
Pay to Win Uchiha in Konoha (Completed)

Uchiha Yoru will do anything to get money! Selling Konoha's intelligence to enemy villages? Scamming the clan? Scamming little girls out of their pocket money *cough*...? He will do it all! After all, his system is Pay to Win! = Support me in Patreon: — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · Anime & Comics
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356 Chs

Chapter 131: Competitiveness

"How old can a ninja be at his peak? And how long can it last?"

Facing the sudden question, Orochimaru was taken aback, then showed a thoughtful and mysterious smile.

"Ninjas are different from ordinary people. Chakra has the power to enhance the body and mind, and everyone's amount of chakra is different. However, for a common ninja, if they have excellent medical ninja care in the early stages and their body has no hidden injuries, the ninja's body should fully develop around 17-18 years old. With the passage of time, the peak age is between 20 and 35 years old. How long this stage lasts varies from person to person, as each ninja's constitution is different, and the times cells divide and aging occur naturally differ."

"Chakra is amazing. There's a big difference between the chakra amount of a lower ninja and an upper ninja. As for cells and the body's enhancement, the effects are also vastly different. The constitution of a ninja is determined by the amount of chakra and control. The larger the chakra amount, the stronger the enhancement of the body, thus the peak period lasts longer. However, the strengthening effect on the body under the same chakra amount varies depending on control."

"There's no fixed value for the so-called 'peak period'. Intense and even beyond-limit battles will leave traumas on the body. Some ninjas start to decline in physical function around the age of 30 due to hidden injuries. Therefore, there's no definitive metric for peak performance. However, some ninjas at the very top of the pyramid, with power comparable to the Kage, like the Third Hokage, with a vast amount of chakra and strong control, only reached their cellular limit in their sixties. They would soon start to decline, especially in terms of chakra amount. That's the fragility of life."

One must say, Orochimaru gave a very scientific and evidence-based answer, especially when discussing his teacher, the Third Hokage.

All three of them were disciples of the Hokage and had access to medical ninja care. Orochimaru, being a researcher, definitely had his own skills in medical ninjitsu. However, his path diverged from Tsunade, the legendary medical ninja.

Jiraiya's data shows that he was 50-51 years old during his first appearance in the Chunin exams and was 54 when he died. Who would say Jiraiya had started to decline then? So, powerful ninjas with a strong foundation can maintain their peak until around sixty.

The enhancement of chakra can be seen from ninja academy students and civilians. Children who refine chakra already have physical qualities surpassing adult civilians.

Having a large amount of chakra and control is crucial. Similarly, early resources are essential. Among the three ninja teammates, there's also the strongest medical ninja.

Watching Orochimaru's analysis, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but feel impressed. This is what you call professionalism.

"Teacher, the relationship between soul and body is delicate. The body, being so fragile, somehow manages to protect the soul. Yet, the soul has a much longer life. But where does the soul go after the body dies? Is the body protecting the soul, or is the body merely a vessel? So, I have to conclude, how big is the drawback of the Reanimation Jutsu?"

Seeing his disciple suddenly questioning his proudest technique, Orochimaru showed a serious expression, licking his lips and revealing a raspy smile, "Yoru, what are you trying to say?"

"There are many secrets between the soul and the body. I believe we still have enough time before our bodies weaken. Let's not use our souls and bodies to experiment, especially with forbidden jutsu involving souls. After all, even the once-called God of the Ninja World and the Second Hokage weren't successful, right?"

Uchiha Yoru spoke wisely and cautiously. While science requires bold exploration, it also requires careful verification.

"Teacher, according to our clan's records, the Uzumaki clan seems to have deep research in forbidden soul techniques. There was even an S-class forbidden jutsu in the Uzumaki clan that sacrifices one's soul to summon the Shinigami, which can seal away an enemy's soul. It seems that the Nine-Tails was sealed using such a jutsu."

After talking for so long, Yoru finally touched on the key issue. He doesn't want Orochimaru to perform the Reanimation Jutsu too early.

"Summoning the Shinigami?" Seeing Uchiha Yoru bringing out the foundation of the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru immediately showed an expression of excitement as if discovering a new world.

The Shinobi world is becoming more and more interesting. There's such a miraculous ninjutsu that can summon the death god. What kind of life form is the death god? Has the death god achieved immortality? Does the so-called death god really exist in the legendary Pure Land? And what about the departed souls?

