiha Madara!"

Under the crazy roar of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the three figures who walked out were emitting white smoke, their bodies regaining vitality.

"This is?"

Senju Hashirama, the First Hokage, who had just woken up from his confusion, suddenly saw the scene in front of him, first startled, then burst into exaggerated laughter.

"Haha, Madara, you're here too."

Goodness, such a high-profile entrance, and yet Senju Hashirama, known as the God of the Ninja World, instantly made everyone dumbfounded.

These were unfamiliar people, but those familiar were different.

Tsunade's eyes moistened, looking at this scene in disbelief.

"Brother! Look, the situation seems wrong now, the monkey actually used this jutsu, it seems the village is in big trouble."

Senju Hashirama looked around solemnly, feeling helpless towards his embarrassing elder brother.

And Uchiha Madara, full of dominance, realizing it was not his own resurrection he had prepared for and already in a bad mood, then saw Senju Hashirama's idiotic laughter and couldn't hold back anymore.

"Haha, you idiot!"

Uchiha Madara, who was supposed to be domineering, also instantly broke down, staring at Senju Hashirama, while also observing his surroundings.

He thought to himself, has the time come already, even the Third Hokage is so old, it seems Konoha is in trouble, hence summoning them.

Meanwhile, looking at the three, Sarutobi Hiruzen was excited to tears.

"First Hokage, Second Hokage, the village is currently being controlled by the evil Uchiha, the entire village and the Ninja World are in extremely dangerous condition, please eliminate the evil Uchiha!"

"The evil Uchiha?" Looking at the excited expression of the Third Hokage, Senju Hashirama, although hot-blooded and foolish, was not stupid, constantly scanning the surroundings.

When he saw the Hokage Rock, Senju Hashirama suddenly widened his eyes.

"How many years has it been, monkey? Which Hokage is this? The Seventh? Is it this young man in front of me? But it's a bit too high-profile, why does this young man's portrait have to be a bit higher than everyone else's?"

Senju Hashirama's reflexes are truly worthy of being the reincarnation of Asura's chakra. Such thick nerves seem to be hereditary.

"Idiot big brother, take a good look at the current situation of the monkey (Hokage)."

As the Third Hokage, now using ninjutsu within the village and yet hiding within a barrier, this is very suspicious.

"First Hokage, Second Hokage…"

Inside the barrier, Sarutobi Hiruzen, with tears in his eyes and a look of hatred, looked at Uchiha Yoru and recounted everything that had happened over the years.

But it's a comical sight, a skinny old man, with tears in his eyes, seemingly complaining to his parents about being bullied.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen briefly recounted, the Second Hokage frowned and glanced at the youth outside the barrier.

"The God of the Ninja World? Indeed, it's the arrogant Uchiha."

This was the first reaction of Senju Tobirama, the Second Hokage. Senju Hashirama, the First Hokage, however, laughed and patted Uchiha Madara's shoulder, excited to face his old friend.

"Madara, did you see? My granddaughter Tsunade has become Hokage."

Looking disdainfully at Hashirama, Uchiha Madara sneered, "The Uchiha has charmed a princess of the Senju clan."

"What do you mean, Madara?"

"The young Uchiha has charmed your granddaughter, the Fifth Hokage."

"?" Hashirama was clueless and hadn't reacted yet, while Tobirama couldn't help but start cursing.

"Big brother, the Uchiha actually married Tsunade, unforgivable!"

What! Hashirama finally realized and looked shocked. He turned his head to look at the young man opposite and then at Tsunade in the distance with the Hokage hat. The next moment, "Haha, Madara, look how happy they are, the Senju and Uchiha have finally become one family."

Good grief, Hashirama's slow reaction made Uchiha Madara feel stifled, as if his powerful blow had no effect.


Uchiha Madara couldn't help but snort coldly, and Tobirama, even more frustrated, said, "Big brother, there are so many people here, mind your image."

"Haha, Tobirama, look, Madara's descendant has married Tsunade, woo! I'm so happy. If only Madara had been a woman like Tsunade back then, none of what followed would have happened."

The First Hokage, overwhelmed with emotion, shouted with tears in his eyes. Hearing this, Uchiha Madara's face turned green.

"Hashirama! You should have been the woman!"

Uchiha Madara, usually cool and composed, lost his demeanor in front of Hashirama. The two seemed naturally incompatible, like sworn enemies, and Madara couldn't even maintain his usual demeanor.

"Haha, don't be so serious, Madara."

Hashirama's thick-headedness left Tobirama speechless.

Meanwhile, Uchiha Yoru stopped all the ninjas who were preparing to come forward to help him. Looking at the three who appeared, he smiled.

Three people, it's clear that Sarutobi Hiruzen's ninjutsu still can't bring out all of their strength, but exactly how much, he doesn't know.

However, Uchiha Madara would absolutely not reveal his trump card. And the First Hokage, heh, he might not even be afraid.

"The First, the Second, and Uchiha Madara, it's a pity it's not their prime."

Uchiha Yoru looked disappointed and shook his head with a sigh, this scene was truly impressive.

"Hey, hey, the monkey said it was you, this kid who wants to unify the entire ninja world and even end the co-rule of Daimyos and ninja villages, right?"

Senju Hashirama reacted and looked directly at the young man in front of him, full of curiosity.

Facing the First Hokage, Uchiha Yoru nodded calmly.

"Yes, history has proven that your concept as the First Hokage was wrong. Right after you died, the ninja world erupted into a brutal Ninja World War."

"In fact, your concept was only half correct. A strong power can indeed achieve peace when it suppresses the ninja world, but as this power disappears, people's hearts tend towards war again, evolving from the clan battles of the Warring States Period to conflicts between countries and ninja villages."

Uchiha Yoru calmly stated a fact, and Senju Hashirama, after listening, showed a thoughtful expression and nodded while stroking his chin.

"It seems what you're saying makes quite some sense."

"Big brother!" Senju Tobirama beside him was almost furious, staring wide-eyed.

"Big brother, this kid led the Uchiha clan to control Konoha and the Mist Village, and he even married Tsunade."

In response to the angry Second Hokage, the First Hokage Senju Hashirama laughed and said, "Yeah, this kid seems to be in his twenties, Tsunade is like an old lady, we've made a gain."

What a thought process, Senju Tobirama was shocked by, he could tolerate other things, but not this!

"Besides, as the monkey said, isn't Tsunade still a Senju? And the children she'll have in the future can also be Senjus."

Saying this, Senju Hashirama excitedly waved towards Tsunade in the distance and shouted.

"Little Tsuna, have a few more kids with this kid. With our Senju clan's constitution, one per year is not a problem. The task of expanding the family is yours now."

My goodness, such a loud proclamation, almost everyone heard it, and Tsunade, who was initially excited, was instantly dumbfounded.

The next moment, Tsunade roared in anger and embarrassment: "Shut up!"

She was furious! Her grandfather treated her like what? One child a year? And said she was an old lady in front of everyone.

So embarrassing! Too embarrassing!

"Shut up!"

At the same time, inside the barrier, Senju Tobirama was also embarrassed and hurriedly shouted to stop his brother.

Meanwhile, Uchiha Madara, seeing this scene, felt as if he had a cold cola in the hot summer, instantly refreshed.

"Haha, kid, on this point, I, Uchiha Madara, would call you the strongest!"

At this moment, Uchiha Madara rarely showed an appreciative expression, and even gave Uchiha Yoru his praise.