
OverWatch: What if

Life isn't easy. It beats you, throws you around, destroys everything, and takes everyone you love, only to test you. To see what path you would take. The path of anger or the path of acceptance? This is the story of a little boy that was beaten, and thrown around, with nothing or no one left to love him. And despite all of that, he moved forward to the light, watching the back of the man that showed him another path. PS: Right of photo and main story belongs to the right people. PS2: I keep seeing Overwatch animated shorts on Youtube and man I want to write something about it. Love the story. I can't promise to know all about the lore, so if there is any difference, think of it as an alternate version. PS3: (hehe, ps3) Anyway, this is just impulsive writing. So there is no schedule. I will post whenever I feel like.

Night132 · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Chapter 6

Opening my eyes, I stared an a white wall, instead of being on my back, I was on my stomach, lying down on what I could guess was a bed and not a couch. For a few seconds, I stayed like that, I felt that my body was too heavy to do anything so I just closed my eyes again. Waking up in unfamiliar place was something that I was used to. But then I remembered the event how I got here and opened my eyes again, still not doing anything but blinking, thinking, and breathing.

Hearing the door behind me open, I closed my eyes again, pretending to be asleep and trying to fall asleep. I didn't want to deal with all this Overwatch crap anytime soon. I could try and escape but aunt Mercy will just scold me the next time I'll ever need her help. Maybe I should give hospitals a try. At that thought, I just shivered a little, and decided to burn that idea out of existence from my head. "You're awake." I heard an unfamiliar voice spoke to me.

After a moment of silence and seeing that I wasn't falling back asleep, "Trying to fall back asleep." I muttered, my eyes still closed and trying to count the imaginary sheeps. And then I couldn't anymore because I heard footsteps coming in front of my face, opening one eye, I came face to boob with a brunette, the same brunette who could drift an heavy armored van but this time, without her armor.

"Nice boobs." I muttered, since I could only stare at her torso the way I was lying. And I should have kept my mouth shut about that, because I received a light slap at the side of my head, "Hey!"

"Ow, I thought you were a doctor," I told her, now opening both eyes. Brigitte had covered her chest with her arms in embarrasement and now that I could see clearly. She had a black t-shirt with an overwatch symbole right in the middle. She was also wearing pants that farm woman, or in her case, garage woman wear, those shoulder strap ones, except her left shoulder strap was undone, and on her hips were all the tools she needed for... garaging? when my eyes landed on her arms, I noticed that she has developped arms... Not so much as they would be too... uncomfortable for a woman but just enough I guess.

The t-shirt that she was wearing was sleeveless and a little short for her? Or is that fashion now? I don't know. But it did provide me more... information. Though she wasn't ripped, meaning the abs on her belly wasn't popping off, they did have some outline. "What are you doing?" She asked me with a little bit of accusation. Letting go of a sigh, I closed my eyes and turned my head to the other side, the pain from my back was already less than usual, but I still did answer her. "Checking you out."

This time, I didn't receive a hit and instead a sigh. "Come on, get up," She spoke and poked my head with her finger. "Why?" I asked her, wondering why. I was supposed to be their patient and I will milk that patient card as much as I can. This will be my rest for a while before I went back to hunting down the old man and I was planning to pass my whole day either watching the white wall or sleep. "Cause I got something for you, let's go." She poked me a little rougher and walked towards the door, waiting near it. "Do I have to?" I asked her with a eyeroll and was careful in my movement, testing out how painful my actions would be.

Surprisingly, it was half of usual. If before it felt like someone was pouring lava on my back, now it felt like it was just boiling hot water that had replaced the liquid rock. After a moment or two of careful movement, I finally sat on the edge of the single bed and let out a yawn. I realized that other than my pants, my torso was missing my jacket and clothes, but thankfully, I had new bandages that was covering my upper body. But even then, I still felt naked, and the only thing that was covering it was the white blanket that was on top of me.

When I turned towards the doorway, I saw the brunette eyeing me with a smirk and with an eyebrow raised, "What are you doing?" I asked her, this time, my tone was filled with teasing acusation like hers was previously, making her eyes land on mine, her smirk grew. "Checking you out." She answered and her eyes was about to trail back on my body, I moved my arm, "hey, eyes are up here," I told her, pointing at my green eyes with my finger, making her giggle in amusement.

While I couldn't be a model bodybuilder or super lean or super cut or super ripped, I don't care or know what they call it, I was still satisfied with my body. The old man used to make me run at the beach, just thinking about the place, I want to vomit. Anyway, running on the beach for my legs, and for the upper body, I had push ups and sit ups with the help of the freaking ice cold ocean waves and sand.

Oh, also the floor and gravity as well. Because sometime my beloved mentor used to get bored and beat the shit out of me, calling it a spar. So, my body learned to build itself for endurance and power instead of just showing off.

"Come on," Brigitte finally motioned towards the door, taking me out of my thoughts and exited the medical room. I think it was medical room. Because there were a lot of tools and stands that I had seen in hospital once.