With these scientific thoughts, Orochimaru's face showed excitement, licking the corner of his mouth. "Hehe, perhaps after uncovering the secret of the death god, the mysterious door to the soul will open."

The soul is too mysterious. Even for Orochimaru, he's still a novice when it comes to souls. Why do human bodies age and die? Does the soul age? Or does it not?

Uchiha Yoru nods firmly, "Yes, this forbidden jutsu is called 'Shiki Fujin'. According to family records, this ninjutsu originated from the Uzumaki clan. After the Whirlpool Country was destroyed, this jutsu ended up in Konoha."

"Shiki Fujin!" Orochimaru muttered to himself, thinking this mysterious jutsu might speed up his research.

"It must have been brought by Kushina Uzumaki back in the day. I can't believe the Third Hokage kept this a secret and the Fourth used this jutsu to seal the Nine-Tails!"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes dangerously. He was unaware of such a perilous jutsu in the village. The Fourth Hokage, Minato, knew it, which means Jiraiya also knew. But Orochimaru, being one of the Legendary Sannin, was in the dark. He felt complicated.

"When did you start guarding against your own disciple, Third?"

Although it's a heartbreaking matter, Orochimaru didn't show sadness but coldness instead.

In the original story during the Chunin Exams, when the Third Hokage used the Shiki Fujin, Orochimaru clearly didn't know about it. Orochimaru's Edo Tensei involves souls, but he was clueless about soul-related ninjutsu and had to start from scratch.

Now that Orochimaru knew about soul jutsu, he would search for related jutsu, especially when pursuing the Edo Tensei technique.

He had no leads before and could do as he pleased. But now, someone pointed out a direction. How could a scientist with a spirit of exploration suppress his curiosity?

"Sensei, given your current situation, it's hard to touch this S-rank forbidden jutsu."

Even though Yoru provided direction, he's now saying this. But Orochimaru, facing this challenge, smiled hoarsely.

"Hehe, Yoru, your information is precious. The Uchiha and Uzumaki are the oldest clans in the shinobi world with such rich histories."

Orochimaru credited the ancient clan histories for knowing these secret jutsus. If someone from the Uzumaki clan appeared in Konoha, they'd naturally be noticed.

"But, Yoru, remember this place used to be the old site of the Whirlpool Country. Maybe we can find some secrets of the Uzumaki clan here. It seems their sealing jutsu has many secrets."

Orochimaru licked his crimson tongue and showed an excited and dangerous look. Seeing this, Uchiha Yoru sighed with relief. He believed that with the addition of a new project to the Edo Tensei's foundation, Orochimaru wouldn't perfect his jutsu quickly.

After all, Orochimaru's current physical condition is at least on par with Jiraiya, both being ninjutsu-type ninja with massive chakra. Maintaining peak condition in their fifties isn't a problem.

With a new direction, the release of Orochimaru's Edo Tensei might be delayed. After all, adding a new research direction is intolerable for a scientist pursuing the perfect jutsu.

"Yoru, I will explore the Whirlpool Country to uncover the secrets of the Uzumaki clan."

With a hoarse, sinister laugh echoing in the damp forest, Orochimaru's body slowly turned into mud and disappeared.

Seeing this, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but think that Orochimaru's mud clone technique was slick. He still has a way to go to reach the Three Legendary Sannin level.

But his goal was achieved: to delay the Edo Tensei's development. This way, Orochimaru won't focus on the Sharingan.

Currently, Orochimaru, in his prime, isn't in a hurry. Unless he reaches Hiruzen's age and sees his body starting to weaken, he will get anxious. By then, even if Edo Tensei isn't perfected, Orochimaru will use it to restore his youthful body.

The Whirlpool Country, where the Leaf Village is situated.

In the dense ancient jungle, it feels like entering a world of giants. But the people of the shinobi world have long been accustomed to it, with ninjas like little birds hidden in the trees, cautiously guarding and exploring.

Behind the mountain mine.

The sound of the waterfall reverberates, and at this moment, three tall ninjas are panting heavily, engaged in some kind of ninjutsu practice.

Uzuki Yugao, Kurenai Yuhi, and Mitarashi Anko are all panting. Sweat appears on their noses, and their flushed faces show the intensity of their training.

