
Owl City's Peliculiar Youths

"Not being Weird is Weird"

goldenscylla · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Pyramid Adventure: The Spiders and their King

"Ready your butts bitches"Crel said when we all stopped in front of a Black jungle door.

"I'll go first"I said but Dax pulled my collar to stop me from walking, Dreze then hold my arms.

"No you won't, I will go"Cedric stated, he summoned a Dead body, a several seconds later, it formed into a Shield causing all of us to laugh.

Cedric opened the door, we all entered one by one, the door then suddenly closed.

"Kyler"I called the Kid so he handed me a Arnis Stick. I'm practicing with this for almost Two weeks and honestly, I'm comfortable with it than a sword. It is called Arnis, also known as Kali or Eskrima or Escrima, it is the national martial art of the Philippines

I pushed Dreze and Dax away from me and defend someone. It's a Spider, a long claws, a body size of a three year old kid and a red glaring eyes.

"Oh Shit! they're all coming!"Matt shouted.

I jumped high and sliced his body, this isn't just an Ordinary Arnis it has a sharp edge. I looked at them, they're also fighting, I wonder how many of them. Keogh was burning all those spiders that's approaching him or others, Cedric was summoning a dead people and Controlled them, Dax was slicing them using his dagger, Flax turned into a chupacabra and smash all of them, Dane, Dreil and Dreze was firing to them, Sky was flying and slicing those Spiders who's crawling at the top, Chryseis is also slicing them using her sword that made of roots, her sword can't be burn fastly because Dax casted a spell on it, Crel and Cris was stabbing them using their trident, Icy's arms turned into a Ice debris and stabbing every spider, the Twins are just standing while looking at us because If they will take off their Mask we are all gonna turn into a rock, Kyle is also fighting, he's realising a lot of gold coins that turns into a dart, Raza is also attacking from above, her bees was attacking those spiders who's trying to go down.

Honestly, we progressed a lot. The first time we've been in a Fight we are all in a chaos and we are competing with each other but now we all got everyone's back.

"Stop looking at us with a smile I know you noticed of how we are all good looking, Hanali! a spider approaching you!"Flax shouted and roar after, does a chupacabra roar?

I turned my back and defend the Spider's claw and sliced him immideatly. A lot of spiders are approaching my way so I swayed my Arnis and attacked them before they would do the same. I'm surprised with my self, I did kill them in a span of six minutes, I just know because i have a watch with me.

I looked at Uno and Dos, they're caught by the huge spider.

"It's their King"Dax said before slicing a spider beside him.

"All of you"they all looked at me.

"Continue fighting to those Spiders who's approaching, I'll get the twins"I stated.

"I'll come with you"Dax said.

"No need, I won't die"I said and smiled before running towards them, the King spider was holding the twins with his Claw.

"Sky! Let me fly! Put me at the top of his head!"I shouted, she gave ne a nod.

I gave her a signal, later on I was flying in the Air. I'm about to land on his head when he moved his claw, good thing Sky was fast but I got a little scratched on my tummy but it's okay, it's just a little.

"I'm sorry!"

"No worries, moved me closer to him!"I shouted back so she nodded.

Sky moved me again, I'm about to stab his eyes when he looked at me directly and kicked , I never knew a Spider can do this.

My body flew but Keogh caught me, he's riding on a small dragon that can fit in this room.


"No worries, I'll let you land on his head, be careful"

Cedric was distracting the King Spider using those Dead people, the Spider keep slicing those corps with his other claws or foot or whatever, on the other hand he's still holding the twins who's just chilled.

"Look at those two, they're all relax while all of us was worried"Keogh complained.

"They're kids"I answered.

We flew at the top of his head, I immideatly jumped and stab his head, he moved a lot causing me to fall to the ground, I stand up and looked at the Twins, the Spider shaked them.

"How can we get that buttholes?"Cris stated and walked towards Chryseis who's having a hard time fighting to those Eleven spiders who's attacking her at the same time.

I jump to a rock and jump to another rock again.

"What are you doing?"Flax asked while flying, so he's the one we ride.

"Calculating the mass of the Earth"I answered and laughed afterwards because of his reaction.

"Ride, I'll calculate the Mass of earth with you the both of laughed. I ride into him and we flew at the Spider head.

"Hanali! Flax! Move!"Keogh shouted, It's too late. Flax and I was hit by it's sharp claw, The two us fell on the ground with a bleeding, face and stomach.

"Chryseis! Heal Flax!"I shouted and run afterwards. I jump to the rock again but fell off when the King Spider moved a rock and enter a room afterwards.

My head was hit on the rock, good thing I didn't doze into sleep. The door is about to close so I stand up and run. I entered and saw nothing.

I walked straight until I saw a lot of skeleton, I walk straight again and hide immideatly.

This is the most tiring Adventure i have, honestly.

I looked at them again, my eyes widened when I saw the Spider opened his mouth.

I headed towards them

"Uno! Take of your Mask!"I shouted, Uno and Dos take of their mask so I turned around because I don't want to become a Rock.

A several minutes later, I heard a shattered noises. When I turned around, the twins already wearing their Mask the Spider vanished.

They run to me and hugged me, I hugged them back and tap their backs.

"You did great, I'm proud if you"I stated, even though they have a mask I know that they smiled.

"Thankyou for saving us"Uno said.

"That's what family do... so now let's head back I heard them calling us"I put my Arnis stick at my back and hold their hands.

"HEY! ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?! IF YES SHOUT! HEY!"it was Matt's voice.

Dos pressed something so the door opened. They all look at us.

"Damn, I'm worried!"Dane exclaimed, they Hugged the twins. Chryseis and Sky went to me and gave me a hug also.

"We should get going now"Keogh stated so we all nodded.