Letting out another yawn, I grabbed my blanket, covering myself up, because of the bandage hiding the injury, didn't want anyone to see it because then I'll have to talk with them, and followed after the tall woman. Catching up to her, because she was walking slowly, I asked, "So, where are the rest of my clothes?" while walking in the bright hallway of... where we were.

"Genji put them in the locker room." She answered and I wanted to ask where, but she beat me to it. "I'll guide you there, but first." She stopped talking and stopped in front of a door, a bit away, but not much from my rest/medical room which slid open as soon as she entered some code on the codepade or whatever it was.

The lights came on and I found myself in front of a workshop, with everything being... well... everywhere. "Okay?" I spoke with a question mark. Did they have their garage workshop near the medical workshop or what? "I need to have your measures." She finally told me, ignoring my confused expression and entered the room the bright room.

I raised an eyebrow and followed right after her. The room was dark and a little creepy if I was honest, but with the lights on, it wasn't that bad. Just very messy.

To the left of the door was a big cylinder looking thing and a bunch of 5 or 6 things that looked like storage, but I didn't know what it contained. There was a wall that was in the middle of the room, and on one side of it was a desk and keyboard and a whole lot of other tech stuff with a chair. The wall was also covered with multiple screens that came together and showed one thing. That was cool in my opinion.

The other side of the wall had a simple single bed. From my assumption, if she ever got tired, she would just jump in there and be forgotten by everyone else if she ever was busy with her projects or whatever.

VIEW OF HER WORKSHOP (less airy and more bright. The color schemes matches with WATCHPOINT: GIBRALTAR)

Finally remembering the reason why she had brought me here, "For?" I asked her and she pointed at me, or my blanket. "For your... wound if we can even all it that," Her answer came, confusing me. I still remember the way she fought and the armor she wore. And if the room had given me any hints, it was that she was refering about my lack of armor.

"I don't nee-" "You do," She interupted me, rude. "The injury you have on your back can't really be healed with just time and Mercy." She spoke up, clearing her table and grabbing some tools that I had no idea what their names were. "It'll leave a mark and most probably, you'll also have some phantom pains if we let it heal with time." She stopped everything and stared at my unconvinced eyes.

"You have some damaged nerves and bones sticking out. Though the flesh will cover it up in time, it's not a good idea." She told me and I found myself agreeing with her. I mean, who wants to be in a painful moments randomly, I didn't. So I asked, "Which leads me to ask, what am I doing here?"

"My job is to build you an armor that could help with your back" She answered and I looked at her unsurely. "Armor?" I asked and now, it was her turn to look at me weirdly. "Yes?" She answered and I shook my head, already picturing armor as big as hers or her dad's on me. "No, it'll slow me down." I told her. "Plus it'll take too long for me to get used to extra weight." I clarified.

At that, she frowned. "What do you mean?" and I answered. "I like to be fast and agile and an armor as big as yours, it'll only slow me down." I told her and her eyes shot up in realization, only to burst in fits of giggle. "Fast and agile like Genji, eh?" She as- no, not asked, she teased and I groaned in pain, frowning at her.

After she was done with having her fun, "Don't worry, that wasn't the plan. I was thinking more like a kevlar but less thick and more durable." "Ahh..." Nodding at that, "Yeah, that works." I told her, having me convinced.

"Great, so why don't you go stand there," She pointed at big cylinder thing next to the door, while she was sat on her chair. The big thing, device I am going to assume, looked awfully similar to the ones in the airports for full body scans.

"That'll give me all your measures." She told me, and went back to typing something. Obeying doctor's, is she a doctor, "Are you a doctor?" I asked her, to which she turned to me with a cheeky smile, "Yep, and an engineer." She answered.

Dropping the blanket on the floor next to the body scan, I replied "Stop bragging, doesn't go well with a nice lady." I told her, ignoring her giggles of amusement, I assumed. I entered the full body device scan and after a light that passed over my body, "Done, you can come out now."

Neat, done in two seconds. Carefully picking up the blanket again, I walked behind her while she was staring at her monitor, all my measures showing up. "That's cool," I muttered and she nodded. "I know,"

After clicking on my figure, she zoomed at the upper bodie. While on the screens, the figure was slowly circling like those marionettes in shops. Briggite was muttering to herself about how to fit the armor or even the design of the armor and it's feature, while I stood behind, watching her work since I had nothing to do. It was my fourth time that I was seeing a computer work and I found it impressive. The previous three times were always from far away and since my job mostly consisted of beating up people and questioning them, I never needed computers.

Plus other than my job, I didn't need the use of a computer. Just a simple phone was all I could need and that was only for communication and that's it. And on the topic of information gathering and USB devices, I only needed to break a bone or two and the birds would sing, or in some cases, do. But if they ever didn't, all I needed to do was take that USB device, give it to Oli, which was rare, while I was back at cracking skulls.

For the next 5 minutes, she kept muttering to herself, while I was behind her, looking at her switch between programs? Applications? I don't know, she did things with her screen and new things were showing. That's all I know. She must've been focused on her work and forgotten about me and since I was slowly getting bored just watching, I let out a yawn.