At this moment, the three women look at each other, a strange atmosphere apparent between them.

Kurenai is silently annoyed. Yugao, so young and shameless, is trying to marry into a rich family, even taking lovers. After all, there are no walls without ears in the world. Combined with the ninja's observational skills and the fact that Yugao doesn't hide too well, word gets out.

Kurenai feels a sourness in her heart. There's also Anko, with her deeply hidden morbid eyes, making Kurenai feel even worse. But thinking of herself, Kurenai can't help but smile bitterly. Who is she to judge? Her own motivations regarding "Yoru" have become complicated.

"Kurenai, you're distracted!"

With a soft reprimand, Kurenai immediately snaps back to reality, looking apologetically at the figure and saying, "Yoru, I'm sorry."

Seeing Kurenai's apology, Uchiha Yoru, with a stern face, replies, "Kurenai, being distracted can be fatal for a ninja. Have you forgotten the basics from the ninja academy?"

Facing Uchiha Yoru's harsh words, Kurenai concentrates. Even though she's reprimanded, she feels warmth in her heart.

Observing that Kurenai understands the deadly consequences of distraction, Uchiha Yoru's stern face gradually softens. He still looks displeased and continues, "Kurenai, genjutsu manipulates chakra to interfere with the opponent's senses, disrupting their chakra and trapping them in illusions."

"Your inherited genjutsu is good, but it's clear that your techniques are limited. You should focus more on evasion (taijutsu). I'll teach you an A-rank ninjutsu without any seals, but I hope you won't need to use it."

Hearing that Uchiha Yoru will teach her an A-rank technique, Kurenai looks solemn.

"Yoru, unless it's a technique you created yourself..."

A-rank techniques are incredibly valuable, even for elite ninjas. Kurenai's serious demeanor is evident to Uchiha Yoru. She then shows another side of herself.

Provocatively, her crimson eyes lock with the others. Uzuki Yugao lowers her head in modesty, given her known lover status with Yoru. But internally, she's competitive, thinking, "What's the fox spirit so proud of?"

However, Mitarashi Anko, seeing Kurenai's assertive look, bares her cute little fangs, acting haughty, and clings to Uchiha Yoru's arm. Her eyes show a morbid possessiveness, feigning innocence.

"Yoru, you said you wouldn't leave me."

Seeing Anko's pitiable act, Uchiha Yoru shows an expression of distress. Feeling the inappropriate closeness of Anko, he states, "Anko, stop being playful. I'll teach you the technique as well. And you too, Yugao."

"I'll teach this seal-less A-rank technique to all three of you. Consider it a secret ultimate technique."

Looking at the three women, Uchiha Yoru looks serious. But as he turns away, the women's gazes collide.

Yugao's status makes her appear weaker, but Kurenai and Anko, once close friends, now seem at odds.

"Anko, I remember you used to love playing at the academy," Kurenai hints with a tone implying something more. Anko, with her wild nature, retorts, "I still love to play, especially with Yoru at home. By the way, I live with him now, and we play every night after dark."

Anko's wild demeanor challenges both women, even her former friend Kurenai.

After all, it was Yoru who approached me first, and he broke up with you, Kurenai. Yoru is mine, and no one can take him away. Looking at Kurenai and Yugao, Anko seems possessive, like a little wildcat fiercely protective of her territory.

However, upon seeing Uzuki Yūgao, Kurenai couldn't help but frown slightly. Though her personality was wild, she was not foolish. The cautiousness of a ninja made her quickly recognize the relationship between them. A pang of jealousy arose in her heart, as if her toy had been taken away.

But when she thought of Uchiha Yoru's identity, a pathological possessiveness appeared in Anko's eyes. The prestigious Uchiha family!

Before, her status matched his, but now! The thought made Anko reveal a sickly smile, looking at Uzuki Yugao and laughing, "Sister Yūgao, your wind release and my fire release, in the future, we will stand behind Yoru together."

After all, Uzuki Yūgao was now one of them, and being a commoner and a lover, she was just like a younger sister. Anko then decided to bring her to her side.

The three women gave off an eerie and dangerous aura for a moment. The already mature and charming Kurenai Yuhi, with her crimson eyes, showed an even more dangerous glint.



— 70 Advance Chapters!

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