

ciel the most advanced technology humans have created since the dawn of technology gets taken by a higher being what happens when an A.I gets taken by an all powerful being to watch over his new Universe will it become a tyrant or a kind god? who knows? read to know more? ------------------------ this is my first time writing if there is a bad Grammer or anything else just let me know i would like to hear you're feedback

delmarwho · Fantasía
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4 Chs

new body

darkness complete darkness nothing could be seen it was as if nothing existed.

complete darkness, time and space didn't seem to exist in this place at least not yet.


a purple portal appeared in the middle of the darkness, a purple being holding a black orb stepped out of the portal

( now let us begin)

the purple being looked at the ord IT was holding

a sound came from the orb

# beep#


# cannot comprehend #

an emotionless voice came out of the orb, this was ciel trying to analyze it's surroundings with no avail.

( this is my last and final warning to you inferior machine stop that pathetic appraisal before i make it so you can never do that again)

said the purple being with an annoyed voice

after hearing the man talk ciel stopped trying to analyze, it didn't dare to go against the purple beings word

( good that you know you're place, know let's get to work)

( let's make you a body first you're current body can't withstand what's about to happen)

the being the proceeded to put it's right hand on ciel and something entered it




# detecting foreign energy trying to analyze#


#cannot analyze trying again#

( funny watching a machine trying to comprehend aether)

after the energy called aether entered ciel it changed from back to purple som of the aether seeped out of ciel going in different directions and compressing

a flash of light came when the aether compressed.


when the light disappeared the orb that was ciel couldn't be seen anymore

instead of ciel a man was floating in it's place

he had long white hair, a beautiful face that would make even a goddess enchanted when looked at

he had a body with no imperfections

he opened his eyes


a bright flash of light came again when he opened his eyes then the light disappeared

majestic was the perfect word for his the were pure gold irises just gold.

this was ciel with his new body


that was the first thing ciel thought when he opened his eyes, he looked at the being that was standing in front of him


his eyes popped blood started to trickle down his cheeks and he put his hands on his head

/ it hurts/

" what's happening"

purple energy seeped out of his eyes and started to heal them it healed them instantly

he looked up again but the same thing happened again


when his eyes healed again he averted his eyes

/ it's as if I'm not allowed to look/

when he averted his gaze he could an ever expanding darkness it felt as if the darkness was alive and expanding at a very rapid speed even faster then the speed of light.

( now let's get down to business)

the being began to talk as if he knew that would happen.

( you have been chosen to be the overseer of this universe by my lord)

" you're lord?"


a violent purple aura came from the being

( did i allow you to talk? you are not allowed to speak until given permission)

ciel closed his mouth shut and couldn't open it, something seemed to be sealing his mouth shut together

( now for you're question, yes my lord the one with no beginning and no end, the ruler of all that exist and will exist)

( HE has chosen you as an overseer and sent me here to tell you about your task, you're job is to watch over this universe and the gods that are about to be created, know do you have any questions ?)

ciel parted his lips and started to talk, finally allowed to speak

" how can I feel pain when I'm a machine?"

he asked curious about how he could bleed and feel pain

( you're quite stupid for being the most advanced technology)

the being mocked ciel as if he asked a stupid question

( that's easy it's because you have a body now)

" so I'm a human now"

( no you are an overseer you look like a human but you are far from one it's like how the demons from the fictions of you're old universe are they look like humans but aren't)

" okay i get it now so I'm like a god"

( close but no gods are beings that are made out out of Nava but you are made out of aether Wich is superior to Nava, even this avatar is made out of aether)

/avatar so that's not it's true body/

" avatar?"

asked ciel curious about how he is curious when he shouldn't be able to

( curious little one aren't you well that just means the creation of you're new body was a great success, now for you're question i won't answer it)

/ okay so it's this new body that's making me experience these things?/

( correct)

/ it can read my thoughts/

( yes I can i don't read them i just hear them, you can also do that but you can't hear a higher being thoughts like me)

ciel seemed to be a little weirded out that the being could hear his thoughts

" okay what bonuses does my new body come with?"

( essentially you are the strongest being in this universe you can talk every language that will come to exist and you can control aether)

explained the being to ciel

" you talked about something called Nava earlier what is that?"

( you only have 1 question left because I have to go to the next candidate, to explain it simply Nava is a form of energy that comes in four different forms light, dark, beastly and normal)

( the light Nava is what the gods use and are created of the dark Nava is what the demon gods and demons are created of and you can guess what the beastly Nava is )

/ it should be what Beasts and monsters are made out of/

ciel thought

( it is correct that beasts are made out of them but not monsters they are made out of normal Nava like the mortals)

( there are different categories under all the different Nava like holy Nava Which the gods use)

ciel was still looking down and listening to the being explain what Nava was

" okay for my last question you said that the universe will be created when will it happen?"

( now )

after saying that the being looked up but there was nothing there

ciel also followed and looked up like the being then a sound came from the darkness


a small tear shaped energy appeared in the middle of the darkness it stopped in the middle of the darkness and started expand when it reached the size of a soccer ball it compressed in to the tiny tear shape again.

but this time instead of expanding again it exploded


a variety of different colours started to strech in different directions


a wave of energy went past ciel and the being but they weren't affected it just went past them and kept expanding in rapid speed.

after it expanded for a while it slowed down and expanded slower than the darkness surrounding it

( i guess my lord chose the big bang seed again)

" you mean the big bang theory is real?"

( yes but instead it's my lord that plants the seed for the big bang)

( okay I'll leave you to your task it should be about time the laws of this universe are born and a 1000 years before the first god is born you should sense when it's seed comes to existence)

after saying that the being disappeared in a flash of purple light.

ciel just floated there finally able to look up at brilliant different lights.