
Owned by the Don

He grabbed her hand and turned her to him. She tried struggling but his hold was firm, " you are mine Audrey, whether you like it or not, you are mine" He groaned the words to her. " no I'm not" That only made him chuckle and then carried her to his desk. Acting like a caveman possessed, he moved all things on his desk to the floor violently. " You shall serve your husband as you should, right on this desk" He said and smirked before pecking her on the cheek. Audrey had goosebumps from his touch but she could not summit so willingly like she craved him. " Aiden, stop" her words came out like a whisper but he heard her. " No man on earth can stop me from having you little Audrey " With that, he started ravishing her right on his desk.

Ineh_Maureen · Ciudad
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35 Chs

Chapter 4: Devour her fully

This two were the worst. That was the least of her worries right now, the Don wants her, but why?

Aiden's POV. 😎

I know she was still in shock after that announcement. For the first time in a long time , he was glad to be Capo or some people called him Don.

He was getting the woman he wanted because of his position. All he had to do was say the word, and he got her. Yes, her . She was finally going to be his. Every part of her was going to be owned by him and him alone.

He still remembers her curvy body in that bikini that made her look like a goddess at the beach .

He had gone to the beach with his second-in-commands to release a little bit of steam after a long week only to see the most beautiful woman in his eyes. She was damn his from that day. How could a woman be beautiful, curvy and had a charming smiling smile to complete the equation coupled with her good manners. Wasn't God being unfair to other ladies?

Trust him to have had his fair share of women but this one, he didn't plan on sharing for anything.

She may have not known but she was his from that day, nothing and nobody would stop him.

He saw the shock on her face when he said he wanted her, she didn't even expect him to find interest in her. Maybe she didn't know that he had seen underneath those baggy shirts and puff gowns that hid those curves from the world.

She had large eyes, prominent cheekbones that was unbelievable, a small nose plus a wide smile.

Not to forget her full heart lips that tempted him to devour her fully.

" Don, we are here" His driver said and seconds later, the door opened and he came out. He sighed as he looked at the building they were at.

Oh... That feeling.

The feeling of violence, blood, fear ad bravery ran through every steel and sand in this building.

The Place of Blood.

This was the place where his family all the way from Italy started their very first operation and where many fought for their positions in the Mafia.

He had fought with one of his uncles in this very very building and ended up busting his brains out of his foolish old head.

That was what it means to be the Capo, the Don of the Familias. Violence was inevitable.

Today was going to be hell for somebody. That bastard Carlito dares steal from me, there was going to be hell on earth for somebody today.

He walked towards the door, entering inside the semi completed building with his men following right behind him.

"Ahh, please.. it was a mistake"

That was the stupid voice of Carlito, the stupid Porto Ricost thought he could cheat him and get away with his money.

There was going to be hell to pay. His men were already going their job. As usual, Butcher was on the forefront of the torturing job, the guy knew his job perfectly.

" It seems like I did not arrive early for the party"

He said sarcastically.

" Capo" his men greeted in acknowledgement. All of them stood up except the son of a bitch who was hung upside down and unable to do the same.

This was going to be interesting, first work he had to do after announcing his engagement was a bloody one .

But that made him calm. How many men could say the sight of blood, torture or somebody guilty getting killed gave them peace of mine?

"Capo" Carlito called out in pain. His mouth was filled with blood . His left eye was shut, definitely due to several punches to his face. His nose twisted in an awkward position, that was what butcher specialists in. Torture and butching.

" Butcher like always, you did well"

"Thanks Capo"

" But you can leave him to me now, I will handle the bastard"

" Yes Capo"

Carlito's face seem to be paler, the bastard knew what happened to people if he tortured them himself. Butcher was butcher. Lived by his name, but he was just the devil incarnate and today Carlito would testify to the people in hell his last minutes suffering on earth.

"Capo, I swear I never wanted to do it. I was ordered"

He turned his back to him and removed his expensive suit, the bastard's blood was not worth having his super suit getting stained for. Then he folded his white long sleeve, that was bound to be stained.

" So Carlito, let me who ordered you to steal a five million dollars from me and gave you the assurance that everything was well covered up"

" I would like to know"

He folded his hand on his chest and rested his back on the nearest concrete.

" Please Capo, I never wanted to do it "

" Then don't waste my time, I have an engagement to celebrate "

" It was Mr Santos "

Ohh, this was getting interesting.

" Mr who again?" He asked with his brows furrowed. That old hag had the audacity to send this moron to steal from him. May God help him because Santos was not going to make it to his own daughter's engagement in one-piece.

" It was Mr Santos , the old fool told me about the profits of the deal he sealed on your behalf and he didn't want to do the job... himself and asked me. Oh God...to do it so there won't be any suspicion about it" he constantly groaned in pain as he spoke. More like saying his last words because Aiden could not tolerate the bastard anymore.

He removed his small knife and walked to Carlito before slitting his throne. The bastard struggled for a while before going limp. There was blood everywhere.

Killing somebody with a knife felt like a personal vendetta, more gruesome and even more painful.

Santos was going to get a taste of that feeling, he knew one thing for sure, Audrey was not going to miss the asshole.

Well maybe one way or the other, he would eliminated one of sadistic bastard off the hook of the world and save people lots of stress.

Unfortunately it turned out to be his Father-in-law.