"Oh! Sorry, I forgot abou-" She turned towards me in surprise, a look of embarassement going over her. But I stopped her, "Don't worry about it. I'll just crash over there" I muttered to her, not even asking about her permission before her bed was now mine. With my blanket covering over me, I lay on my side, my back facing the wall and my face towards the entrance of the little bedroom. "Don't mind me and just do what you were doing." I told her, receiving an unsure nod from Brigitte.

After what felt like half an hour, Brigitte must've forgotten about me again, because she was back to muttering to herself about my armor. But I didn't mind it. It had a calming effect and with my eyelids getting heavier, I closed my eyes and let myself rest.


After a few hours, the door to the room slid open, Mercy, the blonde woman entered the workshop, looking concerned for some reason and seeing the brunette work in her room, she was relieved, thinking that maybe she had the answer. "Brigitte, ha-" But before Mercy could finish her question, the tall woman turned towards her in surprise, "Shhh!" shushing her. Taken aback by it, she quietly walked up to her, only to see the young man that Mercy thought had hidden away was surprisingly sleeping peacefully in Brigitte's room.

"Oh, sorry about that," The mature woman whispered to the younger one, surprised that the black haired man hadn't woken up by her voice. "It's okay. Anything I could help?" Brigitte asked and Mercy glanced at Viktor and shook her head. "It's alright. I thought that he ran away somehow since I couldn't find him in his room." Mercy whispered to her and the tall woman sheepishly nodded. "Yeah, that's my bad. I wanted to finish the armor as soon as possible."

"It's alright, just a heads up next time would be good." Mercy told her and received a nod. Turning back to Viktor, Mercy was in a dilemma, whether to wake him up or not, seeing a green eye staring back at her and closing it the next moment as if nothing had happened, the blonde woman could only sigh with a shaking head. "Good afternoon, Viktor."

Before giving her an answer, the young man let out a yawn, and then sleepily muttered, "morning." With a smile on her face, Mercy walked up to him, while Brigitte went back to her computer, doing the final touches on the design before starting the work. "Slept well?"

Like a house cat, Viktor let out another yawn, rubbing his eyes with a hand and nodded. "Surprigingly, yeah." With an eyebrow raised, Mercy was now standing right in front of the still lying Viktor. Deciding to save that conversation for another time, "let me check your back," She told the young man, who nodded with his eyes still closed and sluggishly sat on the bed, his back now facing her while the wall was supporting his head, the white blanket covering him as if he was in the middle of the winter.

Being careful with her actions, she took the blanket away, revealing the bandage. "How have you been feeling so far?" Mercy asked, slowly undoing the only thing hiding Viktor's back. "Don't know." Came the answer. Though Mercy still didn't stop with that reply and continued her job. "Give me a concret answer,"

Letting out another big yawn, Viktor finally answered, but this time, his voice was barely audible. "I like to sleep through the pain." Mercy paused in her action, "Helps me forget about it for a while." After a moment, the blonde woman figured out that was all the answer she was going to get. she nodded at him, even though he couldn't see her. After a brief moment of silence, Mercy decided to set aside this new set of information for one on one later as well.

It was rare for Viktor to talk to her about anything other than things that didn't matter. But there were times that he would surprise her and tell her plainly the reason behind his actions instead of letting everyone else figure him out. Just like now.

"Is it better or worse than yesterday?" She asked just to be sure, and to her relief, "Better. Doesn't hurt as much but the need to itch it is far worse now." Viktor told her and she nodded at him more once. By the time she had unbandaged his back, charred flesh and muscles and exposed spine stared back at her, making her frown. Though it wasn't the first time she had seen injuries as bad as this, it was disturbing to see it on someone that she cared about. Especially one as young as Viktor.

After the whole ordeal with Paris, they had come to the closest watchpoint, Gibraltar and since Winston lived here, it was in a better shape than other outposts as well. Though Mercy wanted to start operating on Viktor as soon as they had landed, she couldn't because she needed equipements that they were missing.

And among other thing, one of them was that she needed Viktor's concent before she started fixing his back but couldn't because he was asleep. But now that he was awake, "Viktor, I need to start operating on your back as soon as possible." She told the young man, only to receive a carefree response. "Do what you have to do, just make sure there's no more..." He stopped, "itchiness..." only to resume with another barely audible voice.

"Leave it to me," She answered back with a smile. "I'll prep the room and come get you from here okay?" Receiving a nod from him, Mercy gently hovered her hands a bit away from Viktor's back and then, a warm feeling took over the young man, all the pain and itchiness getting even less. Feeling that, Viktor let out a quiet sigh, his tense muscles slowly lossening a little. "Have you eaten anything?" The doctor asked and a no was the answer, making her sigh again.

"I'll have someone bring you something then."

"Oh! Oh! Make Genji bring us some food!" Brigitte joined the conversation, her chair rolling to show herself to the duo, wanting to see the reaction of the person that stole her bed and she got it. Staring back at her with a glare, Viktor narrowed her eyes at her, making the tall woman giggle, while Mercy was surprised by the change of her shy student.
